Food Standards Agency

Food Standards Agency

Government Administration

London, England 127,439 followers

Food you can trust. Our vision is to make sure food is safe, what it says it is, healthier and more sustainable.

About us

We are the Food Standards Agency. It’s our job to use our expertise and influence so that people can trust that they consume is safe, what it says it is, healthier and more sustainable. We want people to understand the truth about where our food comes from and what’s in it, and to have access to an affordable, healthy and sustainable diet, now and in the future. In short, our mission is food you can trust. We work transparently and base our decisions and guidance on the latest science and evidence.

Government Administration
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
London, England
Government Agency
Science & Evidence, Protecting & Empowering Consumers, Open Engagement, Campaigning, Innovation, food regulation, food hygiene, and food safety


Employees at Food Standards Agency


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    Peanut Allergy Alert Advice You may have seen recent coverage or information regarding mustard ingredients contaminated with peanuts. The FSA are advising people who have a peanut allergy to avoid consuming foods that contain or may contain mustard ingredients. Our latest blog post explains more about why we are issuing this advice, what consumers should look out for and what businesses should be doing: As always, we urge people with an allergy to sign up to our allergy alerts, to get future allergy product recall alerts by email or SMS text message. This is a free service. Efallai y byddwch wedi clywed sôn yn ddiweddar am gynhwysion mwstard sydd wedi’u halogi â physgnau. Mae’r ASB yn cynghori pobl ag alergedd i bysgnau i osgoi bwyta bwydydd sy’n cynnwys neu a allai gynnwys cynhwysion mwstard. Mae ein blog diweddaraf yn esbonio mewn mwy o fanylder pam rydym yn cyhoeddi’r cyngor hwn, yr hyn y dylai defnyddwyr edrych amdano a’r hyn y dylai busnesau fod yn ei wneud: Fel bob amser, rydym yn annog pobl ag alergedd i danysgrifio i’n rhybuddion alergedd er mwyn cael rhybuddion ‘galw cynnyrch yn ôl’ yn y dyfodol trwy e-bost neu neges destun. Mae’r gwasanaeth hwn yn rhad ac am ddim. Tanysgrifiwch heddiw:

    • Image with the text 'Urgent Allergy Advice. Mustard ingredients contaminated with peanuts'. Includes image of peanuts in a wooden spoon.
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    🍭 Selling Imported Sweets? Ensure they meet UK food safety standards. Imported products, particularly from the US, may contain unauthorised additives or lack proper allergen labelling. Important checks: ✅ Ensure all additives are authorised for use in Great Britain and meet regulation 1333/2008. ✅ Watch out for excessive use of additives, such as E133 Brilliant Blue or unauthorised ingredients like white mineral oil. ✅ Follow guidelines on Group 3 colours, and remember that certain colours like E102, E110, and E129 require warnings about potential effects on children. ✅ Report any suspicious products to Trading Standards or the FSA hotline: 0800 028 1180. Protect your customers and your business this Halloween by ensuring compliance with UK safety standards. Learn more about managing grey market goods ▶️ #HalloweenSafety #BusinessCompliance #FoodSafety 🎃🦇🧟💀👻 🍭 Gwerthu melysion wedi’u mewnforio? Cofiwch sicrhau eu bod yn bodloni safonau diogelwch bwyd y DU. Gall cynhyrchion wedi’u mewnforio, yn enwedig cynhyrchion o’r Unol Daleithiau, gynnwys ychwanegion anawdurdodedig neu beidio â chynnwys y labeli priodol ar gyfer alergenau. Gwiriadau pwysig: ✅ Sicrhewch fod yr holl ychwanegion wedi’u hawdurdodi i’w defnyddio ym Mhrydain Fawr a’u bod yn bodloni Rheoliad 1333/2008. ✅ Cadwch lygad am ddefnydd gormodol o ychwanegion, fel E133 Brilliant Blue, neu gynhwysion anawdurdodedig fel olew mwynol gwyn. ✅ Dilynwch y canllawiau ar liwiau Grŵp 3, a chofiwch fod angen rhoi rhybuddion ar gyfer rhai lliwiau fel E102, E110 ac E129 mewn perthynas â'r effeithiau y gallent eu cael ar blant. ✅ Rhowch wybod am unrhyw gynnyrch amheus i Safonau Masnach neu ffoniwch linell gymorth yr ASB: 0800 028 1180. Gofalwch am eich cwsmeriaid a’ch busnes y Calan Gaeaf hwn trwy sicrhau eich bod yn cydymffurfio â safonau diogelwch y DU. Dysgwch fwy am reoli nwyddau’r farchnad lwyd: ▶️ #DiogelwchCalanGaeaf #CydymffurfiaethBusnesau #DiogelwchBwyd

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    Running a small business? SFBB helps you manage food safety procedures effectively. These practical packs cover everything from cross-contamination and chilling to cleaning and management—keeping your business compliant with food hygiene regulations. 📊 Why use SFBB? Train staff and support good hygiene practices Improve your food hygiene rating Protect your business’s reputation Easily manage daily records with our downloadable diaries Whether you're a caterer, retailer, or childminder, there's an SFBB pack tailored to your needs. Start using it today to ensure safer food practices in your business. 📥 Download your SFBB pack now ▶️ #FoodSafety #SmallBusiness #SFBB #SaferFoodBetterBusiness --- Ydych chi’n rhedeg busnes bach? Mae ‘Bwyd Mwy Diogel, Busnes Gwell’ (SFBB) yn eich helpu i reoli gweithdrefnau diogelwch bwyd yn effeithiol. Mae’r pecynnau ymarferol hyn yn trafod popeth, o groeshalogi ac oeri i lanhau a rheoli, gan sicrhau bod eich busnes yn cydymffurfio â rheoliadau hylendid bwyd. 📊 Pam defnyddio SFBB? Er mwyn hyfforddi staff a hybu arferion hylendid da Er mwyn gwella’ch sgôr hylendid bwyd Er mwyn rheoli’ch cofnodion dyddiol yn rhwydd gyda’n dyddiaduron lawrlwythadwy P’un a ydych yn arlwywr, yn fanwerthwr neu’n warchodwr plant, mae gennym becynnau SFBB sydd wedi’u teilwra i anghenion pawb. Dechreuwch ddefnyddio’r pecynnau heddiw i sicrhau arferion bwyd mwy diogel yn eich busnes. 📥 Lawrlwythwch eich pecyn SFBB nawr ▶️ #DiogelwchBwyd #BusnesBach #SFBB #BwydMwyDiogelBusnesGwell

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    🔬 Food for Thought Webinar: UK Insect Farming - Opportunities and Challenges As the global demand for sustainable food solutions grows, insect farming is emerging as a viable source of feed, food, and much more. But what are the opportunities and hurdles in scaling this industry in the UK? Join us on 16th October, where Gesa Dr Reiss, Innovation Fellow at the University of Leeds, will delve into the potential of insect farming in the UK. Using real-world case studies and research findings, Dr Reiss will explore how this sector can contribute to creating economically viable circular bio-economies at farm level. 📌 Key takeaways: ▶️Understand the current landscape and innovations in UK insect farming ▶️Explore the challenges faced by the industry and the steps needed for growth ▶️Learn how systems integration can advance sustainable agriculture in the UK 🗓️ Date: 16th October 🕐 Time: 13:00 - 14:00 BST 🌐 Location: Online 🔗 Register here to gain valuable insights into the future of insect farming ➡️ #Agriculture #InsectFarming #CircularEconomy #AgriSystems --- 🔬 Gweminar Cnoi Cil: Ffermio Pryfed yn y DU – Cyfleoedd a Heriau Drwy’r byd i gyd, mae’r galw am ddod o hyd i ddulliau ar gyfer cynhyrchu bwyd cynaliadwy yn tyfu, ac mae ffermio pryfed yn dod i’r amlwg fel ffynhonnell hyfyw o fwyd anifeiliaid, bwyd, a llawer mwy. Ond beth yw’r cyfleoedd a’r rhwystrau wrth ehangu’r diwydiant hwn yn y DU? Ymunwch â ni ar 16 Hydref, pan fydd Dr Gesa Reiss, Cymrawd Arloesedd ym Mhrifysgol Leeds, yn trafod potensial ffermio pryfed yn y DU. Gan ddefnyddio astudiaethau achos o’r byd go iawn a chanfyddiadau ymchwil, bydd Dr Reiss yn archwilio sut y gall y sector hwn gyfrannu at greu bio-economïau cylchol sy’n hyfyw yn economaidd ar lefel fferm. 📌 Pwyntiau dysgu allweddol: ▶️Deall y dirwedd bresennol a’r datblygiadau arloesol ym maes ffermio pryfed yn y DU ▶️Archwilio’r heriau a wynebir gan y diwydiant a’r camau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer twf ▶️Dysgu sut y gall integreiddio systemau hybu amaethyddiaeth gynaliadwy yn y DU 🗓️ Dyddiad: 16 Hydref 🕐 Amser: 1pm – 2pm 🌐 Lleoliad: Ar-lein 🔗 Cofrestrwch yma i gael cipolwg gwerthfawr ar ddyfodol ffermio pryfed ▶️ #Amaethyddiaeth #FfermioPryfed #SystemauAmaeth #Arloesi

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    The Food Standards Agency has won a bid to run a ground-breaking programme on cell-cultivated products (CCPs). In collaboration with Food Standards Scotland (FSS), we’re delighted to have been awarded £1.6 million in funding from the Government’s Engineering Biology Sandbox Fund (EBSF) to launch the innovative programme. The UK is one of the largest potential markets for cell-cultivated products (CCPs) in Europe. Currently, there are none approved for human consumption. This is because CCPs are new, complex and unlike anything previously available in the UK. We need to learn more about these products and how they’re made to make sure they’re safe to for consumers to eat. The new programme will allow us to recruit a new team to work across the FSA and FSS, gathering rigorous scientific evidence on CCPs and the technology used to make them. This information will enable us to make timely science and evidence-based recommendations about product safety and address questions that must be answered before any CCPs can enter the market. It will also allow us to better guide companies on how to make products in a safe way and how they can demonstrate this to us. Ensuring consumers can trust the safety of new foods is one of our most crucial responsibilities. The CCP sandbox programme will enable safe innovation and allow us to keep pace with new technologies being used by the food industry to ultimately provide consumers with a wider choice of safe foods. For more information ▶️ --- Mae’r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd wedi ennill cais i redeg rhaglen arloesol ar gynhyrchion a wneir drwy feithrin celloedd (CCPs). Mewn cydweithrediad â Safonau Bwyd yr Alban (FSS), rydym yn falch iawn o fod wedi cael £1.6 miliwn o gyllid gan Gronfa Blwch Tywod y llywodraeth ar Beiriannu Bioleg i lansio’r rhaglen arloesol. Mae’r DU ymhlith y mwyaf o’r marchnadoedd posib ar gyfer CCPs yn Ewrop. Ar hyn o bryd, nid oes unrhyw gynhyrchion o’r fath wedi’u cymeradwyo i’w bwyta gan bobl. Mae hyn oherwydd bod CCPs yn newydd, yn gymhleth ac yn wahanol i unrhyw beth a oedd ar gael yn flaenorol yn y DU. Mae angen i ni ddysgu mwy am y cynhyrchion hyn a sut y cânt eu gwneud, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn ddiogel i ddefnyddwyr eu bwyta. Bydd y rhaglen newydd yn ein galluogi i recriwtio tîm newydd i weithio ar draws yr ASB ac FSS. Bydd y tîm yn casglu tystiolaeth wyddonol drylwyr ar CCPs a’r dechnoleg a ddefnyddir i’w gwneud. Bydd yr wybodaeth hon yn ein galluogi i wneud argymhellion amserol mewn perthynas â diogelwch cynhyrchion, a hynny ar sail gwyddoniaeth a thystiolaeth. Bydd yr wybodaeth hon hefyd yn ein helpu ni i fynd i’r afael â chwestiynau y mae’n rhaid eu hateb cyn y gall unrhyw CCPs fynd ar y farchnad. Am ragor o wybodaeth ▶️

    Groundbreaking sandbox programme for cell-cultivated products announced

    Groundbreaking sandbox programme for cell-cultivated products announced

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    We are recruiting Trainee and Qualified Official Auxiliaries next month to work in abattoirs across the country. You'll have the chance to speak with an Official Auxiliary and hear about: ▶️ the roles available ▶️ what it’s like to work for the FSA ▶️ the benefits of working with us ▶️ the training you can expect ▶️ the recruitment process Register now for our online open evening to learn about working as an Official Auxiliary at the Food Standards Agency. It’s on Wednesday 23 October at 5pm ▶️ #jobs #hiring --- Byddwn yn recriwtio Swyddogion Cynorthwyol Swyddogol dan Hyfforddiant a Swyddogion Cynorthwyol Cymwys fis nesaf i weithio mewn lladd-dai ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. Bydd cyfle i siarad â Swyddog Cynorthwyol a fydd yn trafod y canlynol: ▶️ y swyddi sydd ar gael ▶️ sut brofiad yw gweithio i’r ASB ▶️ y manteision o weithio gyda ni ▶️ yr hyfforddiant y gallwch ei ddisgwyl ▶️ y broses recriwtio Ewch ati i gofrestru ar gyfer ein noson agored ar-lein lle gallwch ddysgu am weithio fel Swyddog Cynorthwyol yn yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd. Bydd y digwyddiad yn cael ei gynnal ddydd Mercher, 23 Hydref am 5pm ▶️ #Swyddi #Recriwtio

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    Today we've published 'Our Food 2023: An annual review of food standards across the UK.' It is the third in a series of annual reports with Food Standards Scotland since the UK left the EU. Our Food 2023 is an evidence-based assessment of food standards across all four nations. Our analysis suggests that food standards in the UK remained stable during 2023. Yet there are questions about the resilience of our food system for the future. So, we are highlighting three areas that government, businesses and regulators need to work together to address. 1️⃣ More needs to be done to ensure that consumers can access safe, nutritious food against a backdrop of rising prices 2️⃣ After a long-term decline in numbers, pressure on the local authority workforce continues, with a significant backlog in the number of food businesses awaiting inspection 3️⃣ Without a reliable and secure resourcing model for Official Veterinarians, there is increased risk of disruption to the UK meat chain in the years ahead due to staff shortages, as well as increasing costs that will be passed on to businesses and consumers We’re asking government, industry and regulators to work together on these and the other challenges highlighted in our report. The cooperation of everyone in the food system, from government departments and food businesses, to our colleagues in local authorities, remains essential for ensuring people have access to safe, healthy and sustainable food. Download the full report now: #FoodStandards - Heddiw, rydym wedi cyhoeddi ‘Ein Bwyd 2023: Adolygiad blynyddol o safonau bwyd ledled y DU’. Dyma’r trydydd mewn cyfres o adroddiadau blynyddol ar y cyd â Safonau Bwyd yr Alban ers i’r DU adael yr UE. Mae Ein Bwyd 2023 yn defnyddio tystiolaeth i asesu safonau bwyd ar draws pob un o’r pedair gwlad. Mae ein gwaith dadansoddi’n awgrymu bod safonau bwyd yn y DU wedi aros yn sefydlog yn ystod 2023. Er hynny, mae cwestiynau’n codi o ran gwydnwch ein system fwyd at y dyfodol. Felly, dyma dynnu sylw at dri maes y mae angen i’r llywodraeth, busnesau a rheoleiddwyr gydweithio arnynt i fynd i’r afael â’r cwestiynau hyn. 1️⃣ Mae angen gwneud mwy i sicrhau bod defnyddwyr yn gallu cael gafael ar fwyd diogel a maethlon, er gwaethaf y cynnydd mewn costau 2️⃣ Ar ôl gostyngiad hirdymor mewn niferoedd, mae’r pwysau ar swyddogion iechyd yr amgylchedd a safonau masnach mewn awdurdodau lleol yn parhau’n drwm, gydag ôl-groniad sylweddol yn nifer y busnesau bwyd sy’n aros am arolygiad 3️⃣ Heb fodel dibynadwy a diogel ar gyfer cyflogi milfeddygon swyddogol, mae mwy o risg o amharu ar gadwyn gig y DU yn y blynyddoedd i ddod oherwydd prinder staff, yn ogystal â chostau cynyddol a fydd yn cael eu trosglwyddo i fusnesau a defnyddwyr Rydym yn gofyn i’r llywodraeth, y diwydiant a rheoleiddwyr gydweithio ar yr heriau hyn a’r heriau eraill a amlygwyd yn ein hadroddiad. Lawrlwythwch yr adroddiad llawn ➡️

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    In the food industry, ensuring the safety and quality of what we produce is non-negotiable. That's where the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system comes into play. HACCP helps businesses: ▶️ Identify potential hazards and assess risks. ▶️ Focus on critical control points to eliminate or minimize risks. ▶️ Establish corrective actions if something goes wrong. ▶️ Monitor procedures to ensure they are effective. ▶️ Keep records to prove your procedures work. Whether you're running a small food manufacturing business or a larger operation, having robust food safety management procedures based on HACCP principles is essential. Curious to learn more? Discover how HACCP can elevate your food safety standards ▶️ #HACCP #FoodSafety --- Yn y diwydiant bwyd, does dim dewis ond sicrhau diogelwch ac ansawdd yr hyn a gynhyrchwn. O ystyried hyn, mae’r system Dadansoddi Peryglon a Phwyntiau Rheoli Critigol (HACCP) yn hollbwysig. Mae HACCP yn helpu busnesau i: nodi peryglon posib ac asesu risgiau canolbwyntio ar bwyntiau rheoli critigol er mwyn dileu neu leihau risgiau sefydlu camau unioni os aiff rhywbeth o’i le monitro gweithdrefnau i sicrhau eu bod yn effeithiol cadw cofnodion i brofi bod eu gweithdrefnau’n gweithio P’un a ydych chi’n rhedeg busnes gweithgynhyrchu bwyd bach neu sefydliad mwy o faint, mae bod â gweithdrefnau rheoli diogelwch bwyd cadarn sy’n seiliedig ar egwyddorion HACCP yn hanfodol. Awydd dysgu mwy? Darganfyddwch sut y gall HACCP godi eich safonau diogelwch bwyd ▶️ #HACCP #DiogelwchBwyd

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    🔊 The FSA has launched a consultation on how allergen information is provided in the out-of-home sector, including restaurants, cafes, delis, and market stalls. We’re calling on food businesses, local authorities, and anyone with an interest in food hypersensitivity to share their views. Our aim is to create clear, practical guidance that works for all businesses, while ensuring consumers have the allergen information, they need to stay safe. Your input will help shape a consistent approach across the industry. 📋 Get involved and have your say today ▶️ #AllergenInformation #FSAConsultation #FoodSafety #FoodBusiness --- 🔊 Mae’r ASB wedi lansio ymgynghoriad ar y ffordd y caiff gwybodaeth am alergenau ei darparu yn y sector y tu allan i’r cartref, gan gynnwys bwytai, caffis, delis, a stondinau marchnad. Rydym yn galw ar fusnesau bwyd, awdurdodau lleol, ac unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn gorsensitifrwydd i fwyd i rannu eu safbwyntiau. Ein nod yw llunio canllawiau clir, ymarferol sy’n gweithio i bob busnes, gan sicrhau bod defnyddwyr yn cael yr wybodaeth am alergenau sydd ei hangen arnynt i aros yn ddiogel. Bydd eich mewnbwn yn helpu i sefydlu dull gweithredu cyson ar draws y diwydiant. 📋 Cymerwch ran a chofiwch ddweud eich dweud: #Gwybodaeth #Alergenau #Ymgynghoriad #DiogelwchBwyd #BusnesBwyd

    The Food Standards Agency launches consultation to help develop consistent approach to allergen labelling in the out-of-home sector

    The Food Standards Agency launches consultation to help develop consistent approach to allergen labelling in the out-of-home sector

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    We continue to advise people who have a peanut allergy to avoid eating any foods that contain mustard ingredients because of potential contamination with peanuts. Read our guidance to find out what your business should be doing to protect your customers: Rydym yn parhau i gynghori pobl sydd ag alergedd i bysgnau i osgoi bwyta unrhyw fwydydd sy’n cynnwys cynhwysion mwstard oherwydd halogiad posib â physgnau. Darllenwch ein canllawiau i ddarganfod beth dylai eich busnes fod yn ei wneud i ddiogelu eich cwsmeriaid:

    • Green image with yellow text that says 'Bsuiness Guidance'. Below this in white text it says 'Mustard ingredients contaminated with peanuts.' At the bottom it has the text 'Read our guidance to find out what your business should be doing to protect your customers'. The Food Standards Agency logo is at the bottom left hand corner with an image of peanuts to the bottom right hand corner.

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