University of Waterloo is Canada’s top innovation university. With more than 36,000 students, Waterloo is home to the world’s largest co-operative education system of its kind. An unmatched entrepreneurial culture, combined with an intensive focus on research, powers one of the top innovation hubs in the world. Find out more at
Postsecondary students are particularly vulnerable to repeated COVID-19 infections, putting them at risk for post-COVID condition, or long COVID. Campuses can take action to protect them.
Les proliférations d’algues sont généralement associées aux conditions météo estivales, mais les hivers plus chauds dus au changement climatique les rendent plus fréquentes sur de plus longues périodes.
Algal blooms are typically associated with summer weather but warmer winters caused by climate change are resulting in blooms appearing more frequently, and for longer periods.
Donald Trump is using inflammatory language to allege it’s easy for Democrats to generate thousands of fraudulent overseas votes. One such voter living in Canada provides insights.
‘Climate scientists’ are often understood as being a block of experts with monolithic beliefs. A new survey sheds considerable nuance onto the beliefs and perceptions of climate scientists.
De nouvelles données cliniques établissent un lien entre les modifications de la composition du microbiome intestinal et le développement de diverses maladies de la peau telles que l’eczéma.
It’s good for people to spend time in nature. But do those benefits extend to ‘virtual nature’ — experiencing the outdoors through a virtual reality headset?
Climate change is a pressing issue, but its impacts are not felt equally by everyone. A new report seeks to address this by arguing for the importance of climate justice in the tourism industry.
Les risques croissants pour l’environnement et la santé posés par les microplastiques ne peuvent être résolus qu’en réduisant la quantité de plastique produite.
Indian cinema has portrayed dementia in various ways, with some films offering accurate and sensitive depictions, and others tending towards romanticization.
The growing environmental and health risks posed by microplastics can only be addressed by reducing the amount of plastic produced and ensuring that all of it is recycled.
Young athletes may be uncertain if they are experiencing a concussion or might not think the injury is serious or bad enough to warrant telling someone.
There is growing interest in sustainable death care options like human composting as an alternative to energy-intensive cremation and chemical-dependent and land-intensive burial.