SAF LONDON WAS SO FUCKING GOOD AND IF U WERE THERE PRETTY PLS FEEL FREE TO YELL IN MY DIRECTION ABT IT. if any of u made conversation with an awkward mf in a rainbow bowtie and a patch vest (with a glittery bunny build-a-bear named agent curt mega), that was me lmao. special shoutout to everyone who handed out stuff, u are all absolute legends :D

also. the whole cast was not only immensely talented and perfectly cast but also SMOKIN hot. i feel very bisexually abt it all. that torture tango performance is burned into my brain forevermore and i could not be happier

So um,, I haven’t stopped thinking about the spies since London. Welcome back hyperfixation, spies really are forever, aren’t they?

My favourite math fact is that 0.9999999.. is equal to 1. Exactly. Not approximately. Not as a rounded number. 0.9999 (recurring) is exactly 1.

Question. How the fuck does that work?

I tried explaining it here:


Here’s another perspective on why .999... repeating is exactly equal to 1.

For any two distinct real numbers, we can always find a rational number strictly between them, i.e. that rational number must be able to be expressed as a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal.  To be clear, that rational number is strictly between the two values; it is not allowed to be equal to either.

Suppose k is a rational number strictly between 1 and 0.9999....  If this is possible, then, I can write k exactly as either a decimal with finite digits, or I can write k as a repeating decimal.  The problem is, there are no decimals with finite digits between 1 and 0.999... , and there is no way to write a repeating decimal that is greater than 0.999... and still less than 1.  Either way, a k strictly between 1 and 0.999... does not exist.  The only way this can be true is if those two numbers are not actually distinct.  That is to say, 1 = 0.999.....

i truly appreciate how math seems like it’s this infallible always-true only-one-answer thing, when in reality math is just like:


Spies Are Forever West End was absolutely phenomenal!! I just can’t put it into words how good it was!!

The fandom is also incredible, it was so nice to gift and trade with people!! Here’s what I got from the trades!!

I made 250 bracelets, did 38 trades, and gifted 212 bracelets which is amazing!! Thank you so much to everyone I spoke with, you were all incredibly kind!!


Spies are Forever: The West End Concert - 03.09.24

wait isnt gender over today


buh-bye now


Yearly photo update, but this time I’ve put them all together. I seem to have mislaid my 4th year photo and I didn’t take one for my 1st year, so I’ve used photos from around August that year!!

August 29th 2024- August 29th 2018

Today marks 6 years on testosterone.

It means I also get to buy another trans book, because for each anniversary I buy a book because I found them so difficult to find when I first came out and it’s such an easy and fun way to celebrate!!

London MCM October Saturday Cosplay!!

Taking my Seymour Krelborn and Audrey Two cosplay to the ExCel Centre this October!!

Cosplay for the Spies are Forever London concert!!

This is posted on my insta but not my tiktok yet

Insta: Kylewu_cosplays

Tiktok: Kylecosplays

a heem heem………………………………sshasagjkrhf………… ouhg……..



My husband found it necessary to get the thing for me and I love it.


Be sure to remember Sad™’s birthday next August.

Happy birthday Sad

happy birthday lil fella

Happy bday




Like to charge, reblog to cast

DAY 16

And I’m finished!! Come say hi if you see me at Tin Can Bros London and you want a bracelet, you don’t have to have anything to trade. I want to go home with 0 of these!!

Day 15 of making bracelets for Spies are Forever

This is my cosplay for the show!! My tote bag will have ghosts on and I’ll have a blue and black backpack. Come say hi for a bracelet, I’m open to trades and gifts, so don’t worry if you don’t have anything to trade!!


asker portrait
lantern-misty asked:

New account here and for some reason tumblr made me automatically follow you(?) so I looked at your stuff and I fucking love the puppet and rock music! Anyway I don't actually have any questions but I just wanted to tell you that you're pretty cool!


Thanks so much!! It’s strange I came up as an auto follow for you, especially as I’m not majorly active much, but not gonna knock it!!

asker portrait
basel1995s asked:

Hello ! My supporting friends ,🖤💚💔🤍🍉

Thank you from my heart for what you are doing for the people of Gaza who are in bad need in this tough and dire time. 💔💚🖤🤍

You are examples for kindness, generosity and nobility. You have been standing with for long and showing how brave one should be in time of need. 🍉🍉🍉🍉

You helped me greatly to make progress in my campaign, but I am still in need of your kind support to reach my goal.✌️✌️

As noticed, the campaign is very slow😪😪 now and needs strong move and this can be carried out through your contribution and cooperation. 😯😯

Please don't leave us alone during this dire time. I am still in the first quarter of my campaign. ❣️❣️


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