TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny


Mannheim • Ludwigshafen • Heidelberg • Bad Dürkhei

Redaktorzy: Lothar Fehrmann, mema, ruhrbahnspotter, BusBahn.

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20.12.2024 The last day of operation of the classic high-floor Duewag trams in regular service on route 5 (Mannheim — Weinheim — Heidelberg — Mannheim) and at the same time on the entire network of RNV.
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Zajezdnie tramwajowe


W Rhein-Neckar
Trams that are no longer assigned to a specific entity.
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M Interessengemeinschaft Nahverkehr Rhein-Neckar
Association in possession of a number of museum trams.
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M Bahnfreunde Rhein-Neckar-Pfalz
Association in possession of a number of museum trams.
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Zajezdnie trolejbusowe

Zakłady monoraila


× Aerobus
Operated between 18/04/1975 and 19/10/1975 during the Bundesgartenschau.
The route was 2,8 km long.
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Zakłady funikulara

Zajezdnie elektrobusowe

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» Tramwaj — 1817, 1818, 1831, 1832, 3252, 4135, 5761.
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RNV (Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH) — carrier in the Rhine-Neckar region, including the cities:
Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg, Weinheim, Bad Dürkheim.

The company was established on 01.10.2004 as a joint venture between five carriers of the region:
— Mannheim tram and bus company MVV (MVV Verkehr AG,);
— the Ludwigshafen public transport company VBL (Verkehrsbetriebe Ludwigshafen GmbH)
— Heidelberg tramway company HSB (Heidelberger Straßen- und Bergbahn AG, HSB);
— the intercity tram network connecting Mannheim, Heidelberg and Weinheim OEG (Oberrheinische Eisenbahn AG);
— The Rhein-Haardt Bahn GmbH (RHB) intercity tram network connecting Ludwigshafen and Bad Dürkheim.

Aktywne fotografowie regionu

1. miejsce: 21-72 — 476 zdjęć
2. miejsce: František Vaňásek — 184 zdjęć
3. miejsce: Ymtram — 112 zdjęć

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