daily fantasy sports

In the world of sports betting, instant payments and reliable custody are key to the user experience. HotStreak, a web3 platform for daily fantasy sports (DFS) contests, is wagering that…

Polychain puts its money on HotStreak to streamline sports betting using blockchain

Draftea, which calls itself the first daily fantasy sports company in Spanish-speaking Latin America, is taking fantasy football (not fútbol) to the region in a new partnership with the National…

Draftea kicks off LatAm fantasy football with NFL partnership, fresh funding

Football (or soccer, as it’s commonly called in the U.S.) is the most popular and watched sport globally, with over 5 billion fans according to its apex governing body, FIFA.…

Eksab gets $3M to scale its fantasy football platform across MENA and Africa

Those Super Bowl ad spots paid off for a number of tech companies not just in terms of exposure, but also app installs, a new report indicates. But Coinbase’s viral…

Super Bowl ads boosted crypto app downloads by 279%, led by Coinbase

Founder Alán Jaime Misrahi grew up devoted to soccer, eventually playing in Mexico’s third division. While he didn’t necessarily make it to the “big leagues” playing the sport, his new…

FanDuel founder and Sequoia bet on Spanish-language fantasy sports app Draftea

DraftKings is charging into the NFT game, announcing a marketplace aimed at curating sports and entertainment-themed digital collectibles for its audience of enthusiasts. The platform is “debuting later this summer,”…

DraftKings shares plans for launch of NFT collectibles marketplace

The three co-founders of The GIST are all themselves sports fans, but realized in 2018 that sports media in general left a lot to be desired when it comes to…

Women-led sports media startup The GIST raises $1M to challenge sports reporting norms

Whoever had the over on DraftKings‘ boss Jason Robins and FanDuel chief executive Matt King being given a potential billion-dollar windfall by the Supreme Court’s decision to allows sports betting…

Supreme Court allows states to legalize sports betting, opening floodgates for online gambling profits

With the number of fantasy sports players in North America heading past 60 million, and the industry said to be worth more than $7 billion, fantasy sports games are clearly…

Fantasy sports platforms could have a big future in blockchain

Over the last year or so daily fantasy sports companies like FanDuel and DraftKings have shifted their focus towards building products that are simple enough for even casual sports fans…

FanDuel’s new March Madness game lets casual fans pick teams instead of players

Daily fantasy sports platform FanDuel just announced The Bitcoin Bowl, a promotion that will last the length of the NFL playoffs and give winners a chance to win some bitcoin.…

FanDuel is giving away bitcoin to winners of a fantasy football tournament

If you’ve ever played daily fantasy sports you’re familiar with the standard workflow – you browse 5 or 6 sites to research players, switch over to the FanDuel or DraftKings…

FanDuel’s new companion app makes player research easy

Fantasy sports, and probably to an even greater extent daily fantasy sports, can be intimidating. You’re usually playing for real money, and potentially going up against people who spend countless…

Gameday lets you play daily fantasy sports inside Facebook Messenger

DraftKings and FanDuel, the two biggest daily fantasy sports platforms that originally announced their intention to merge, have called it quits. This comes a month after the FTC announced they…

DraftKings and FanDuel will no longer merge

Daily fantasy sports are too complicated for the average fan. Or at least that’s the thesis behind Boom Fantasy, a daily fantasy sports experience designed for the everyday sports fan.…

Boom Fantasy raises $2M, betting that fans want a simpler version of fantasy sports

If you’re new to daily fantasy sports, playing (and winning) can be daunting — especially when you’re playing stat-heavy sports like baseball. To try to fix this FanDuel is launching…

FanDuel launches Mixup, a more fun version of daily fantasy sports for casual fans

DraftKings was just approved for a Controlled Skill Games License from the Malta Gaming Authority, which is the entity that runs gaming in Malta – a small island nation south…

DraftKings has received a Malta gaming license, paving the way for European expansion

While it’s clear that daily fantasy sports games like the ones offered by DraftKings and FanDuel make watching sports more exciting, they aren’t necessarily the best companion if you’re focused on watching one…

The NBA is launching its own fantasy game you can play while watching live basketball

If you’ve watched or been to a professional sports game in the past year you’ve no doubt seen advertisements for daily fantasy sports companies like DraftKings and FanDuel. In just…

WTF is daily fantasy sports?

After months of speculations and rumors that the deal was all but closed, we finally have confirmation that DraftKings and FanDuel will merge into one company. The move is being…

Confirmed: DraftKings and FanDuel are merging into one company

DraftKings has been in the news a lot over the last 12 months. But almost everything you’ve read has probably been about their efforts in passing legislation to explicitly legalize…

DraftKings launches Leagues so you can play daily fantasy sports with friends

Back in June, on the last day of the New York Assembly’s legislative session, the state passed a bill legalizing daily fantasy sports, paving the road for the return of…

New York Governor signs daily fantasy sports bill, DraftKings and FanDuel can operate again

Anyone who is interested in sports knows that daily fantasy sports has became the next big thing. And leading the charge is DraftKings, a four-year old technology company that has…

DraftKings CEO Jason Robins will talk daily fantasy sports at Disrupt SF

[tc_unified_video code=”6443f770-3c60-3d63-af9e-8638e1332f9d”] On early Saturday morning New York’s state assembly passed legislation legalizing daily fantasy sports throughout the state. The move was huge for the industry, as it means companies like…

Early this morning, on the last day of the current session, The New York Assembly passed legislation legalizing daily fantasy sports throughout the state of New York. While the bill still…

New York has passed a bill legalizing daily fantasy sports

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe just signed into law the “Fantasy Contests Act,” which is a legal framework for fantasy sports providers that operate in the state. The bill, which was approved by…

Virginia’s governor just signed the nation’s first daily fantasy sports law

Twenty-First Century Fox, which invested $160M in DraftKings over the summer, has written down the investment by about 60 percent, according to its 10-Q filed today. Specifically, Fox noted that…

Fox Marks Down Its DraftKings Investment By 60 Percent

Update: Title changed to reflect that FanDuel does not use Vantiv for payouts, and offers additional deposit methods besides Vantiv processing.  Daily Fantasy Sports sites like DraftKings and FanDuel have been dealt…

DraftKings And FanDuel Lose A Payment Processor

In a situation nearly identical to what happened in Illinois a few weeks ago, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has responded to a request from a state representative who asked if…

Texas Attorney General Says Texans Using DraftKings Or FanDuel Are Probably Breaking The Law

In the words of DJ Khaled: “Another One!” Jumping on the daily fantasy sports bandwagon, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has joined NY AG Eric Schneiderman in deciding that DraftKings and FanDuel…

Illinois Attorney General Says DraftKings And FanDuel Are Illegal Under State Law