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University of Greenwich

The University of Greenwich is a leading London university, with an innovative and modern approach to teaching, research and enterprise. The university has three magnificent, historic campuses in south-east London and Kent, including one at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, in a UNESCO World Heritage site: “premises to match any Oxbridge college,” according to The Sunday Times University Guide. Greenwich takes particular pride in its excellent standards of teaching and high levels of student satisfaction. It has won international recognition for the quality of its applied research, which makes a real and practical difference to society, while the institution also has a long track record of solving problems for governments, charities, industry and other partners, working in fields such as computer modelling, fire safety, pharmaceuticals and sustainable development.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 65 articles

Water features are commonly used in city centres across the Netherlands to cool urban areas Boris Stroujko/Shutterstock

Five ways to keep towns cool in a heatwave

From special paving to green walls, the recent Cool Towns project highlights the best ways to protect urban areas, and the people living there, from the effects of heatwaves.
Estudar a maneira como nosso mundo social se entrelaça com nosso mundo biológico pode nos ajudar a desvendar a complexa rede de fatores que moldam a saúde a longo prazo. ERIK Miheyeu/Shutterstock

Isolamento social e saúde: a ciência explica a perigosa relação entre eles

Descobertas sugerem que o isolamento social vivenciado na infância pode prenunciar problemas de saúde décadas mais tarde. A conexão social não é apenas gratificante por si só: ela anda de mãos dadas com a saúde mental e física.
Doctors have struggled to find the balance between effective pain management and the very real addiction risks that come with prescription pain medication. BackyardProduction/iStock via Getty Images Plus

White patients are more likely than Black patients to be given opioid medication for pain in US emergency departments

Undertreated pain can result in unnecessary suffering and a greater likelihood of long-term chronic pain.


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