1. Willa Cather will be the first Pulitzer Prize winner and the 12th woman represented in the National Statuary Hall Collection in the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.

    Cather once said in an interview, “I had searched for books telling about the beauty of the country I loved, its romance, and heroism and strength and courage of its people that had been plowed into the very furrows of its soil, and I did not find them. And so I wrote ‘O Pioneers!.’

  2. librarylinknj:
“ bookmobility:
“ Earlier this week, a massive storm tore the roof of the library at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, damaging thousands of books.
In response, my latest post on Book Riot is a reflection on how libraries respond to...



    Earlier this week, a massive storm tore the roof of the library at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, damaging thousands of books.

    In response, my latest post on Book Riot is a reflection on how libraries respond to disaster, from the practical (air-drying or freeze-drying books) to the more philosophical (continuing to be community centers, even when buildings are rendered unusable). Check it out:

    How Libraries Respond to Disaster


    1. This photo is amazing. Doesn’t it look like the books are on the march? Best wishes for a complete collection recovery!
    2. You may also be interested in this Storify story compiling tweets, photos & links from Ports in A Storm: The Library as Disaster Recovery Center, held just this Monday.