Obi Akpuda

Startup Advocate, Microsoft for Startups

Born and raised Raleigh, NC in the heart of Research Triangle Park NC, his earliest tech memories can go as far back as designing MySpace pages for his classmates for $20 a design, he’s never been a stranger to letting his creativity and hustle take him to new heights. As a self-taught software developer, Obi has always been a life-long learner, but above all a life-long hustler and tinkerer. It was Obi’s passion for building from the ground up that led him to launching his first startup by the age of 20. Whether it’s ideating through a concept, sketching a design or testing out a product, Obi is excited about the opportunity to serve as not only a SME when it comes to rapid prototyping a product, but to also listen and empathize with founders as they look to navigate some of the uncertain waters that come with building a product from the ground up. He lives by the quote “Chances make champions” he has a dog named Drako Malfoy, and thinks Sopranos is the greatest show of all time.

Obi Akpuda

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