One of the most productive public research universities in the nation, Clemson University enrolls more than 27,000 students across the state of South Carolina and has an endowment of over $1 billion. The University operates Extension offices in every South Carolina county and has five innovation campuses and six Research and Education Center locations statewide. Classified as an R1 — Very High Research University by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching — Clemson is dedicated to teaching, research and service.
Main campus is located in Upstate South Carolina; it sits on 1,400 acres in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and along the shores of Lake Hartwell. Through the research, outreach and entrepreneurial projects led by faculty and students, Clemson University is driving economic development and improving quality of life in South Carolina and beyond.
Clemson’s people are united in pursuit of our land-grant mission. Working in concert with strategic partners worldwide, the University collaborates daily to move South Carolina’s people and its industries forward by attracting world-class researchers, building state-of-the-art facilities and providing scholarships for students.
Learn more about the work of Clemson University by visiting
Most objects in the universe have been around for way longer than modern astronomy – digging into historical records can help scientists shed light on a cosmic mystery.
Los rodenticidas modernos pueden matar ratas con una sola dosis y pasar fácilmente a la cadena alimentaria de carnívoros más grandes. Su uso está muy extendido y en gran medida no está regulado.
El código de barras, una tecnología discreta, acaba de cumplir 50 años. Todo comenzó con el escaneo de un paquete de chicles en una tienda de comestibles de Ohio el verano de 1974.
Modern rodenticides can kill rats with a single dose and readily pass up the food chain to larger carnivores. They are widely used and largely unregulated.
C’est en 1974 que le premier code-barre a été scanné sur un paquet de chewing-gum. Ses inventeurs étaient bien loin d’imaginer que cette technologie révolutionnerait le commerce et la logistique.
Born enslaved, John Andrew Jackson spent his life fighting for freedom as a fugitive, abolitionist, lecturer and writer. Along the way, he met an aspiring writer.
Both sweeping immunity and overzealous prosecutions of former leaders can undermine democracy. But such prosecutions pose different risks for older democracies like the US than in younger ones.