Carrefour Taiwan

Carrefour Taiwan


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Act for Food: Concrete actions to eat better!


Carrefour Taiwan Happy Shopping, Happy Family Carrefour's famous and eye-catching red-blue-white business logo looks simple, but it is also pretty meaningful. It contains the business vision of Carrefour and its commitments to consumers since founding. The logo idea comes from the initial “C” of the name Carrefour. A blue arrow extends to the right of the “C”, and a red arrow exists to the left of the “C”. This symbolizes that customers keep coming to Carrefour from every corner. This word is translated to “家樂福” in Taiwan, meaning “Every Family is Joyful and Happy” in line with the operating philosophy of Carrefour. Carrefour has opened more than 100 stores across Taiwan in multiple forms, including hypermarkets, supermarkets, and online shops. Anyone who thinks globally possesses intrapreneurship, and is ambitious and active is welcome to join us!

10,001+ 名員工
Food retail、Customer service、Hypermarkets、Supermarkets、Online shopping和Food transition


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    over 100 stores in Taiwan! :)

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Carrefour Taiwan員工


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    The first one in Taiwan! Mia C'bon becomes the Michelin Guide's top fresh food partner for the first time. Like the Michelin Guide, which evaluates food with rigorous standards, it is not limited to any type. We hope that everyone can see more food. Mia C'bon provides high-quality ingredients and promotes cooperation opportunities. Mia C'bon also presented the "2024 Michelin Guide Young Chef Awards" to commend young chefs with potential. The foundation of every dish comes from high-quality ingredients. We insist on providing high-quality fresh ingredients, allowing the chef to show endless possibilities for each ingredient. Mia C'bon is not only a top supermarket but also embodies many beautiful values. It also maintains quality and meaning in daily life. #MiaCbon #2024Michelin 全台第一間!Mia C'bon首度成為米其林指南頂級生鮮合作夥伴。 如同米其林指南以嚴謹的標準評鑑美食,不侷限於任一型態,希望能讓更多美食可以被大家看見。Mia C'bon提供優質食材,促成彼此的合作契機。 Mia C'bon更作為頒發「2024米其林指南年輕主廚大獎」的代表,表彰擁有潛力的年輕主廚。每道料理的根本來自於優質食材,我們堅持提供高品質的生鮮食材,如同主廚努力讓每一種食材都展現無窮可能性一樣。 Mia C'bon不只是一間頂級超市,更乘載許多美好的價值觀,讓您在日常之餘,也保有生活質感與意義。 #MiaCbon #2024米其林

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    For racing fans, experiencing real racing is a life dream. To welcome Red Bull's international racing event to Taichung and witness Taiwan's first Showrun, we have specially organized a rare racing simulator experience in the store. Feel the driving feeling of a real racing car; in addition to shopping, the store also provides a variety of entertainment and leisure. Welcome to participate in the experience activities held at the Neili store this weekend! #RacingInCarrefour 對於賽車迷而言,體驗真正的賽車是一個人生夢想,為迎接Red Bull 國際級的賽車活動到臺中,見證臺灣首度的Showrun,我們特別於店內舉辦難得一見的賽車模擬器體驗,可以感受到真實賽車的駕馭感;除了購物之外,賣場也提供各式娛樂與休閒,本週末將於內壢店舉辦體驗活動,歡迎大家蒞臨參加! #家樂福賽車體驗

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    Eggs are rich in nutrients and can be cooked in various ways. Taiwan eats over 7 billion eggs annually, one of the most popular foods. But what kind of environment do chickens live in and what kind of life do they lead? The Carrefour App game "Chickens at Home" gives you a glimpse into the daily life of hens. Through the steps of being friendly to laying hens, you can experience the game's missions. In addition to increasing the happiness index of the chickens in the game, you also learn how to treat laying hens well. With the common sense of breeding, understand the value of cage-free feeding, and some coupons can be redeemed. Carrefour has long been promoting cage-free eggs and attaches great importance to animal welfare. It has also strengthened its efforts in food transformation in digital communication, making sustainable values more easily accessible to the public. #CarrefourAPPGames #CageFreeEggs 雞蛋,營養豐富又有多種的烹調方式,台灣一年要吃掉70幾億顆蛋,是非常受歡迎的食物之一,但是雞都住在什麼樣的環境、過著什麼樣的生活呢? 家樂福App遊戲「家有奇雞」,帶您來一窺母雞的日常,經由友善蛋雞的步驟,體驗遊戲闖關任務,增進遊戲中雞隻的幸福指數外,更認識了善待蛋雞的方法與飼養的常識,了解非籠飼的價值所在,還有優惠券可以兌換。 家樂福長期推動非籠飼雞蛋,重視動物福利,在數位溝通上也加強食物轉型的力道,讓永續價值更輕鬆地走入大眾視野。 #家樂福App遊戲 #非籠飼雞蛋

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    "Japanese dessert craftsman Susumu Koyama x NAKERY pineapple cake gift box" is exclusively available! Freshly presented and uniquely delicious pineapple cakes, carrying the spirit of craftsmanship, every bite has a world-class taste! Carrefour NAKERY is deeply loved by customers for its additive-free and transparent production concept. Therefore, it has been favored by Chef Susumu Koyama. It successfully launched the pineapple cake gift box jointly created by Susumu Koyama and NAKERY. It uses Tainong No. 17 Golden Diamond pineapple. It brings three unique flavors and gives a new definition to pineapple cakes. It combines local creation with local agricultural products, continues the inherited techniques, and injects new thinking so customers can have a delicious experience in every bite! #SusumuKoyama #NAKERY 「日本甜點職人小山進 x NAKERY鳳梨酥禮盒」獨家登場! 新鮮呈現匠心獨具的美味鳳梨酥, 乘載著職人精神,每口都是世界級食感! 家樂福NAKERY裸焙坊以無添加、透明的生產理念深受顧客喜愛也因此獲得小山進師傅親睞,順利推出由小山進師傅與NAKERY聯手打造的鳳梨酥禮盒,選用台農17號金鑽鳳梨,帶來三種獨特口味,再次為鳳梨酥賦予全新的定義,以地方創生與在地農產結合,延續傳承手法,並注入新思維,讓每口都能口齒留香,這也是顧客在品嚐時的最佳寫照! #小山進 #NAKERY裸焙坊

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    The annual customary event Zhongyuan Pudu is coming soon, are you ready with all the farewell supplies? Carrefour offers a full range of discounts and has a wide range of products, including more than 20 exclusive gift box sets, boxed drinks, fresh fruits, sacrifice, homemade baking, Pudu supplies, etc. Come to Carrefour and buy all the supplies at one stop, making your visit convenient and abundant! 年度習俗盛事中元普渡即將到來,拜拜用品都準備好了嗎? 家樂福不僅優惠全方位,商品也非常多元,包含:超過20款獨家澎湃禮盒組、箱裝飲料、生鮮水果、三牲、自製烘焙、普渡用品等應有盡有! 中元普渡來一趟家樂福,一站買齊所有用品,讓您拜的方便,拜的澎湃!

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    Carrefour participated in the "Asia Pacific Sustainability Expo" and shared 10 sustainable values with the theme of "Protecting our homes, starting with i”,At the same time, the "2024 4th TSAA Taiwan Sustainability Action Award" was announced. We once again won the gold award this year for actively promoting consumer action. A "cage-raised chicken experience box" was built on-site in the exhibition area to encourage the public to choose animal welfare labeled products; "No one can be missing" shows the influence and changes created by Carrefour and its sustainable partners in various fields. We use reused fabrics and modular structures to minimize the waste produced by the exhibition, embodying sustainable value with concrete actions. 家樂福參與「亞太永續博覽會」,以「守護我們的家,從 i 開始」為主題,分享10大永續價值。同時揭曉「2024第四屆TSAA台灣永續行動獎」,我們今年再次以「SGD12從i開始我就是影響力」積極推動消費者行動榮獲金獎肯定。 展區現場打造「籠飼雞體驗箱」,鼓勵民眾選擇動物福利標章產品;「一個都不能少的力量」,展示家樂福與永續夥伴們合作協力,分別於各領域創造的影響力與改變。 我們使用重複使用的布料及組合結構讓策展製造的廢棄物降至最低,以具體行動體現永續價值。

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    The annual Ghost Festival is approaching. In addition to praying for peace and good luck, it is also a good time to pray for wealth! Carrefour and Jinshan Temple of Wealth jointly launched a charity combination for the first time to launch a combination of practical cultural and creative products and limited edition gift boxes, providing the public with a new choice for praying for blessings! Adhering to the spirit of social welfare, we also set aside 5% of the income from this event as a charity fund for the temple. At the same time, we donated 500 kilograms of rice supplies to let the love continue! Gift box details: 一年一度的中元節即將到來,普渡月除了求平安祈好運之外,其實也是拜財神補財庫的好時機! 家樂福與金山財神廟公益聯名,首次推出財神加持的實用文創商品組合,限量【甲辰年普渡祈福禮盒】,提供民眾不一樣的普渡祈福新選擇 ! 秉持社會公益精神,亦提撥本活動5%收入,做為廟方慈善會之普渡暨行善公益基金,同時捐贈白米物資500斤,讓愛心延續! 禮盒詳情 內含: #金山財神財寶袋 #Q版武財神公仔 #超輕量口袋行動電源 #廣富財氣零錢包 #錢進你家禮物卡

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    Carrefour participated in the UDN theme exhibition "Sustainable Good Days" and cooperated with a children's theater group for the first time to perform an exclusive story theater, introduce cage-free eggs, let children know about animal welfare-related products, and promote online shopping so that the public can buy sustainable products quickly and easily. Over the past 35 years in Taiwan, Carrefour has developed all channels to be a good neighbor to everyone,we also participated in many local initiatives and government sustainable transformation plans. We invite you to join us in promoting industrial transformation. #UDN #SustainableGoodDays #AnimalWelfare 家樂福參加聯合線上《永續好日子》主題展,並首次和如果兒童劇團攜手,獨家演出「快樂雞蛋小偵探」故事劇場,介紹非籠飼雞蛋,讓孩子從小愛護動物,認識動物福利相關商品,現場也陳列許多永續商品並推廣線上購物 ,讓民眾可以輕鬆快速的購買。 家樂福在台灣35年來,發展全通路做大家的好鄰居,並率先推廣非籠飼雞蛋促進動物福利,參與許多地方創生及政府的永續轉型計畫,致力於打造共好生態圈,邀請您一起響應,共同促進產業永續轉型。 #聯合線上 #永續好日子 #動物福利

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    Carrefour's "Smart Recipe" optimizes the consumer interactive experience through AI and other digital technologies, coupled with the advantages of express delivery of fresh food, it provides consumers with personalized customized services and has become a breakthrough application in the market. This innovation won three awards at the "2024 AI TAIWAN Future Business Exhibition"! 🏆Jury Prize 🏆Silver Award for Best Business Model Innovation 🏆Best Experience Innovation Gold Award "Having scenes is our greatest advantage!" From technology, merchandise, and marketing, to comprehensive digital integration of logistics, Carrefour continues optimizing the digital experience so that more consumers can feel the convenience of innovation! 家樂福「智能食譜」,透過 AI 等數位科技優化消費者互動體驗,搭配生鮮快送優勢,提供消費者個人化的客製服務成為市場的突破性應用。這項創新也在「2024 AI TAIWAN未來商務展」中,一舉拿到三項大獎肯定! 🏆評審團大獎 🏆最佳商業模式創新銀獎 🏆最佳體驗創新金獎 「擁有場景就是我們最大的優勢!」從技術、商品、行銷,到物流全面數位整合,家樂福持續優化數位體驗,讓更多消費者感受到創新帶來的便利!



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    Carrefour has launched the Thousand-Floor Pastry Egg Tart, which is very popular in the market. It has a lovely petal shape, distinct layers of pastry, and a soft and tender filling with a dense texture. We specially choose a single milk source produced by "local dairy farmers in Taiwan" with no additives, using 100% pure fresh milk, the taste in the mouth is ever-changing, soft, and rich in milk aroma. It is currently on sale in limited stores, please try this delicious taste! #EggTart #PureMilk 家樂福推出市場詢問度超高的千層酥皮蛋塔,討喜的花瓣造型,酥皮層次分明,內餡軟嫩口感綿密。我們特別選用「台灣在地酪農」自產單一乳源,全部無添加,使用100%純鮮奶,入口口感變化萬千,柔軟且奶香濃郁,目前於限定店別熱賣中,邀請您一起來品嘗。 #詢問度超高 #熱門蛋塔 #無添加純鮮奶

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