
Video news startup NowThis is partnering with FWD.us, the immigration lobbying group backed by Mark Zuckerberg and other tech executives, to tackle one of the biggest issues in this year’s…

NowThis teams up with immigration lobby group FWD.us

Even as immigration advocates push for increases to the H-1B visa quotas, calls for reform to the existing system are growing louder — from legislators and immigration advocacy groups alike.…

Immigration Bill Could Challenge Tech’s Ongoing Fight For Skilled Worker Visas

Immigration reform, conventional wisdom goes, becomes less likely to pass the closer we come to the midterm election cycle. Despite that, and recent reticence of House Republicans to put the…

Zuckerberg-Backed Lobby Group Fwd.us Will Spend $250K Airing Two New Pro-Immigration Reform Ads

Early Facebook investor and noted Silicon Valley libertarian Peter Thiel thinks that too many Americans have mistakenly blamed technology for rising inequality. “Technology is an easy scapegoat,” he argued, in…

Facebook Investor Peter Thiel Calls Technology A “Scapegoat” For Inequality

With Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates as founders, you’d think FWD.us would focus on building tech tools to push for immigration reform. Yet it’s mostly used money to buy campaign…

FWD.us Hires CTO To Fight For Immigration Reform With Tech, Not Just Money

Is FWD.us really making a difference? Today it released its first quantified stats on its contribution to immigration reform, announcing that it drove 33,500 calls to Congress this summer and…

FWD.us Gives First Hard Numbers On Its Impact On Immigration So Far

“If it’s just about tech wanting to hire more people, not as impressive” commented one of Mark Zuckerberg’s 18 million Facebook followers. “It’s definitely not just about tech immigration” Zuckerberg…

Zuckerberg Replies To His Facebook Commenters’ Questions On Immigration

Mark Zuckerberg and Joe Green’s controversial political advocacy group FWD.us started getting the public involved today with its new Speak Up campaign that calls you and connects you to your…

FWD.us’ First Big Call To Action Automatically Phones Your Senator

Amidst widespread criticism, Mark Zuckerberg’s political advocacy group FWD.us gained some momentum today as it announced Steven Chen and Barry Diller have signed on as financial backers. Chen was a…

Despite Criticism, FWD.us Adds YouTube Co-Founder Steve Chen And Web Mogul Barry Diller As Funders

The head of Mark Zuckerberg’s enigmatic political lobby took the stage of TechCrunch’s Disrupt New York conference. “It’s incumbent on us to make the knowledge economy as inclusive as possible,” said FWD.us…

Chief of Zuckerberg’s Political Lobby Highlights Immigration Reform At Disrupt NY

Leaders from Facebook, Google, and other tech giants today announced they’re banding together to form a political advocacy group called FWD.us, designed to promote policies that will keep the American…

Zuckerberg And A Team Of Tech All-Stars Launch Political Advocacy Group FWD.us