Quotations and Tenders Online

The Northern Territory Government publishes procurement opportunities on Quotation and Tenders Online (QTOL).

Use QTOL to submit your quotation or tender online.

QTOL can also provide information about how to:

  • view open tenders in the market
  • get tender documents
  • lodge quotations and tenders
  • view upcoming tenders one month prior to release
  • view closed quotations and tenders
  • view awarded tenders for seven years after the closing date
  • view cancelled tenders and quotations
  • request email notifications about opportunities as they are released
  • receive reminders to update information
    • such as insurance renewal and Contractor Accreditation Limited (CAL)
  • receive reminders of tenders and quotations that are changed or about to close.

How to register

QTOL will allow you to record and pre-fill standard business information.

This makes preparing your quotations and tenders less repetitive.

If you are responding to tenders from QTOL, you must lodge online.

You can also check upcoming tenders and contracts for anticipated procurement activities for the current financial year.


For more information call 08 8999 1919 or email [email protected].

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