Research Fellow in Science Communication, UNSW Sydney
Cobi joined the Centre for Social Impact in a collaboration with UNSW Science in 2019, after graduating from her PhD in science communication from Australian National University in 2018. She has earlier qualifications in health promotion, international studies and journalism and experience with Australian Aid-funded projects in Asia and the Pacific.
During her PhD she was a Visiting Scholar at Melbourne Law School and taught in Masters courses in the University of Melbourne on interdisciplinarity, environment and global governance. Cobi continues collaborations in environmental law and human rights.
Cobi has more than a decade of experience working at the intersection of environmental governance, science communication, health promotion and disaster response.
Postdoctoral research fellow, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW Sydney
PhD, Australian National University
Nuclear Citizens Jury: From Local Deliberations to Transboundary and Transgenerational Legal Dilemmas,
Public Engagement in Prioritizing Research Proposals: A Case Study,
Research Areas
History And Philosophy Of Science (Incl. Non Historical Philosophy Of Science) (220206)
Political Theory And Political Philosophy (160609)
Bioethics (Human And Animal) (220101)
Ethical Use Of New Technology (E.G. Nanotechnology, Biotechnology) (220103)
Research, Science And Technology Policy (160511)
Public Policy (160510)
International Law (Excl. International Trade Law) (180116)
Communications And Media Policy (160503)
Human Rights Law (180114)
Corporate Governance And Stakeholder Engagement (150303)
Government And Politics Of Asia And The Pacific (160606)