Cat Zakrzewski

Cat Zakrzewski is a technology policy reporter and authors The Technology 202 newsletter. She previously reported for Wall Street Journal Pro Venture Capital. Her work has also been published in TechCrunch, the Boston Globe, USA TODAY and the Chicago Sun-Times.

Cat Zakrzewski

Latest from Cat Zakrzewski

Comcast on Tuesday morning reported its third quarter earnings, posting revenue of $18.7 billion and adjusted profit of 80 cents per share, in line with analyst expectations. The company beat…

Comcast Reports Revenue Of $18.7 Billion In-Line With Street Expectations

Shares of online radio service Pandora tanked about 36 percent on Friday. The sharp decline comes after the company reported a loss of almost $86 million yesterday. The call was the…

Pandora Loses More Than A Third Of Its Value As It Battles Apple Music For Listeners

The Ad Council and a cohort of tech companies shed some light today on an eye emoji that has been perplexing Apple watchers since the release of iOS 9.1. The…

Tech Companies Reveal Mystery Eye Emoji Is Part Of Anti-Bullying Campaign

How did Alphabet come up with the weirdly specific number of $5.099 billion for its buyback of class C shares? By taking the square root of 26, which not-so-coincidentally is the number…

The Stock Buyback Driving Up Alphabet Shares Is The Square Root Of 26

After the market closed Thursday, online music streaming service Pandora reported a third quarter loss of $85.9 million. The company lost 40 cents per share. Pandora met street estimates and…

Pandora Shares Down 20% In After-Hours Trading After Company Posts Q3 Loss

Today following the bell, Alphabet reported its third-quarter financial performance, including revenue of $18.68 billion in revenue, and adjusted per-share profit of $7.35. Analysts had expected the company to earn…

Alphabet Beats Q3 Expectations With EPS Of $7.35 And $18.68B In Revenue, Stock Jumps 9% After Hours

WikiLeaks on Wednesday posted documents allegedly from CIA director John Brennan’s email account, including Brennan’s application for security clearance and papers about U.S. torture policy. The documents come after a…

WikiLeaks Posts Classified Documents From CIA Director John Brennan’s AOL Account

When you’re reaching a new fitness goal or hitting the high score in a game, Twitter wants your followers to know — even if it’s happening in a different app. Today at…

Twitter Wants To Make It Easier To Tweet Content From Apps

Artificial intelligence startup Sentient announced Wednesday it hired three new executives, a sign the startup is growing quickly in a field larger tech firms like IBM and Google are fighting…

Tech companies today are celebrating the passage of a bill in the House of Representatives that will expand privacy rights to non-U.S. citizens. The bill, known as the Judicial Redress…

Tech-Backed Bill Expanding Privacy Rights To EU Citizens Sails Through House

Yahoo on Thursday launched a new mobile mail app that allows you to integrate multiple accounts and rid yourself of passwords. Although the app for the first time supports other email providers, it…

Yahoo Launches New Mobile Mail App And Eliminates Passwords

A GoDaddy compensation analysis released Wednesday exposed female executives were paid at a rate almost 4 percent less than their male counterparts. The report also found throughout the total company, women are…

GoDaddy Reveals Salary Gender Gap In New Twist On Diversity Reports

Square disclosed Wednesday in its IPO filing that it will discontinue its payment processing agreement with Starbucks. The partnership, which formed in 2012, began to unravel last year when Starbucks…

Square Will End Payment-Processing Agreement With Starbucks

If you wanted to see Hillary Clinton defend her email server in 3D, you’re in luck. CNN and NextVR are teaming up Tuesday night to make you feel like you’re…

Democratic Debate Will Be First News Event Live Streamed In Virtual Reality

In a victory for tech firms, the Obama administration will not force firms to breach the security of their products in order to provide information to law enforcement. The decision comes after…

The White House Backs Down On Phone Encryption

The Chinese government arrested hackers at the request of the U.S. government just two weeks before Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the United States. The arrests, reported by the Washington…

Is China Coming Around On Cybersecurity?

“The Good Dinosaur” will feature twice as many special effects as any Pixar film that has come before, Pixar Studios told TechCrunch on a recent visit. The film hitting theaters in…

Pixar Studios Doubles Effects In Upcoming Film ‘The Good Dinosaur’

Google’s search chief Amit Singhal said for the first time this summer, more Google searches were completed on mobile devices than desktop computers. Singhal said Google fields more than 100…

Mobile Searches Surpass Desktop Searches At Google For The First Time

AOL* CEO Tim Armstrong on Wednesday night defended the user data tracking practices his company is set to adopt next month as part of its acquisition by Verizon. Earlier yesterday TechCrunch reported…

AOL CEO Tim Armstrong Defends Verizon’s Data Collection For Advertising

Twitter’s Head of Product Kevin Weil told attendees at Code/Mobile that Twitter would “absolutely” remain an independent company after tanking stocks prompted rumors earlier this year the company may sell. Weil stepped into…

Head Of Product Says Twitter Will ‘Absolutely’ Stay An Independent Company

A California jury on Wednesday found journalist Matthew Keys guilty on all three federal hacking charges brought against the former KTXL Fox 40 online producer under a computer fraud law.…

Journalist Matthew Keys Found Guilty On Hacking Charges

Microsoft this morning announced a grip of new hardware, including Surface products, high-end smartphones, a wearable, Windows 10 for the Xbox One and its first laptop. The laptop, called the…

Everything You Need To Know From Microsoft’s Massive Hardware Event

Edward Snowden said he wants to return to the United States — even if that means serving jail time. The former government contractor fled the U.S. in 2013 after he…

Snowden Says Government Has Not Responded To His Offer To Go To Jail

Joining Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg onstage Monday in Palo Alto, Chelsea Clinton said she wanted to see the private sector and government work together to show girls they can grow…

Chelsea Clinton And Sheryl Sandberg Address Silicon Valley’s Gender Gap ‘Crisis’

The founders and CEO of Endaga, a company that brings rural villages online with cellular network boxes, announced this weekend they would be joining Facebook and winding down their business…

Facebook Hires Founders Of Cellular-Network-In-A-Box Company Endaga

T-Mobile announced on Thursday the personal information of about 15 million customers was swept up in a hack on Experian, a vendor that processes the phone company’s credit applications. The…

Records Of 15 Million T-Mobile Customers Swept Up In Experian Hack

ZeeMee, a platform that wants to help students bring their college applications to life, told TechCrunch exclusively Thursday it had raised a Series A round of $5.8 million led by…

College Application Platform ZeeMee Raises $5.8M Series A Round

Have you ever wished you knew how many likes or shares a Facebook post would get before you pressed the blue button? 2014 Y Combinator-backed startup Naytev recently launched Spark, a…

Naytev Wants To Bring A Buzzfeed-Style Social Tool To Every Publisher With Spark

Rideshare service Lyft announced on Tuesday it would open its first engineering office outside the Bay Area in Seattle, saying the location would give it an advantage in recruitment. Initially…

Lyft Announces Second Engineering Hub In Seattle

For more than two years, you’ve been following news about Edward Snowden on Twitter. As of this morning, you can follow the man himself. However you probably won’t get a…

You Can Now Follow Edward Snowden On Twitter @Snowden