How to Manage and Scale AI Models with Workload Orchestration
Published Mar 08 2024 07:30 AM 2,908 Views

In this fifth and final blog post in our MLOps Production series, guest blogger Martin Bald, Senior Manager Developer Community from one of our startup partners Wallaroo.AI will go through model workload orchestration and show how to continue the journey for building scale and ease of management for deploying sustainable and value producing models into production.



Throughout this blog series we have seen how we can easily and quickly get our ML models into production, validate them for desired outcomes, proactively monitor for data drift and take swift proactive action to ensure we have optimal model output. As we scale and deploy more models into this production process across multiple cloud environments, Data Scientists and ML Engineers are burdened with spending too many valuable cycles on the data plumbing and repetitive tasks needed just to get models to run and produce business reports – often using tools not designed for AI workloads.


Data engineers are also spending far too many cycles supporting data scientists as they try to run and analyze ML pipelines instead of building robust upstream data pipelines to ensure business continuity. In attempting to achieve value from their AI efforts, they soon find bottlenecks preventing them from realizing the production demands they need.


ML Workload Orchestration flow works within 3 tiers:




ML Workload Orchestration

User created custom instructions that provide automated processes that follow the same steps every time without error. Orchestrations contain the instructions to be performed, uploaded as a .ZIP file with the instructions, requirements, and artifacts.


Instructions on when to run an Orchestration as a scheduled Task. Tasks can be Run Once, where it creates a single Task Run, or Run Scheduled, where a Task Run is created on a regular schedule based on the Kubernetes cronjob specifications. If a Task is Run Scheduled, it will create a new Task Run every time the schedule parameters are met until the Task is killed.

Task Run

The execution of a task. These validate business operations and successfully identify any unsuccessful task runs. If the Task is Run Once, then only one Task Run is generated. If the Task is a Run Scheduled task, then a new Task Run will be created each time the schedule parameters are met, with each Task Run having its own results and logs.



Fig 1.


We can manage our models and pipelines and control how we deploy and undeploy resources and invite collaborators to work on projects with us.


We see from Fig 1 above that at its core orchestration is a Python file, one or more Python files to be exact. These Python files can contain any kind of processing code, other dependencies that we need. Essentially these files will contain references to one or more deployed pipelines. This allows us to schedule runs of these files and reference these pipelines that are deployed as needed.

It also fully supports the connections that we make so I can have as many of those connections as we need. We often see people using these automations to take live input feeds into the pipelines and write the results to another external data source or file store.

Once these are set up I can wrap them all in this orchestration and register that orchestration in the platform. This means that I can then create what is called Tasks or Runs of this Orchestration. These can be done On Demand or Ad Hoc or can be scheduled to run on a regular basis. For example we could schedule it to run every minute, day, week, month etc,.


This means that we can easily define, automate, and scale recurring production AI workloads that ingest data from predefined data sources, run inferencing, and deposit the results to a predefined location efficiently and easily with added flexibility for the needs of your business.

The remainder of this blog post will show practical examples of setting up Run Once and Schedule Run Tasks. You can access the tutorial ML Workload Orchestration Simple Tutorial and use the free Wallaroo.AI Community Edition which you can install to GitHub Codespaces, or Azure. There are also Free Inference Servers available on the Azure Marketplace to try out.


AI Workload Orchestration Example.

This example provides a quick set of methods and examples regarding Wallaroo Connections and Wallaroo ML Workload Orchestration.

In this example we will we will step through:

  • Create a Wallaroo connection to retrieving information from an external source.
  • Upload Wallaroo ML Workload Orchestration.
  • Run the orchestration once as a Run Once Task and verify that the information was saved in the pipeline logs.
  • Schedule the orchestration as a Scheduled Task and verify that the information was saved to the pipeline logs.

The first step is to import the various libraries we’ll use for this example.


import wallaroo
from wallaroo.object import EntityNotFoundError, RequiredAttributeMissing

# to display dataframe tables
from IPython.display import display
# used to display dataframe information without truncating
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
import pyarrow as pa

import time

# Used to create unique workspace and pipeline names
import string
import random

# make a random 4 character suffix
suffix= ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(4))



The next step is to connect to Wallaroo through the Wallaroo client and set up the variables we will use. The Python library is included in the Wallaroo install and available through the Jupyter Hub interface provided with your Wallaroo environment.


Note: If logging into the Wallaroo instance through the internal JupyterHub service, use wl = wallaroo.Client() as seen below.


wl = wallaroo.Client()
# Setting variables for later steps

workspace_name = f'simpleorchestrationworkspace{suffix}'
pipeline_name = f'simpleorchestrationpipeline{suffix}'
model_name = f'simpleorchestrationmodel{suffix}'
model_file_name = './models/rf_model.onnx'

inference_connection_name = f'external_inference_connection{suffix}'
inference_connection_type = "HTTP"
inference_connection_argument = {'host':''}



The following helper methods are used to either create or get workspaces, pipelines, and connections.



# helper methods to retrieve workspaces and pipelines

def get_workspace(name):
    workspace = None
    for ws in wl.list_workspaces():
        if == name:
            workspace= ws
    if(workspace == None):
        workspace = wl.create_workspace(name)
    return workspace

def get_pipeline(name):
        pipeline = wl.pipelines_by_name(name)[0]
    except EntityNotFoundError:
        pipeline = wl.build_pipeline(name)
    return pipeline



Next we will create our workspace and pipeline for the tutorial. If this tutorial has been run previously, then this will retrieve the existing ones with the assumption they’re for us with this tutorial.


We’ll set the retrieved workspace as the current workspace in the SDK, so all commands will default to that workspace.


workspace = get_workspace(workspace_name)

pipeline = get_pipeline(pipeline_name)



We’ll now upload our model into our sample workspace, then add it as a pipeline step before deploying the pipeline to it’s ready to accept inference requests.


# Upload the model

housing_model_control = (wl.upload_model(model_name, 

# Add the model as a pipeline step





Fig 2.



deploy the pipeline




Waiting for deployment. This will take up to 45s……………….ok


Christopher_Tearpak_10-1709850606687.pngFig 3


We will create the data source connection via the Wallaroo client command create_connection.


We’ll also create a data connection named inference_results_connection with our helper function get_connection that will either create or retrieve a connection if it already exists.


wl.create_connection(inference_connection_name, inference_connection_type, inference_connection_argument)



Fig 4.


The method Workspace add_connection(connection_name) adds a Data Connection to a workspace. We’ll add connections to our sample workspace, then list the connections available to the workspace to confirm.





With the pipeline deployed and our connections set, we will now generate our ML Workload Orchestration. Orchestrations are uploaded to the Wallaroo instance as a ZIP file. Orchestrations are uploaded with the Wallaroo client upload_orchestration(path) method.


We will loop until the uploaded orchestration’s status displays ready.


orchestration = wl.upload_orchestration(path="./remote_inference/")

while orchestration.status() != 'ready':










Christopher_Tearpak_12-1709850606691.pngFig 5.


Once an Orchestration has the status ready, it can be run as a task. The task runs options can be scheduled or run once.


Run Once Task

We’ll do both a Run Once task and generate our Run Once Task from our orchestration.


Tasks are generated and run once with the Orchestration run_once(name, json_args, timeout) method. Any arguments for the orchestration are passed in as a Dict. If there are no arguments, then an empty set {} is passed.


# Example: run once

import datetime
task_start =
task = orchestration.run_once(name="simpletaskdemo", 
                              json_args={"workspace_name": workspace_name, 
                                         "pipeline_name": pipeline_name,
                                         "connection_name": inference_connection_name



The list of tasks in the Wallaroo instance is retrieved through the Wallaroo Client list_tasks() method. This returns an array list of the following:Christopher_Tearpak_13-1709850606696.pngFig 6.


For this example, the status of the previously created task will be generated, then looped until it has reached status started.


while task.status() != "started":







We can view the inferences from our logs and verify that new entries were added from our task. We can do that with the task logs() method.


In our case, we’ll assume the task once started takes about 1 minute to run (deploy the pipeline, run the inference, undeploy the pipeline). We’ll add in a wait of 1 minute, then display the logs during the time period the task was running.



task_end =

pipeline.logs(start_datetime = task_start, end_datetime = task_end)




datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 23, 15, 28, 30, 718361)
Warning: Pipeline log size limit exceeded. Please request logs using export_logs


Christopher_Tearpak_14-1709850606704.pngFig 7.



492 rows × 4 columns



Scheduled Run Task


The other method of using tasks is as a scheduled run through the Orchestration run_scheduled(name, schedule, timeout, json_args). This sets up a task to run on a regular schedule as defined by the schedule parameter in the cron service format.



This task runs on the 42nd minute of every hour.


schedule={'42 * * * *'}


The following schedule runs every day at 12 noon from February 1 to February 15 2024 - and then ends.


schedule={'0 0 12 1-15 2 2024'}


For our example we will create a scheduled task to run every 5 minutes, display the inference results, then use the Orchestration kill task to keep the task from running any further.


It is recommended that orchestrations that have pipeline deploy or undeploy commands be spaced out no less than 5 minutes to prevent colliding with other tasks that use the same pipeline.


scheduled_task_start =
scheduled_task = orchestration.run_scheduled(name="simple_inference_schedule", 
                                             schedule="*/5 * * * *", 
                                             json_args={"workspace_name": workspace_name, 
                                                        "pipeline_name": pipeline_name,
                                                        "connection_name": inference_connection_name
while scheduled_task.status() != "started":







wait 420 seconds to give the scheduled event time to finish
scheduled_task_end =

pipeline.logs(start_datetime = scheduled_task_start, end_datetime = scheduled_task_end)




492 rows × 4 columns


Fig 8.


Finally you can use the below commands to list the scheduled run tasks, and end them using the kill task command.






In this final blog post in our series we have addressed a very common set of challenges that AI teams face with production AI workloads and how to solve them through Model Workload Orchestration. This means that we can easily define, automate, and scale recurring production AI workloads that ingest data from predefined data sources, run inferencing, and deposit the results to a predefined location efficiently and easily.


If you want to try the steps in this blog post series you can access the tutorials at this link and use the free inference servers available on the Azure Marketplace. Or you can download a free Wallaroo.AI Community Edition and .


Wallaroo.AI is a unified production AI platform built for Data Scientists and ML Engineers for easily deploying, observing, and optimizing machine learning in production at scale – in any cloud, on-prem, or at the edge.

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Last update:
‎Mar 07 2024 03:57 PM
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