News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954), Thursday 22 April 1926, page 15

Peterborough Town Hall PETERBBOOUGH, Today, At a special meeting of the corporation Cr. -H. Y. Porter submitted a )plant of a new town hail, drawn by Mdr. Morri&on. It was Ptudied with keen inuteret. It was resolved that the clcrk ahould interview the various banks to asceltain whether a loan up to £10,000 could be arranged for the proposed hail. The clerk was'iiItructced write and thanek Mr. I oriion on behalf 0ff the council for having drawn the plan of the hall. It was considered most suitable in every way, and the comlhIeltCd sttucturo would he au ornament to the town. The council will &hortLly preent to the ratepayers a tnngible scheme for the crectiolp of a new town hall.