Mahindra has recently launched the much-awaited Thar 4X2 SUV in the Indian market at an introductory price of Rs 9.99 lakh (ex-showroom). The brand introduced this affordable Thar version to cater to the potential customers. The Mahindra Thar 4X2 and the Mahindra Thar 4X4 look similar, so it might be difficult for buyers to decide which one to choose from.
In this feature, we compare the Mahindra Thar 4X2 and Mahindra Thar 4X4 to understand the differences. Read on.
Mahindra Thar 4X2 Vs Mahindra Thar 4X4: ExteriorIn terms of exterior, both the Thar variants look similar. Dimensionally, both the variants are also similar. The ground clearance and other exterior details are similar in the Thar 4X2 and in the Thar 4X4. Both the models sit on 18-inch alloy wheels shod with all-terrain tyres.
Mahindra Thar 4X2 Vs Mahindra Thar 4X4: Interior On the inside, the dashboard layout and seating arrangement of both the models are the same. However, the new Mahindra Thar 4X2 RWD gets a cubby hole instead of the 4WD gear shift lever.
Another notable feature in the Mahindra Thar 4X2 RWD is the addition of front and rear armrests as accessories. The rear armrests get cup-holders as well as USB charging ports.
Other interior features, such as a touchscreen infotainment system, controls and aircon vents are similar to the Mahindra Thar 4X4.
Mahindra Thar 4X2 Vs Mahindra Thar 4X4: Colour optionsThe Mahindra Thar 2WD gets two new colour options - Blazing Bronze and Everest White, however the Mahindra Thar 4WD misses out on the same.
Mahindra Thar 4X2 Vs Mahindra Thar 4X4: Safety featuresAs far as the safety is concerned, both the Thar variants get similar features, such as Tyre Pressure Monitoring System, dual airbags, rear parking sensors, ESP, vehicle over-speed alert, panic brake signal and more.
Mahindra Thar 4X2 Vs Mahindra Thar 4X4: Engine specsMechanically, the Mahindra Thar 4X2 has received a major upgrade. It is now being offered in a new 1.5-litre diesel engine that churns out a peak power of 115 bhp and a max torque of 300 Nm. The engine is paired with a 6-speed manual transmission.
Similar to the Thar 4X4, the Mahindra Thar RWD also gets a 2.0-litre turbo petrol, offering a power output of 150 bhp and a torque of 320 Nm. A 6-speed automatic transmission is on offer.
Mahindra Thar 2WD Review: PROS & CONS | TOI Auto
In addition to the 2.0-litre turbo petrol engine, the Mahindra 4X4 makes use of 2.2-litre diesel engine, generating 130 bhp power and 300 Nm torque. The engine comes mated to a six-speed manual transmission.
| Mahindra Thar 4X2
| Mahindra Thar 4X4
| 1.5-litre diesel/2.0-litre turbo petrol
| 2.2-litre diesel/2.0-litre turbo petrol
| 115 bhp/150 bhp
| 130 bhp/150bhp
| 300 Nm (MT), 320 Nm (AT)
| 300 Nm (MT), 320 Nm (AT)
| 6-speed MT/6-speed AT
| 6-speed MT/6-speed AT
| 4WD
The new diesel engine and RWD drivetrain are the major differences between the two variants. The Thar 4X4 variant is offered in a complete off-road mode, however the Thar 4X2 version gets a rough road option.
Mahindra Thar 4X2 Vs Mahindra Thar 4X4: Pricing The Mahindra Thar 4X2 is a more affordable version as compared to the 4X4 variant. The 4X2 price starts from Rs 9.99 lakh and goes up to Rs 13.49 lakh (both prices are ex-showroom).
Speaking of the Mahindra Thar 4X4, its price ranges from Rs 13.58 lakh to Rs 16.29 lakh (both prices are ex-showroom). The 4X4 version gets a soft top and hard top option as well.
| Ex-showroom price
Mahindra Thar 4X2
| Rs 9.99 lakh to Rs 13.49 lakh
Mahindra Thar 4X4
| Rs 13.58 lakh to Rs 16.29 lakh
So which Thar version would you like to buy? Let us know in the comment section below.