Mining Well-Being Solutions

Mining Well-Being Solutions


Well-being for the mining industry

About us

Research shows that high levels of well-being positively impact profit margins through increasing innovation. And the price taker profit model of mining makes innovation in production cost efficiency crucially important to competitive advantage. But, the default conditions of the mining industry are fundamentally at odds with the required precursors to well-being. Without intentional and strategic action, the mining industry risks missing out on leveraging this potent resource for competitive advantage. Katherine Bush Consulting combines industry experience with the science of positive psychology to enhance the mental health of your workforce to drive innovation, boost productivity, and create a lasting competitive advantage.  K Procurement offers a solution to this dilemma by providing a skilled source and supply service carrying out extensive supply chain research, investigating and presenting a variety of supply options, instilling confidence that money is being spent in the best way to deliver the best results.

Company size
1 employee
St Albans
Public Company
Sourcing and Procurement



  • ❓ Are you a site-based mining professional who finds yourself continually questioning whether to stay in your career? ❓ Mining offers financial security, but it often comes at the cost of personal happiness. Many site based professionals find themselves stuck in a lucrative job yet are living with a persistent sense of dissatisfaction due to the enduring difficult conditions. You keep telling yourself, "Just one more bonus, one more share package," all while thinking, "I’ll be happy when I’ve saved enough to finally start my life." After 10 years in mining, working as an expat on site under challenging conditions, I know this conflict all too well. I valued my career and the financial rewards, but I refused to accept that financial security in mining must come at the cost of happiness. And I was right. Research shows that well-being isn’t something you simply have—it’s something you intentionally cultivate. I still live on site, but now, instead of working for the mine, I offer well-being services to site-based mine employees where my job is to make you aware of the fact that happiness and financial security in mining are not mutually exclusive, and guide you in applying these principles. Just as a personal trainer optimizes your fitness, my coaching optimizes your mental well-being without requiring a career change. My practice is designed specifically for mining professionals who want to improve their well-being while staying in the job they’re financially committed to. If this resonates with you, you're exactly the client I’m here to help. If you're ready to take action, schedule a consultation below—I’d love to show you how I can help. And if you know this is a problem and want to raise awareness about what can be done, please share this post. #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #MiningIndustry #Coaching #FIFO #ExpatLife #WorkLifeBalance #PersonalDevelopment

    Consultation Call

    Consultation Call

  • Understanding Psychological Capital (PsyCap): A Game Changer in Mining Psychological Capital (PsyCap)—Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, and Optimism (HERO)—is crucial in the mining sector. PsyCap enhances well-being, driving innovation, essential for success in a price-taker model. 🔍 What is PsyCap? PsyCap is characterized by: - Hope: The determination and planning to achieve goals. - Efficacy: Confidence in one's abilities to meet challenges. - Resilience: The strength to recover and grow from adversity. - Optimism: The positive expectation of future success. 📈 Why PsyCap Matters: Luthans et al. (2007) found that high PsyCap boosts job satisfaction and performance. Coaching develops PsyCap by enhancing determination, confidence, resilience, and positive outlooks. 💡 Mining Benefits: Higher PsyCap in mining increases well-being, fostering innovation crucial for competitiveness. Diener et al. (2010) showed a causal link between well-being and increased innovation. Furthermore, Neve, Kaats, and Ward (2023) provide proof of a significant relationship between employee well-being and organizational profitability. Connect below to explore how coaching can elevate your PsyCap and drive success in mining. Connect here- #PsyCap #Coaching #Innovation #MiningWellBeing #Leadership

    Mining Well-Being Solutions | LinkedIn

    Mining Well-Being Solutions | LinkedIn

  • Well-Being: The Untapped Competitive Advantage in Mining 1. Increased Innovation and Productivity: Research consistently shows that well-being directly correlates with enhanced innovation and productivity. In the demanding and dynamic environment of mining, where every edge counts, fostering a workforce that is both physically and mentally resilient can significantly drive progress and efficiency. 2. Sustainable Workforce Engagement: The future of mining demands not only technological advancement but also a sustainable and engaged workforce. Well-being initiatives grounded in positive psychology not only reduce burnout and turnover but also cultivate a culture of loyalty and dedication. Katherine Bush Consulting is pioneering these transformative well-being programs, tailor-made for the unique challenges of the mining sector. 3. Future-Proofing the Industry: As we move towards an increasingly competitive and complex global market, the mining companies that prioritize the well-being of their employees are the ones that will stand out. By implementing positive psychology practices, Katherine Bush Consulting is not just improving the present; it’s laying the groundwork for a more resilient, innovative, and successful future in mining. At Katherine Bush Consulting, we believe that the well-being of employees is not just a policy—it's a strategic imperative that drives everything from day-to-day operations to long-term planning. Let’s redefine what it means to be competitive in mining. #MiningInnovation #WorkplaceWellbeing #CompetitiveAdvantage #PositivePsychology #FutureOfMining

  • 🌟 New Research Alert 🌟 A groundbreaking study by De Neve, Kaats, & Ward (2023) from the Wellbeing Research Centre has just turned the spotlight on an untapped resource for the mining industry: Workplace Well-being. 🚀 Key Takeaway: Companies that prioritize the well-being of their employees aren't just better places to work; they're also more profitable and innovative. This isn't just good news; it's a strategic imperative. For the mining sector, known for its intense demands and challenging environments, this revelation presents a monumental opportunity. Well-being is no longer a nice-to-have but a crucial lever for enhancing profitability and securing a competitive edge. 💡 Think about it: What if investing in the well-being of your workforce could unlock levels of innovation and efficiency previously deemed unattainable? The evidence is clear. As we navigate the pressures and challenges of the mining industry, integrating well-being into our core strategy isn't just beneficial; it's essential. The future of mining lies in the well-being of its people. KBC supports mining companies to make well-being a priority and leverage the power it has to transform our work, our workforce, and our bottom line. #MiningIndustry #WorkplaceWellbeing #CompetitiveAdvantage #Innovation #Profitability