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Professor of Labour and Globalisation, University of Hertfordshire

Ursula Huws is Professor of Labour and Globalisation at Hertfordshire Business School where she is currently working on several European projects researching platform labour. The editor of the international interdisciplinary journal Work Organisation Labour and Globalisation, she has a strong track record in developing and managing large international research projects, not only in Europe but also in the Americas, Asia and Australia. In addition to academic research and evaluation, she has also authored many research reports for international and national government bodies, as well as writing and editing books and articles aimed at more popular audiences. Her work has appeared in translation in a number of languages including Chinese, Swedish, German, French, Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Danish, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Norwegian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Serbo-Croat. Her most recent book, Labour in Contemporary Capitalism: What Next? was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2019. Her forthcoming book, Reinventing the Welfare State: Online Platforms and Public Policies is published by Pluto Press in September, 2020.


  • –present
    Professor of Labour and Globalisation, University of Hertfordshire