


hi if ur unaware georgia 🇬🇪 (where i live) has officially banned gay marriage, gay ‘propaganda’, gender reassignment surgery and anything ’promoting’ it. a trans model, kesaria abramidze, has been murdered as a direct consequence of this legislation. if you have a queer georgian in your life pls let them know they are loved and let this solidify why we Need pride and hope cause jesus fuck man


Mysterious: your roommate says "im gonna take a shower" and they enter the bathroom. The sound of running water is heard for the next hour. Then they exit the bathroom totally soaking wet.


It has been 11 months of genocide. 334 days of airstrikes and ground invasions. 481,801 minutes of innocent lives martyred one after another.

I don’t know how the world can still keep spinning as this happens right in front of our faces, or why we are letting this go on for so long, but with every passing day, it seems people become used to it, even when the victims come to us themselves asking for help.

Many of us don’t know how to handle such a huge responsibility. We may feel we are not equipped to do so. That is why you get overwhelmed when you are confronted with the victims and our complicity in it and make a decision to ignore. You become defeatist.

But you can’t do that. You have to resist because this is exactly what the settler colony wants you to feel. They do want to look away. They want you to carry on with your life (your normal) while they commit the most atrocities on the most vulnerable.

Deutschland (Germany) is a country that shows no shame in their support of the settler colony. It is up to the point where they would discriminate against the Palestinians. Even to those who stand up for them. Ava Moayeri, a German-Iranian activist, has been sent to court for chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” last month!

If she goes through this, imagine the Palestinians who want nothing more but to build a better future for themselves. My friend, Bilal Salah (@bilal-salah0), is no exception. He is 22 years old and lives in Deutschland for work, but he has faced so many difficulties. He has been on the verge of deportation, making him lose access to his job and housing. His former employer has extorted €4,800 and he is still unemployed, so he can not financially support his family back in Ghazzah. This fundraiser is all he has.

So please help him achieve €110,000 by September 20th! We are supposed to raise it today (Sept 15th), but we have failed to do so. Let's make sure this doesn't happen again! We can't let him down!

As of writing this, €105,980 has been raised! There is only €4,020 left to go! If we do the math, we need at least 804 people to contribute a minimum of €5 to succeed!

Please donate and share. Bilal’s family has narrowly survived the airstrike at the al-Masawi Camp. This fundraiser will help them purchase basic necessities until Rafah Crossing reopens and they can evacuate!


Every day you gotta wake up and do things and be upset and do things


he/they delilah whats it like in new y. actually. i worked a long shift today i dont feel like finishing this post. sorry you know how it is


Words cannot express how utterly disappointed I am when it comes to helping Sudan. People are hesitant to show their support. They would even dismiss it. No, I am not making this shit up. I have been talking to people about Sudan and their reaction is lacklustre!

I know anti-blackness plays a significant role, along with the lack of media coverage (which is, again, due to anti-blackness), but this is unacceptable. Many people are dying. The country going through a flooding. Homes are destroyed. Families are displaced. Famine is claiming more lives than the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) and SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces) combined.

They need our help!

There is one way you can show your support! Kindly have a look at this fundraiser. It belongs to Eman Abdelrahman (@emooz-8). She is a 25 year old Sudanese and she is raising funds to evacuate. She has been campaigning since January of this year, but she struggles to receive donations to this day! The last one was made 2 DAYS AGO!

Let's pick up the pace and aim for a doable goal once again - 30K in 3 days! As of writing this (Sept 9th), 29,517 CHF has been raised! There is only 483 CHF left to go! Please check your currency exchange. It is in Swiss Franc! ($10 USD = 8 CHF)

There is also a fundraiser for her extended family. Please keep in mind that it is in Singaporean Dollars, so double check with your currency exchange! ($10 USD = $13 SGD)

You can even match me! I've given 5 CHF and $5 SGD!

Thank you!

29,517 / 30,000 CHF

Let me remind you that the last donation has been made 2 DAYS AGO. Please show your support. Donate and share!

Thank you!



art source → avengers vol 9 #17 (2024), drawn by valerio schiti
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