ACE Geosynthetics

ACE Geosynthetics


All-around geosynthetic solution provider and quality material manufacturer. Reliable support all around your needs.


ACE Geosynthetics- Assurance in quality, Commitment in performance, and Excellence in engineering- is a leading geosynthetic material manufacturer and technical supplier for engineering planning, design, and construction integrated application services based on quality products. As a provider for innovative construction solutions, under versatile environmental conditions, we offer wide-range applications in areas of earth construction, roadway and railway construction, environmental protection, marine, and coastal structures construction, riverbank and channel protection, and mining industry. Obtaining full certifications to show the high-quality operation of our organization, product control performance, and board certification globally, ACE Geosynthetics does not merely give our customers a guarantee but a reliable promise. Safety, ecology, environmental protection, and cost-effectiveness should these are what you focused, you must refer ACE- a reasonable price, quality items, and complete service brand. Seek for reliable geosynthetic support or green engineering methods? ACE supports all around your needs. To learn more, please visit our website. Or our Youtube Channel:

201-500 名員工
Taichung City
Slope Stabilization、Slope Erosion Control、 Basal Reinforcement、Subgrade stabilization、Landfills、Sludge Treatment、Silt and Turbidity Control、Land Reclamation、Coastal Protection、Beach Nourishment、Groynes and Jetties、Levees and Dikes、Revetments、Pier Scour Protection、Flood Detention、Geogrids、Geotextiles、Geotextile Mattresses和Geotextile Tubes


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    No. 33, Jing 3 Rd., Wuchi District,

    TW Taichung City


ACE Geosynthetics員工


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    ACE Engineering Sustainability <Vol. 3>: Reinforced Earth Embankment at Taiwan Pavilion Expo   Today in our #ACEEngineeringSustainability series, we highlight the Taiwan Pavilion Expo project in Hsinchu, where a 250m long, 10m high service road was built alongside the Long-En Canal. This road, essential for connecting downtown to Pavilion Park, needed to be aesthetically pleasing and eco-friendly without disturbing the canal’s water flow.   Instead of traditional methods, we employed a 2-stage mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall reinforced with ACEGrid®. This innovative approach featured a backward slope shape with an inclined ratio of 0.2:1 (H:V), maximizing road width while ensuring stability. Construction progressed using local materials to minimize costs and environmental impact, with stacked soil-filled ACESandbag enhancing the lush greenery now blooming around the road.   Today, this service road is not only functional but also a showcase of sustainable construction, blending utility with scenic beauty, and demonstrating ACE Geosynthetics’ commitment to innovative, eco-friendly engineering solutions.   For a detailed exploration of this project, please visit our website:   #ACEEngineeringSustainability #Sustainability #Engineering #RoadEmbankment #ReinforcedEarthStructure #geogrid #ACEGrid

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    ACE Engineering Sustainability <Vol. 2>: Reinforced Earth Embankment at Zhunan Base   Today, we revisit the expansion of the Zhunan Base, aimed at alleviating congestion at the bustling Hsinchu Science Park. Completed in 2012, this project featured the construction of a green, earthquake-resistant embankment using geogrid reinforced earth structures with wrap-around facing. The embankment’s design, a 3-tiered setup with each tier inclined at a ratio of 0.2:1 (H:V), robustly supports a planned two-lane road and additional infrastructure. This system not only enhanced the mechanical stability of the embankment but also enabled the integration of lush vegetation into the structure.   Our approach drastically reduced carbon emissions compared to traditional construction methods and significantly boosted biodiversity, supporting a variety of native plants and wildlife.   For a detailed exploration of this project, please visit our website:   #ACEEngineeringSustainability #Sustainability #Engineering #RoadEmbankment #ReinforcedEarthStructure #geogrid #ACEGrid

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    ACE Engineering Sustainability <Vol. 1>: Slope Rehabilitation Success   Recently, a drone survey of a project completed in 2009 offered a breathtaking view of what was once a precarious slope. The site has transformed into a thriving green landscape, a testament to the enduring benefits of our rehabilitation efforts.   In tackling the severe erosion and instability caused by past natural disasters, we adopted a composite system with key enhancements, including foundation piles and a Reinforced Earth Structure (RES). By choosing RES over reinforced concrete structures, significant reductions in carbon emissions were achieved during construction, up to 60-80% by research. This method not only stabilized the slope but also promoted environmental harmony.   More than a decade later, the area has stabilized and serves as a significant carbon sink thanks to the lush vegetation that has thrived. This green cover actively absorbs CO2, contributing further to the project's carbon reduction impact. Today, the site supports diverse local flora and fauna, contributing significantly to local biodiversity and offering natural barriers against future erosion.   This project showcases the transformative power of combining advanced engineering solutions with a commitment to environmental conservation, ensuring long-term stability and significant ecological benefits.   For a detailed exploration of this project, please visit our website:   #ACEEngineeringSustainability #Sustainability #Engineering #SlopeRehabiliation #ReinforcedEarthStructure #geogrid #ACEGrid

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    🌐 Exciting News! Our latest article, "Geosynthetics Embankment with Seismic Resilience for Highway," is published in the April/May 2024 issue of Geosynthetics Magazine and featured on the cover!   This article showcases our innovative approach to using geosynthetics for highway embankments, significantly enhancing their resilience against earthquakes while advancing sustainability in infrastructure projects. Our efforts emphasize safety, durability, and a commitment to environmental protection by reducing carbon emissions and minimizing ecological impacts.   Read the full article here:   We are proud to have our work highlighted on the cover, contributing our insights to the field and fostering community discussions. A big thank you to Geosynthetics Magazine for this prominent feature. We are committed to continuing our research and innovation in the field, aiming to further enhance the resilience and sustainability of infrastructure projects worldwide.   #Geosynthetics #Geogrids #GreenEngineering #SustainableInfrastructure #Sustainability #SeismicResilience

    • Road Embankment
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    A once unusable piece of land has been rejuvenated into a multifunctional ecological park, leading the way in renewable energy integration and natural habitat restoration. This project symbolizes a leap forward, using innovative approaches to generate green energy, enhance local biodiversity, and implement effective flood management strategies. The transformation lies in using geogrid-reinforced slopes, enabling the land to foster the growth of diverse plant and animal life. It's a prime example of how sustainable practices and green engineering can create resilient, educational, and environmentally harmonious spaces. This initiative highlights the power of community collaboration in creating spaces that thrive, educate, and inspire towards a sustainable future. The Case of Repurposing Unused Fish Ponds into a Smart Grid Demonstration Park: #SustainableDevelopment #RenewableEnergy #FloodManagement #LandReuse #Geogrid #ReinforcedSoilSlopes

    The Case of Repurposing Unused Fish Ponds into a Smart Grid Demonstration Park , Pingtung, Taiwan

    The Case of Repurposing Unused Fish Ponds into a Smart Grid Demonstration Park , Pingtung, Taiwan

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    ACE∞™ CL-Design is a design tool for evaluating open channel lining material in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15. Channel linings can behave to reduce the shear stress on the underlying soil surface, to stabilize the channel geometry and function. This analysis tool can be used for preliminary evaluation and design, to analyze the protection of ACE products against channel erosion.   ACEMat™ R can also be used in conjunction with our design tool - ACE∞™ CL-Design - for your initial evaluation. We record a video show how to use this tool. If you have any questions about using them, contact us.   How to Use the ACE∞™ CL Design? ACE∞™ CL Design: Official website: #ACE∞™CLDesign #designtool #ACEMat #geomat

    How to Use the ACE∞™ CL Design?

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    In the wake of the recent earthquake in Ishikawa, Japan, the relevance of resilient infrastructure in seismic areas is again highlighted. Reflecting on a project in Nantou, Taiwan, along Route 131, stands as an example of this resilience.   This project, addressing complex geological challenges, including fault lines and a history of landslides, was approached with a two-tiered engineering structure. The lower section involved constructing a pile-supported reinforced concrete wall, while the upper area was stabilized using a wrap-around reinforced earth structure incorporating ACEGrid® geogrids and ACEDrain™ materials.   The complex structures stabilized the slope and recovered the vegetation. The project's success in reducing landslide risk and adapting to difficult topographies offers valuable insights for future infrastructure development in seismic zones.   For a detailed exploration of this project, please visit our website:   #Earthquake #SeismicResilience #SlopeStabilization #LandslideRecovery

    • Before Construction
    • Under Construction
    • After Construction
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    More clean energy is beneficial to decarbonize. During the COP28 conference, both European and American countries pledged to achieve a threefold increase in renewable energy capacity and a twofold improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. ACE follows the guiding principles of "carbon reduction, safety, disaster prevention, and sustainability," offering a variety of geosynthetic materials such as Geogrids, Geocomposites, Geotextile Bags, Tubes & Containers, Erosion & Sediment Control Materials, balancing quality and economic efficiency. These materials can be utilized in the creation of sustainable products for "wind farm protection" and "solar power plant protection," serving as green energy protection measures. In addition to supporting COP28 in promoting sustainable energy development globally, ACE aims to significantly reduce costs and resource usage in green energy infrastructure construction. The company is actively responding to the urgent issues of climate action by supporting the acceleration of global energy policies. #CleanEnergy #Decarbonization #RenewableEnergy #EnergyEfficiency #COP28 #GeosyntheticMaterials #Geogrids #Geocomposites #Sustainability #WindFarmProtection #SolarPowerPlant #GreenEnergy #GlobalEnergyPolicies #EnvironmentalProtection

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