Yee-Fui's research centres on strengthening political institutions and enhancing executive accountability. Her work has focussed on the regulation and accountability of actors and institutions in the shadows of government, such as ministerial advisers, lobby groups and government corporations, utilising empirical, doctrinal and comparative methodologies.
Yee-Fui is the author of 'The Rise of Political Advisors in the Westminster System' (Routledge, 2018) and 'Ministerial Advisers in Australia: The Modern Legal Context' (Federation Press, 2016), which was a finalist of the Holt Prize. She was awarded the Monash Silver Jubilee Postgraduate Research Scholarship, as the highest ranking PhD applicant in the University, as well as the Monash Postgraduate Law Dean's Award, as the top-ranking PhD applicant in the Monash Law Faculty.
Dr Ng is a Victorian Convenor of the Electoral Regulation Research Network. She has previously worked as a Policy Adviser at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, a Senior Legal Adviser at the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, as well as a Manager at the Victorian Department of Justice. Yee-Fui has also practised as a solicitor at top tier law firms in Melbourne, London and Canberra.