Simon Wu


Simon is a partner with Cathay Innovation, a global venture capital firm investing across North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. He focuses on software, fintech, digital health and consumer investments.

Simon Wu

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How e-commerce companies can brave the new retail environment

Even with inflation, and a potential recession on the horizon, now is the time to reach out to existing customers and stick with them through the ups and downs.

How e-commerce companies can brave the new retail environment

Similar to how fintech is scaling vertical SaaS, the pandemic-fueled disaggregation of healthcare has created new players that are taking a page out of the fintech revolution book.

Fintech’s growing role in the healthcare revolution

We are sure to see large category leaders in the coming years, along with new use cases beyond today’s imagination.

From startups to Starbucks: The embedded API opportunity

How retailers can survive the Amazon era

To survive in the post-Amazon era, the way companies have been storing and delivering physical goods to their final destination will need to change profoundly in the next decade.

How retailers can survive the Amazon era