



I feel like I should make an intro post because I think I did a long time ago but didn’t pin it?

so hi I’m Illinois (for legal reasons, I am in fact, not (or am I?))

pronouns: anything

I’m a minor don’t be weird

@callmecyangreen is my main

at some point this has become more of my main tho and im less of Illinois and more of myself with the name Illinois idk


gods greatest punishment was putting 1 trillion cool rocks on earth and no one with eyes big enough to see them all

..ive been such a fool


thats okay ^-^ the wise man is blessed with knowledge once but the fool is blessed to learn every day

*gets scared and throws one of my cool rocks at your fourhead*

ow what the hell


Worst Case vs. Best Case Scenarios by Karina Farek.

This is a great joke, but it’s also a wonderful strategy for reducing anxiety that I learned about in therapy. If you’re ever nervous about something, just ask yourself: what’s the best thing that can happen? What’s the worst thing? What will most likely happen?

It does wonders for your nerves, really does.

I can not explain how much this comic has helped me over the years. I think about this constantly and it helps so much.

I think this will help me a lot too


so i spent far too long on this.

for those unaware, the spaghetti wall of letters and numbers is a base64-encoded JPEG image (and not a URL as some guessed). in certain cases when you tried to insert/paste an image into what’s ostensibly a text-only box, this could happen.

the thing that’s bugging me however is that there’s image data there. we have fairly a clear (albeit with JPEG artifacts) screenshot of text that, thanks to how Windows ClearType renders text, each character is identical to each other, that is to say, an uppercase Q will always look more or less pixel-perfect each time, meaning we don’t have to guess what a Q looks like, we simply have to pixel-accurate match it.

as an aside, this is why regular OCR struggles so much with this kind of data retrieval, such as code even when it’s clearer than a physical paper scan. ordinarily, OCR will try to best-guess every single letter because it expects each letter to be slightly different from each other (as would be the unpredictable nature in a scanned document), and on top of that most OCR today will try to autocorrect because it expects the scanned text to contain words in some human written language.

so, all we have to do is make a program to recognize each character and piece back together the whole base64 string, right? well…

first i stitched all 7 images back into a single block of text, observing the consistency of the line spacing. some of the screenshots have little bits of the previous one sticking out of it, which helps with alignment and to make sure they’re in the right order.

after that i had to sample every single letter off this file. this means going around the file and finding one example of each different character we’re trying to identify, saving it as its own separate file so that the program can load them as references to compare against in the full image. for base64, the alphabet consists of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, +, / and =. once i had the initial code in place…

…close! but oh so far. if any one single character in a base64 string is wrong or missing, the resulting decode will be wrong. the issues i was having were mostly with the lowercase r and j because of how the kerning affected the pixels around those letters. i was also getting false matches for r where there should be an m. what followed was grueling hours of tweaking the matching code and my known font set to better fit the original image and get as close as possible to a 100% match. here is the resulting code, maybe it’ll be useful for someone and this won’t have been a complete waste of time.

once i was confident through the verification image that i had all characters recognized, i put it through a base64 to JPEG decoder. i actually did this several times as i improved the recognition and what follows is the best result that came out of it yet. i suspect some of the data might be missing (perhaps a line or block of text got lost in between screenshots), or i have a wrong character somewhere resulting in a wrong value. this is the image extracted from OP’s base64 string:

we can finally know what they meant when they said “me in a relationship” and i can finally go the fuck to sleep.

update: i found that the string that i used to decode the image in the previous reblog actually had one letter wrong.

with this it still doesn’t parse as fully valid base64 in strict mode so i think there’s still another letter in there that’s wrong, but i couldn’t find it. however this gives us a better look:

and this is finally enough to do a reverse image search. i present to you, the HD version of our intrepid massive backpacker:

still have no idea what they mean by “me in a relationship” with that, though.

I love the internet


This Miku trend is so fun so of course I had to draw...

LATVIAN MIKU🇱🇻🇱🇻🇱🇻🇱🇻🍻🍞🌾


Be gay, do drugs, hail satan.

@actually-danish-denmark @official-hongkong @official-ireland @definitelytherepublicofireland @actually-literally-ireland

@the-entire-country-of-sweden @greenland-offical @michigan-is-cool-trust-me @the-state-of-michigan

@mhm-wisconsin @rejasthanofficial @stateofuttarpradeshindiaofficial @the-only-ontario@actually-alberta @newjersey-official @new-york-for-real @definitely-indiana @the-province-of-nova-scotia-real


Decided to join in with everyone and do a little “home culture miku” even though I don’t have twitter because this trend is honestly the loveliest thing in the world and seeing everyone’s contributions making my heart smile 👍

Bonus Romani Miku with who I think is already Romani Miku


Small town culture is knowing that there are Old Folks with strange nicknames but never knowing the stories behind them.

Of course, I made the mistake of asking why everyone calls this one guy Brickaday and it turns out that he worked at a brickyard for 40 years, stealing exactly one brick every day and making no particular efforts to conceal the theft. Nobody thought anything of it until years later he was discovered to have built three houses.

His boss is said to have shrugged and made some remarks about the importance of coming up with a plan and sticking to it.

I‘m trying to arrange my face into an appropriate approximation of silent bafflement and failing miserably.

i appreciate brickaday

chaotic good


My grandpa once told me he worked with a guy called Scrappy at General Motors back in the 50s. Every few days he would wheelbarrow out metal shavings and the foreman was convinced he was stealing things and hiding them in the scrap metal to get it out of the factory. But every time they’d go through the scrap they’d find nothing. He was stealing the wheelbarrows.


One of my late grandfather’s friends was called Salami because he used to steal salami and cured meats so I’m seeing a pattern here

Thieves Guild call signs

The wheel barrow one reminds me of this one guy who would ride a bike into East Berlin everyday with a bag of sand. Every day they would search the bag because it was suspicious, but they didn’t know that the entire time he was smuggling bikes.


Jeff looks back at you suspiciously. Unbeknownst to you Jeff has the theory that you are an anteater. The spy vs spy-esque antics go on for 7 acts

Your boss eyes the two of you, he seems nervous while he slightly shakes in fear. The two of you have been doing nothing but suspecting each other the entire time. Yet you haven’t even suspected the fact that,

Your boss is the anteater.

I jist burst out laughing so hard holy shit 🤣


Hah! I have beaten you again, @real-british-empire! Another post for my museum



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