



▍智慧場域解決方案提供者 友達光電原名為達碁科技,成立於1996年8月,2001年與聯友光電合併後更名為友達光電,2006年再度併購廣輝電子。 友達光電為TFT-LCD設計、製造及研發公司,2010年起連續入選道瓊世界永續性指數成份股(Dow Jones Sustainability World Index),2021年合併營業額為新台幣3,706.9億元。目前公司全球員工約38,000人,營運據點遍佈臺灣、中國大陸、日本、新加坡、韓國、美國及歐洲等全球各地。 ▍全方位顯示技術及產品 致力價值提升 友達以全方位顯示技術與多元化產品組合,致力成為完整解決方案的提供者。我們提供客戶軟硬體系統整合、少量多樣客製化產品、穩定可靠的品質以及智慧服務等,與客戶共創更高附加價值。 ▍延伸核心優勢 跨足新事業領域 - 太陽能、大健康及循環經濟 從擅長的硬體價值進一步延伸,友達進軍綠能產業,提供高可靠度與高品質太陽能解決方案;以智慧養老切入,攜手安養中心推出智慧照護方案。並以累積多年之資深廠房運轉經驗,發展全方位水處理及智能化控制技術。 ▍邁向永續經營的卓越企業 無論是公司治理、環境永續或社會關懷,皆採取高標準自我要求,友達以永續經營為持續努力的目標。

10,001+ 名員工


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    215021 CN Suzhou Province Suzhou City

  • No.1689 Xiang An North Road, Xiang An Branch, Torch Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone,

    361102 CNXiamen City

  • No. 6, Longteng Rd., Kunshan Economic & Technical Development Zone, Kunshan City 215300

    CN Kunshan City

  • 37085 Grand River Ave

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  • 10 Tampines Industrial Avenue 3, Singapore 528798

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  • Bratislavska 517, 911 05 Trencin , Slovak Republic

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    KR Suwon-si

  • 3-24-21 Sanwa Bld. 5F , Shiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 105-0014,

    JP Tokyo

  • Riso Shin-Osaka Bld. 5F 4-3-7 Miyahara,Yodogawa-ku, Osaka City, Osaka, 532-0003, Japan

    JP Osaka




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    🌱ESG媒體觀點 - 友達光電如何規畫永續議合行動?一場供應商共榮大會你不知道的事 CSRone 永續觀點 :「參與其中,我看到的是一場精心規劃的永續議合行動。」 📘專文精彩摘錄: 8月23日是友達光電一年一度的重要永續盛會「2024 CSR共榮大會」,董事長彭双浪全程參與與供應商交流互動,表達對此大會的重視。 現場供應商共出席 70 家、超過 170 位的供應鏈夥伴先進齊聚, 展現友達與供應鏈夥伴的緊密關係。 🔍CSRone觀察,友達如何以4大議和策略,驅動利害關係人一同永續前行 🎯宣示2030塑膠中和目標 🎯3R+1長期策略思維導入 🎯全面性系統管理思維 🎯永續溝通擴散影響力 什麼是塑膠中和?何謂減塑的3R+1?友達如何推動供應商議合與行動?來看CSRone貼近現場的第一手觀察分析! 🌍 https://lnkd.in/gYbxsTy6

    【永續長看門道系列】如何規畫永續議合行動:一場CSR共榮大會你不知道的事 – CSRone 永續智庫

    【永續長看門道系列】如何規畫永續議合行動:一場CSR共榮大會你不知道的事 – CSRone 永續智庫


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    AUO Taichung Fab was awarded the Silver Medal in the 6th National Enterprise Environmental Protection Award. This recognition showcases AUO's achievements in circular economy, resource conservation, pollution prevention equipment, and green living. 1️⃣Resource Conservation Introduced energy-efficient CDA air compressors to replace higher-energy-consuming machines, saving 3.4 million kWh of electricity annually. 2️⃣Implemented a smart water management center to monitor and implement PDCA management daily, resulting in a 4.8% reduction in water intake intensity. 3️⃣Circular Economy Technologies Established a molybdenum resin recycling system to reduce sludge in molybdenum-containing wastewater, effectively reducing waste generation and recovering molybdenum metal. 4️⃣Collaborated on research with academia to transform waste LCD glass from non-recyclable to recyclable, reducing daily waste by 2 tons. 5️⃣Pollution Prevention Introduced impact-resistant LaSi ring to enhance the operation effectiveness of air pollution prevention equipment while saving energy. 6️⃣Green Living Transformed waste into art by repurposing PET bottles, garbage bags, CDs, etc., into decoration items for activities, promoting waste reduction. Organized environmental education camps for children to deepen eco-friendly knowledge, with over 3,000 learning hours accumulated. #AUO #ESG #Sustianbility #MOENV

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    【A+暑期實習成果發表會】 友達光電A+暑期實習提供累積職場實務經歷的機會,打造所學知識與職場需求接軌的橋樑。 今年吸引來自超過15所大專院校學生加入A+,經過兩個月的專案式實習,來自不同地區和領域的A+暑期實習生已圓滿結業! 我們特別邀請內外部專家對豐碩專案成果進行審核, 除了優勝者可獲頒獎盃及豐厚獎金外, 進入決賽實習生皆能獲得預聘機會(Pre-offer),為未來職涯開啟第一哩路。 實習生們對於A+暑期實習這兩個月的真實體驗與感受是如何呢?現在就讓我們一起看看吧! 【A+ Summer Internship Graduation Ceremony】 AUO A+ Summer Internship provides an opportunity to accumulate practical work experience and bridges the gap between the knowledge learned and workplace needs. This year, students from more than 15 universities were attracted to join A+. After two months of project-based internships, A+ summer interns from various regions and fields have successfully completed their programs! We have specially invited internal and external experts to review the rich project result. In addition to awarding trophies and substantial prizes to the top three winners, all finalists will receive pre-offer opportunities, marking the first step in their future careers. How do the interns feel about their genuine experiences and insights from the A+ Summer Internship over the past two months? Let's find out together! #AUO #APlusInternshipProgram #SummerInternshipProgram

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    AUO at SEMICON Taiwan 2024: Empowering AI and Sustainability At this year’s SEMICON, AUO showcased its commitment to smart and sustainable industrial manufacturing. As AI technology advances, AUO addresses the growing energy and carbon challenges with innovative green solutions tailored for the semiconductor industry. AUO Environtech’s Sustainability Focus: Carbon Management, Water Treatment, and Energy Saving to create a net-zero future. 1. Net-zero Carbon Reduction: ACA carbon management and smart building solutions. 2. Wastewater Treatment: Efficient recycling and pollution reduction. 3. Energy Management: Optimized systems saving millions of kilowatt-hours annually. AUO Digitech’s Digital Transformation Tool: AI-driven optimization for safe and efficient automated material handling systems. 👍Omnidirectional Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) + Fleet Management System (FMS): Reduces production maintenance costs and enhances production line efficiency. With its biaxial strategy, AUO integrates 5G AIoT and big data to provide comprehensive smart manufacturing solutions, helping clients achieve digital and net-zero transformations. Partnering with thousands of clients, AUO strives for sustainable success and a competitive edge in the semiconductor industry. #AUO #AUOEnvirotech #AUODigitech #Semicon2024 #SmartManufacturing #SustainableManufacturing #netzero #AMR #FMS #TapIntoThePossibilities

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    AUO hosted its fifth annual CSR Prosperity Conference, bringing together over 170 representatives from 70 supplier partners. In response to the global concerns on plastic pollution, AUO reiterated its commitment to achieving plastic neutrality by 2030, a goal first announced in 2023. The conference, themed " Reforming Value with Ecosystem Partners", featured the inaugural "Ecosystem Exhibition on Plastic Reduction", showcasing the tangible results of AUO's collaboration with suppliers and partners over the past year in reducing plastic pollution. 2024 marks a crucial year in the global battle against plastic pollution, with the Global Plastic Treaty set to be finalized by the end of the year. AUO has taken proactive steps to respond to this initiative with strategy and actions. We are not only starting from within but are also driving the entire value chain to implement responsible production and circular economy practices. Key achievements of our plastic reduction action include: >Achieved a packaging recycling rate of over 93% for three consecutive years,, with an overall plastic recycling rate reaching 96%. >Reduced PET bottle waste in its workplace, resulting in a decrease of 220,000 PET bottles in one year. AUO keeps accelerating its steps toward net zero. The company continually engages and collaborates with a wide range of value chain partners to drive impactful initiatives in carbon reduction, plastic reduction, circular economy practices, and biodiversity conservation, all aimed at promising a sustainable and brighter future.

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    AUO as a Pioneering TNFD Adopter: AUO is On Board! AUO is committed to biodiversity, acting as a TNFD Adopter this year, following the release of the first TNFD framework in 2023. AUO’s TNFD Report in English: https://lnkd.in/gMU9XZDJ AUO’s TNFD Report in Chinese: https://lnkd.in/gFkajNnn As a leader in sustainable industry practices, AUO aligns with the globally shared vision of achieving “Nature Positive” and is moving towards a positive impact on biodiversity. Our first TNFD report highlights AUO’s nature-focused actions and positive influences over the years.   →Over the last 16 years, AUO has adopted strategic measures on nature conservation, achieving milestones in areas such as ‘Biodiversity’, ‘Water Recycling’, and ‘Circular Production’. (Picture 2) →In 2023, we announced the ‘AUO Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Zero-deforestation Policy’, aiming to achieve no gross deforestation and a net positive impact on biodiversity by 2050. (Picture 3) → For highlights of AUO’s biodiversity actions, checkout our highlights below: #AUO #TNFD #Biodiversity #Greenproduction #BeyondESGInfinitePossibilities

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    【A Pro學期實習】友達重視青年培育,致力於縮減學用落差,長期提供暑期、學期實習機會。A Pro實習計畫採取學期制專案實習方式,為期六個月,聚焦#軟體開發、#智慧製造等議題,並透過整合性專案產出來培養學生的實戰能力。 同學們的成果將由各領域專家評審,提供展現個人能力與成就的舞台,而傑出表現的學生更將有機會獲得#預聘機會、#回任獎金,以及申請#高額獎學金的機會,幫助他們在畢業後快速就業。 最後,同學們回顧實習的過程中,不僅獲得挑戰自我的機會,也學到了團隊合作、溝通和解決問題的軟實力,更有信心面對未來的職涯旅程! 友達致力提供最專業和有價值的實習體驗,陪伴同學們邁出職涯第一步! 【A Pro Internship Program】AUO has long been committed to nurturing young talents, striving to bridge the gap between academia and industry, and consistently providing opportunities for summer and semester internships. The A Pro internship program adopts a semester-based project internship approach, spanning six months and focusing on topics such as software development and smart manufacturing to cultivate students' practical skills through integrated project outputs. The students' achievements will be evaluated by experts in various fields, providing a platform to showcase their individual talents and accomplishments. Outstanding performers will have the chance to receive pre-offer opportunities, return bonuses, as well as apply for high-value scholarships to facilitate their quick employment upon graduation. In conclusion, as students reflect on their internship experience, they not only gain opportunities for self-improvement but also acquire soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities, instilling confidence to face their future career journeys! AUO is dedicated to providing the most professional and valuable internship experience, supporting students as they take the first step towards their career paths! #AUO #AProInternshipProgram #SemesterInternshipProgram

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    AUO Corporation has been honored with the "Best Companies To Work For In Asia Award (Taiwan edition)" and "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (#DEI) Award" by HR Asia 2024! These awards are determined through anonymous questionnaire responses from employees across different departments, ages, and genders. AUO has achieved outstanding scores that are higher than industry standards, and evaluated by a panel of judges to be selected as winner of the awards. Aligned with our global expansion strategy, AUO offers the #GlobalDevelopmentProgram for employee growth and development, featuring international job rotations and training opportunities spanning from 3 months to 2 years. As our workforce becomes increasingly diverse, AUO is committed to creating a friendly and inclusive workplace through cross-cultural activities to foster a culture of respect and inclusivity among our employees. Looking ahead, AUO will continue to cultivate a sustainable environment for talents, ensuring each employee thrives in their workplace. Let's explore career possibilities together and create a better future! #AUO #BestCompanyToWorkForInAsia #FriendlyWorkEnvironment #TalentSustainability #DEICulture #GlobalDevelopmentProgram #hraa

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    The AUO #MobilityEcosystemSummit (#MES) 2024, held on June 27th at #MabuVillage in Hsinchu, was a huge success. Over 200 attendees showed great enthusiasm for exploring the concept of “Co-Creating Human-Centered Mobility.” Dr. Frank Ko, CEO and President of AUO, began the summit with a keynote speech highlighting the importance of human-centered design in mobility innovation. Keynote presentations from Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Tata Motors, and Analog Devices (ADI) followed, covering topics such as the automotive industry, future digital experiences, and innovative automotive cockpit technologies. The summit also featured a panel discussion titled “Shaping the New Automotive Landscape,” moderated by Michael Jaeger, CEO of BHTC GmbH. Summit sessions were packed with insightful presentations on successful cases of cooperation with strategic partners, Micro LED display technology for automotive applications, Smart Cockpit innovation, and commercial vehicle solutions delivered by AUO, #TongYingMotor (TYM), ADLINK Technology, #HsinChongMachineryWorks (HCMF Automotive), and Lextar Electronics. A huge thank you to all the brilliant speakers, partners, and attendees. Let’s continue shaping the future of smart mobility together! #AUO #MobilityEcosystem #SmartMobility #AutomotiveTechnology #HumanCenteredMobility #AUOMES #AUODisplayPlus #BHTC #ADLINK #AnalogDevices #ADI #BostonConsultingGroup #HCMF #HsinChongMachineryWorks #Lextar #Sintrones #TataMotors #TongYingMotor #TYM

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    【A+ Seed Summer Internship Program】Kickstart your career with AUO! AUO is excited to announce the launch of this year’s A+ Seed Summer Internship Program, offering students the opportunity to dive into project-based learning and immerse themselves in the AUO workplace culture to explore career paths and plan ahead. What to expect: - Diverse Internship Fields: Explore internships in technical research and development, digital transformation, smart manufacturing, and operations management - Hands-On Projects: Each intern will work on an independent project guided by a dedicated mentor, applying their knowledge in real-world scenarios. - Pre-Offer Opportunities: Interns with outstanding performance may receive pre-offer opportunities and onboarding rewards. - Engaging Activities: Enjoy AUO showroom tours, factory visits, and cultural excursions designed to enrich the internship experience. The AUO A+ Seed Summer Internship Program’s goal is to help students understand industry practices, develop independent problem-solving skills, and expand their professional networks. AUO is committed to providing valuable internship opportunities to help students realize their potential and enhance competitiveness in the future job market. Jumpstart your career with AUO! #AUO #APlusInternshipProgram #SummerInternshipProgram

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