An official website of the European Union

Browse by subject

Search for notices

You may choose between the 3 search types to search for notices:

  • Quick search
  • Advanced search
  • Expert search

Search scope

There are 3 possible search ranges, depending on the scope you want: 

  • Current OJ S issue - notices published in the current OJ S issue.
  • Active notices - restricts the search to the most recent notices. This usually means for ‘Planning’ notices, those sent for publication over the past 364 days; for ‘Competition’ notices, it will search notices for which the deadline has not passed; and for ‘Result’ notices, the range is notices sent for publication in the past 99 days.
  • All notices - search notices from the last 10 years (data available from 1/1/2014)

The option “include only the latest versions” filters out old versions of a notice and only the latest version will be displayed in the search results. This means that if change notices were published, the latest change notice will be displayed. The old versions of the notice with their own publication numbers are still on TED but will not be displayed in the search results if this option is ticked.

Browse by subject

At any time, as you navigate to the TED website, through the ‘Search section,’ you can search for notices selecting to browse by a specific subject:

  • Business opportunity
  • Business sector (CPV)
  • Place of performance

By default, the ‘Active notices’ are displayed, but you can choose to limit the number of displayed notices, by selecting Current OJ S issue in the “Search scope” heading.

Browse by business opportunity

This option displays the published notices by groups or by specific types of business opportunities. You can choose to view specific notices by selecting a group of Business opportunities or a specific type.

In addition, you can use the ‘Filter box’ to search for a specific type of business opportunity. The results that match your search criteria will be highlighted in yellow.

Browse by business sector (CPV)

This option displays the published notices filtered by business sector. These business sectors are categorised in tree form, based on the 'Common procurement vocabulary' (CPV).

Expand the tree to search for specific notices.

In addition, you may use the ‘Filter box’ to search for a business sector or CPV code. The results that match your search criteria will be highlighted in yellow.

Browse by place of performance

This option displays published notices by location of contract execution.

You can use the map on the right section to browse using the NUTS nomenclature (nomenclature of territorial units for statistics), or by country. The default view for the map is countries, but using the menu on the right, you can:

  • Zoom in / Zoom out
  • View the map in another NUTS level (NUTS 1, NUTS 2, NUTS 3)
  • Fullscreen / exit Fullscreen

The different colours identify the number of notices in the specific place of performance.

The legend is displayed in the bottom left corner of the map.

Instead of using the map, you may navigate using the left section, in which you can search by:

  • Expanding a specific place of performance
  • Typing in the Filter box to find a specific place of performance. The results that match your search criteria will be highlighted in yellow.

Each time you select the expand button for a specific place of performance, the map responds to your choice. By clicking on a specific place of performance you will be taken to the search results page, containing the notices for the that place of performance.