
Showing posts with the label san pedro cactus

Some fun in the sun

 The painting is done! I'm very happy with the overall look of it, and just so glad that job is finished. Aloe 'David's Delight' has pushed out a late bloom, and the Callistemon (bottlebrush) really timed it's bloom with the fence painting being finished. My cereus cactus has been seriously budded up and when I went out this morning a few of them were opening up.  The exuberance made me laugh. Many more to follow. I moved this struggling in full sun Grevillea up to the top of the slope, and it has immediately brightened up.  I think it's the partial sun and the soil is different/better for it there.  Time will tell! Evening sun on the barrels, and bagged rock everywhere, lol. So much to do this time of year. The mammillaria's are sending out blooms here and there - after the random Saturday rain we had. So cute. Alyogyne 'Ruth Bancroft' putting some pretty blooms out, this is a first year plant for me.  I love it and want more.   And what is this San...