Glen Evans

Partner, Core Talent, Greylock

At Greylock, Glen helps entrepreneurs build high caliber teams, and prioritize recruiting as a core, strategic function of their business. Under his leadership, the core talent team at Greylock supports portfolio companies in recruiting and talent acquisition strategies. They guide entrepreneurs in sourcing as well as the tools and systems available to aid the recruitment, interview and hiring process. An experienced recruiting professional, Glen joined Greylock in 2018 following more than a dozen years overseeing recruiting and team-building at fast-growing tech companies including Slack, Facebook and Google. At Slack, Glen was the company’s first recruitment director and was responsible for designing talent acquisition strategy during a period of rapid growth, helping the company successfully hire across all functions on a global scale. At Facebook, he was instrumental in building the company’s engineering teams and processes in the early days as they began to scale rapidly. He also onboarded Oculus into Facebook’s operations post acquisition while also building their recruiting team to support aggressive growth plans.

Glen Evans

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