BOOKS by Emran El-Badawi
Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
This is the first book to examine how pre-Islamic/Late Antique goddesses shaped the Qur’an, inclu... more This is the first book to examine how pre-Islamic/Late Antique goddesses shaped the Qur’an, including its basic theology and cosmology. Exploring the traces found in the text of cultic veneration to goddesses of Arabia and the Ancient Near East, this book analyses what these traces tell us about female power in late antique Arabia, and how this power changed on the advent of Islam. While recent studies on the Qur’anic God have typically considered the question of divinity separately from gender, this book bridges the gap between these two questions, and is therefore an essential constructive mission. This mission adduces literary and documentary evidence—including recent scholarly revolutions in Syriac literature and Arabian epigraphy—and builds upon the critical insights of preceding studies in conversation with post-biblical and Near Eastern traditions.
Queens and Prophets: How Arabian Noblewomen and Holy Men Shaped Paganism, Christianity and Islam, 2022
Arab noblewomen of late antiquity were instrumental in shaping the history of the world. Between ... more Arab noblewomen of late antiquity were instrumental in shaping the history of the world. Between Rome’s intervention in the Arabian Peninsula and the Arab conquests, they ruled independently, conducting trade and making war. Their power was celebrated as queen, priestess and goddess. With time some even delegated authority to the most important holy men of their age, influencing Arabian paganism, Christianity and Islam.
Empress Zenobia and Queen Mavia supported bishops Paul of Samosata and Moses of Sinai. Paul was declared a heretic by the Roman church, while Moses began the process of mass Arab conversion. The teachings of these men survived under their queens, setting in motion seismic debates that fractured the early churches and laid the groundwork for the rise of Islam. In sixth-century Mecca, Lady Khadijah used her wealth and political influence to employ a younger man then marry him against the wishes of dissenting noblemen. Her husband, whose religious and political career she influenced, was the Prophet Muhammad.
A landmark exploration of the legacy of female power in late antique Arabia, Queens and Prophets is a corrective that is long overdue.
Communities of the Qur'an: Dialogue, Debate and Diversity in the 21st Century, 2019
What is the nature of the Qur'an? It might seem a straightforward question, but there is no conse... more What is the nature of the Qur'an? It might seem a straightforward question, but there is no consensus among modern communities of the Qur'an, both Muslim and non-Muslim, about the answer. And why should there be?
On numerous occasions throughout history, believers from different schools and denominations, and at different times and places, have agreed to disagree. The Qur'anic interpreters, jurists and theologians of medieval Baghdad, Cairo and Cordoba coexisted peacefully in spite of their diverging beliefs. Seeking to revive this 'ethics of disagreement' of Classical Islam, this volume explores the different relationships societies around the world have with the Qur'an and how our understanding of the text can be shaped by studying the interpretations of others. From LGBT groups to urban African American communities, this book aims to represent the true diversity of communities of the Qur'an in the twenty-first century, and the dialogue and debate that can flow among them.
ARTICLES by Emran El-Badawi
Oasis 26, 2018
L’establishment religieux du monde musulman a considéré pendant des siècles les études critiques... more L’establishment religieux du monde musulman a considéré pendant des siècles les études critiques du Texte sacré comme une mécréance de dérivation occidentale : intellectuels et savants ont été attaqués devant les tribunaux, sur les mass-médias, dans les universités. Mais asphyxier la liberté intellectuelle n’a pas entravé la pensée : cela l’a simplement transférée sur Internet et les réseaux sociaux.
Routledge Companion to the Qur’an, 2021
مجلّة المشرق الرقميّة, 2020
هل يجوز الحديث عن الحريَّة الفكريَّة من جهة، وهي قيمة إنسانيَّة نابعة من صميم العصر التنويريّ الأ... more هل يجوز الحديث عن الحريَّة الفكريَّة من جهة، وهي قيمة إنسانيَّة نابعة من صميم العصر التنويريّ الأوروبيّ، ودراسة القرآن من جهة أخرى، وهو نصّ مقدّس عند المجتمعات الإسلاميَّة؟ بعبارة أخرى، هل يصح دراسة القرآن حسب المناهج العلميَّة النقديَّة الحديثة دون قيود عقَدِيّة؟ وألا يفتح ذلك المجال أمام التشكيك والكفر والفتنة؟ لو أجبنا على هذا السؤال بـ"لا" فهذا يعني أنه يجب على تلك المجتمعات فرض مفهوم جامد عن النص (أي العقيدة) ومحاكمة كل من يختلف معه، وهذه هي حالتنا المأسويَّة اليوم. في هذا الصدد، إذا بحثنا عبر الإنترنت في مسألة "الحريَّة" بالعربيَّة بصفة عامة مثلًا، ناهيكم عن الحريَّة في دراسة القرآن، فسنجد أن معظم الآراء والأقوال والمرئيات صادرة عن رجال الدين. ويُبدي لنا هذا الاختبار البسيط انحرافًا شديدًا لماهية الحرية في العالم العربيّ الإسلاميّ؛ إذ يلعب رجال الدين دورًا أكبر من حجمهم بكثير في تلك المجتمعات.
Tafsir Center for Qur'anic Studies, 2020
في هذه الورقة يتبع عمران البدوي التقليد الاستشراقي في محاولة تسييق القرآن في إطار الكتب السابقة، ... more في هذه الورقة يتبع عمران البدوي التقليد الاستشراقي في محاولة تسييق القرآن في إطار الكتب السابقة، وخصوصًا في التراث السرياني، عبر تحديد مدونة محدّدة للمقارنة مع القرآن، وهي إنجيل متّى السرياني، فيقارن بين النصّين في سياق محدّد هو سياق الإدانة الموجهة لليهود في عدم التزامهم بالناموس.
New Trends in Qur’anic Studies: Text, Context and Interpretation, 2019
“From clerical to scriptural authority: The Qur’an’s dialogue with the Syriac New Testament,” New... more “From clerical to scriptural authority: The Qur’an’s dialogue with the Syriac New Testament,” New Trends in Qur’anic Studies: Text, Context and Interpretation. Ed. Mun‘im Sirry. Atlanta: Lockwood Press, 2019, pp. 83-93.
Syriac and the Qurʾān - Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān - 2018
**Syriac was an Aramaic dialect spo... more Syriac and the Qurʾān - Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān - 2018
**Syriac was an Aramaic dialect spoken by Christians in and around Arabia during the time of the Qurʾān’s appearance. It or…
**Article Table of Contents
The place of Syriac in Islamic tradition
Modern theories on Syriac and the Qurʾān
Jewish-Christianity between Syriac and the Qurʾān
Syriac intertext, subtext, or urtext?
Syriac rhymed homilies and Qurʾānic prose
Examples of Syriac in the Qurʾān
Syriac vocabulary
Unconnected letters
Rephrasing the Syriac Bible and Apocrypha – The Last Judgement and next life
Rhyme and rhetoric
Echoes of Syriac homilies – The case of Paradise
For a long time now, the religious establishment in the Muslim world has deemed the critical stud... more For a long time now, the religious establishment in the Muslim world has deemed the critical study of the Qur'an a type of Western imported heresy. Despite the repression of intellectual freedom, however, free thought has flourished on the Internet and social media. Is it permissible to combine intellectual freedom a humanist value arising from the core of the European Enlightenment and the study of the Qur'an, a sacred book for Muslims? In other words, is it possible to use the scientific and critical method in the study of the Qur'an with no dogmatic restrictions? Doesn't this pave the way for doubt, unbelief and sedition (fitna)? If the answer to this last question is yes we must conclude that Muslim societies are required to impose a rigid interpretation of the text (which is supported by dogma), prosecuting whoever disagrees with it. This is precisely the tragic situation we face today. If we browse Arabic internet sites or search the word " freedom " online, let alone intellectual freedom to study the Qur'an, we find that the majority of opinions, and declarations, come from the clergy. This simple experiment alone shows the malaise of freedom in the Arab-Muslim world. In this world, religious men play a role which greatly surpasses their numbers. Many of them affirm that intellectual freedom leads to freedom of expression and, hence, to freedom of belief. This is true. However, what they really mean is that freedom corrupts doctrine and religion. This is false. Their concern is finding ways to impose doctrine so as to create a society of believers molded after the standards set by their religious dogma. As the data indicates this concern is a tremendous illusion. In many Arab-Muslim societies, in fact, we witness the rise of atheism all while religious fundamentalism and terrorist hotbeds spread as well.[1]Moreover, the Arab-Muslim world is today one of the most active on social networks like Twitter, due to widespread repression and the ensuing lack of intellectual freedom in daily life.[2] By now, many Arab
L’establishment religioso del mondo musulmano ha considerato
per secoli gli studi critici del Tes... more L’establishment religioso del mondo musulmano ha considerato
per secoli gli studi critici del Testo sacro una forma di miscredenza
di derivazione occidentale: intellettuali e studiosi sono stati attaccati
nei tribunali, sui mass media, nelle università. Il soffocamento
della libertà intellettuale tuttavia non ha impedito il pensiero: lo ha
semplicemente trasferito su Internet e i social network.
Glaubensbekenntnisse / The Creeds of the Messenger
"OBITUARY, Andrew Rippin, 1950–2016" Review of Middle East Studies 51.1 (2017): 1-3.
“Communities of interpretation: The case of the Qur’an,” American Journal of Islamic Social Scien... more “Communities of interpretation: The case of the Qur’an,” American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 33.4 (2016): 145-53.
How did renewed autocracy in Egypt and civil war in Syria
impact liberals differently? What lesso... more How did renewed autocracy in Egypt and civil war in Syria
impact liberals differently? What lessons can be learned about the nature of liberalism in the greater Arab context from this comparative survey? This chapter seeks to answer these questions, first by following the reaction of liberals to the so-called Arab Spring, comparing a handful of intellectuals and academics in Egypt as well as Syria. The chapter goes on to focus on two of the most prominent liberals in each context, namely Gaber Asfour and Burhan Ghalioun. In each case, the role played by the armed forces vis-à-vis the public was critical to their
rapid accession to power, and equally rapid fall.
From the beginnings of Wahabism in the 18th century to the so called Islamic State of Iraq and th... more From the beginnings of Wahabism in the 18th century to the so called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) violence has occasionally been justified in the name of Islam, which is problematic for secular and traditional scholars alike. This paper demonstrates that there are three complex, interrelated causes for this violence: foreign military intervention, Salafi-Jihadism and a utopian state founded upon faith and justice, i.e. a caliphate.
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, 2009
browse categories : ... ...
BOOKS by Emran El-Badawi
Empress Zenobia and Queen Mavia supported bishops Paul of Samosata and Moses of Sinai. Paul was declared a heretic by the Roman church, while Moses began the process of mass Arab conversion. The teachings of these men survived under their queens, setting in motion seismic debates that fractured the early churches and laid the groundwork for the rise of Islam. In sixth-century Mecca, Lady Khadijah used her wealth and political influence to employ a younger man then marry him against the wishes of dissenting noblemen. Her husband, whose religious and political career she influenced, was the Prophet Muhammad.
A landmark exploration of the legacy of female power in late antique Arabia, Queens and Prophets is a corrective that is long overdue.
On numerous occasions throughout history, believers from different schools and denominations, and at different times and places, have agreed to disagree. The Qur'anic interpreters, jurists and theologians of medieval Baghdad, Cairo and Cordoba coexisted peacefully in spite of their diverging beliefs. Seeking to revive this 'ethics of disagreement' of Classical Islam, this volume explores the different relationships societies around the world have with the Qur'an and how our understanding of the text can be shaped by studying the interpretations of others. From LGBT groups to urban African American communities, this book aims to represent the true diversity of communities of the Qur'an in the twenty-first century, and the dialogue and debate that can flow among them.
ARTICLES by Emran El-Badawi
Tieszen, Charles. Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World: Christian Identity and Practice
Under Muslim Rule . The Early and Medieval Islamic World. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2017. pp. 224.
ISBN: 978-1-78453-662-6 (hardback).
Reviewed by:
Emran El-Badawi
University of Houston
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected] )
**Syriac was an Aramaic dialect spoken by Christians in and around Arabia during the time of the Qurʾān’s appearance. It or…
**Article Table of Contents
The place of Syriac in Islamic tradition
Modern theories on Syriac and the Qurʾān
Jewish-Christianity between Syriac and the Qurʾān
Syriac intertext, subtext, or urtext?
Syriac rhymed homilies and Qurʾānic prose
Examples of Syriac in the Qurʾān
Syriac vocabulary
Unconnected letters
Rephrasing the Syriac Bible and Apocrypha – The Last Judgement and next life
Rhyme and rhetoric
Echoes of Syriac homilies – The case of Paradise
per secoli gli studi critici del Testo sacro una forma di miscredenza
di derivazione occidentale: intellettuali e studiosi sono stati attaccati
nei tribunali, sui mass media, nelle università. Il soffocamento
della libertà intellettuale tuttavia non ha impedito il pensiero: lo ha
semplicemente trasferito su Internet e i social network.
impact liberals differently? What lessons can be learned about the nature of liberalism in the greater Arab context from this comparative survey? This chapter seeks to answer these questions, first by following the reaction of liberals to the so-called Arab Spring, comparing a handful of intellectuals and academics in Egypt as well as Syria. The chapter goes on to focus on two of the most prominent liberals in each context, namely Gaber Asfour and Burhan Ghalioun. In each case, the role played by the armed forces vis-à-vis the public was critical to their
rapid accession to power, and equally rapid fall.
Empress Zenobia and Queen Mavia supported bishops Paul of Samosata and Moses of Sinai. Paul was declared a heretic by the Roman church, while Moses began the process of mass Arab conversion. The teachings of these men survived under their queens, setting in motion seismic debates that fractured the early churches and laid the groundwork for the rise of Islam. In sixth-century Mecca, Lady Khadijah used her wealth and political influence to employ a younger man then marry him against the wishes of dissenting noblemen. Her husband, whose religious and political career she influenced, was the Prophet Muhammad.
A landmark exploration of the legacy of female power in late antique Arabia, Queens and Prophets is a corrective that is long overdue.
On numerous occasions throughout history, believers from different schools and denominations, and at different times and places, have agreed to disagree. The Qur'anic interpreters, jurists and theologians of medieval Baghdad, Cairo and Cordoba coexisted peacefully in spite of their diverging beliefs. Seeking to revive this 'ethics of disagreement' of Classical Islam, this volume explores the different relationships societies around the world have with the Qur'an and how our understanding of the text can be shaped by studying the interpretations of others. From LGBT groups to urban African American communities, this book aims to represent the true diversity of communities of the Qur'an in the twenty-first century, and the dialogue and debate that can flow among them.
Tieszen, Charles. Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World: Christian Identity and Practice
Under Muslim Rule . The Early and Medieval Islamic World. New York: I.B. Tauris, 2017. pp. 224.
ISBN: 978-1-78453-662-6 (hardback).
Reviewed by:
Emran El-Badawi
University of Houston
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected] )
**Syriac was an Aramaic dialect spoken by Christians in and around Arabia during the time of the Qurʾān’s appearance. It or…
**Article Table of Contents
The place of Syriac in Islamic tradition
Modern theories on Syriac and the Qurʾān
Jewish-Christianity between Syriac and the Qurʾān
Syriac intertext, subtext, or urtext?
Syriac rhymed homilies and Qurʾānic prose
Examples of Syriac in the Qurʾān
Syriac vocabulary
Unconnected letters
Rephrasing the Syriac Bible and Apocrypha – The Last Judgement and next life
Rhyme and rhetoric
Echoes of Syriac homilies – The case of Paradise
per secoli gli studi critici del Testo sacro una forma di miscredenza
di derivazione occidentale: intellettuali e studiosi sono stati attaccati
nei tribunali, sui mass media, nelle università. Il soffocamento
della libertà intellettuale tuttavia non ha impedito il pensiero: lo ha
semplicemente trasferito su Internet e i social network.
impact liberals differently? What lessons can be learned about the nature of liberalism in the greater Arab context from this comparative survey? This chapter seeks to answer these questions, first by following the reaction of liberals to the so-called Arab Spring, comparing a handful of intellectuals and academics in Egypt as well as Syria. The chapter goes on to focus on two of the most prominent liberals in each context, namely Gaber Asfour and Burhan Ghalioun. In each case, the role played by the armed forces vis-à-vis the public was critical to their
rapid accession to power, and equally rapid fall.
records the sayings and customs of the prophet Muhammad. The multi-volume set moves away from literal interpretation and
embraces the inspired meaning. (2013)
this terminology between the Aramaic (especially Syriac) Bible and Arabic Qur’an. This journey
takes us before both Gulf War and World War, before both the Spanish Reconquista and the
conquest of Constantinople, before the Crusades and all the way back to the origins of Islam itself
in the 7th century, when conflict between Christian churches, Zoroastrian priests and Jewish
tribes shook the entire Middle East. One group literally ‘struggled, fought’ to save itself from the
chaos of that time and place.
One conclusion I offer up front is that the Qur’an’s speaker and audience originally belonged
to an Arab Jewish/Christian community, a community that knew scripture well. The Bible and its
many commentaries in the late ancient Middle East form the background of the Qur’an. Its ancient
community lived very much between the historical Jesus and the historical Muhammad.
Hristiyan kral Abgar V'e, tarihin bu büyük devine, Suriye Hristiyanlığı ve paganizm arasında kurduğu edebi köprü açısından az dikkat çekilmiştir. Abgar hakkındaki ve özellikle Addai Doktrini'ni dile getiren kaynakları elekten geçirerek , Suriye Hristiyanlığı, paganizm'in erken dönemleri ve dini senkretizm hakkında bilgi ediniriz. Dahası,burada yarı otonom bir şehir devleti ve etnik kavşak olan Urhai, Hristiyanlığın gelişimi ile ilgili bilgi sağlamasının yanında, birçok inanç ve bu inançların nasıl uygulandığına dair bilgi vermesi açısından da önemli rol oynar. Farklı kültürlerin kavşağı ve " Doğu " Hristiyanlığı'nın doğum yeri olan Edessa akıllarda-hala-müphemliğini korumaktadır. Bu çalışmada özellikle ele alındığı üzere Edessa ve Hristiyanlık arasındaki ilişki yaklaşık olarak Hristiyanlığın ilk iki yüzyılı ve bu dönemden sonraki otuz yıl içinde gelişir 3 ve büyük kısmı hala çözümlenmemiştir. 4 Bu alanda çalışan biliminsanları'nın doğal olarak Suriye Hristiyanlığı'nın kökenleri ile meşgul oldukları ,hala bu konu ile meşgul olmaya devam ettikleri ve bu alanda yayımlanmış hatırı sayılır ölçüde literatür oluşmuş olduğu söylenebilir. 5 Fakat bu literatür birincil kaynakların eksikliği nedeniyle ciddi zorluklar içeriyor.Ayrıca, ister Süryanice, ister Yunanca ya da her ikisi birden olsun, orijinal dilde metin kullanma geleneğinden gelen çıkarsamayı azaltarak güçlük çıkartıyor. 6. Dahası bu alanda yaygın ölçüde akademik anlaşmazlık var ve bu ölümcül bir problem olabilir. 7 70'den öncesindeki kaynak kıtlığının nedenlerine ek olarak,Edessa'da bilinen en eski kilise binasının 201'deki bir selle 8 yıkılması ve " Yahudi savaşının büyük 1 Dr. Emran El-Badawi is program director and associate professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Houston. 2 Bağımsız araştırmacı ve çevirmen 3 Bardaisan'ın ölümü, özellikle dördüncü yüzyılda Mor Efrem'in (306-373) de dahil olduğu dönemde başlamış olduğu düşünülebilecek Chalcedon tartışmalarını kapsayan bu dönem de , Edessa (214 dolaylarında) Roma İmparatorluğu'nun önemli bir kıvrımı haline gelir.