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La disminución de presupuestos decretada por la Generalitat de Catalunya en el año 2009, en el marco de la recesión económica, tuvo un claro efecto -sobre todo en comparación con otras áreas-, en la política de cooperación del gobierno... more
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      Development StudiesEconomic CrisisOrganizaciones de la Sociedad Civil - ONGCooperación Internacional
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    • Applied Anthropology
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyTransitional JusticeGuatemala
La crisis hipotecaria en el Estado español: impactos y respuestas sociales Coordinan: Irene Sabaté (UB), Bálint-Ábel Bereményi (UAB) Desde el estallido en 2008 de la burbuja inmobiliaria y financiera experimentada en España durante los... more
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      Social MovementsHuman Rights LawSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Law
Peace, justice, conflict and violence are notions related to human rights that are often thought of as universal categories. However, different current research shows how these categories are a Western construction that often contradicts... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesEthnography
Popular festivities and traditional events are important moments in which symbolic content, deep emotions, and community solidarity are developed. However, there has been little research on the relationship between such events and their... more
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      FireCommunitycorrefocsCulture traditions
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Entre 1960 y 1996 la República de Guatemala fue el escenario de uno de los conflictos armados internos más crueles de América Central. Más de 200.000 personas fueron asesinadas, ocurrieron miles de casos de violencia sexual, devastación... more
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      MilitaryGuatemalaEtnografíaConflicto armado
Conferencia impartida en el Màster Universitari en Antropologia i Etnografia organitzada pel Grup d'investigació sobre cultures indígenes i afroamericanes (CINAF).
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      RapportEtnographyMetodologia De La InvestigacionGenocidio
Poster presentat en el I Congrés Català d'Antropologia (COCA)
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      GuatemalaPostconflict Stuidesjusticia transicional y Derechos HumanosConflicto armado y paz
Jornada de presentació dels resultats de recerca del projecte "Comissions de la veritat i enfocament diferencial indígena a l'Amèrica Llatina: el cas Arhuac en perspectiva" (R-ICIP-007-2020), del grup de recerca Antropologia i Història de... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesSocial AnthropologyPeace and Conflict Studies
In recent years, cultural events have proliferated in many European cities, incorporating not only local celebrations, but also cultural industry festivals and celebrations from diverse parts of the world. The use of spaces by these... more
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      GeographyPublic SpaceDecentralization
El imaginario nacionalista guatemalteco se fundamenta en una identidad supranacional basada en la ladinización y no reconoce la pluralidad de grupos maya, xinka, garífuna y afrodescendientes que componen la sociedad guatemalteca. Entre... more
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    • Anthropology
Popular festivities and traditional events are important moments in which symbolic content, deep emotions and community solidarity are developed. However, there has been little research on the relationship between such events and their... more
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      SociologyEvent ManagementFireCommunity
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      Social MovementsHumanitiesArtPolitical Science
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      HumanitiesDevelopment StudiesPolitical ScienceIdeology
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyArtApplied Anthropology
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ABSTRACT In this article I analyze the massive appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for protesting actions in Chile. In the year 2006, students used ICT as a vital complement to their protests. In this paper,... more
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      Social MovementsInternet StudiesCitizenship