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Newcastle University

Newcastle University is a public research university located in Newcastle upon Tyne in the north-east of England. Established as a School of Medicine and Surgery in 1834, it became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1963. Newcastle University is a member of the Russell Group, and has one of the largest EU research portfolios in the UK.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 509 articles

Le climat se réchauffe trop vite pour que les modèles climatiques et météorologiques puissent pleinement en tenir compte. Andreas Thaller/Alamy Stock Photo

Événements météorologiques extrêmes : le pire reste à venir

Les records de températures, d’orages violents et d’inondations révèlent de nouveaux extrêmes rendus possibles par le changement climatique.
Tickets are a unique type of purchase because fans are emotionally invested but supply is controlled. Graham Drew Photography/Shutterstock

Finally, the time to tackle ticket touts may have come

Labour promised in spring that it wants to see a cap on ticket resale prices but it will likely come up against fierce opposition from business and touts.
Coral branqueado nas Ilhas Keppel, no sul da Grande Barreira de Corais, em março de 2024. © AIMS | Eoghan Aston

O branqueamento dos corais causado pelo aquecimento dos oceanos exige uma resposta global

O primeiro evento de branqueamento global ocorreu em 1998 e o quarto está em andamento. Até que reduzamos as emissões que provocam o aquecimento global, a pressão sobre os recifes de coral só vai aumentar


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