Which UPitt Campuses are good?

Besides UPitt Pittsburgh campus is a great location and absolutely love it.
which other campuses are good for Business - accounting? Johnstown or Greenburg?

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Greenburg is only a minor. Johnstown a major.

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Johnstown but it’s all commuter.
There’s talk of cutting the branches to reduce costs but I think Jonstown is ok.
Another branch campus, PSU Greater Allegheny, has dorms but is very small; it does offer Business, Supply Chain Management, and a few other degrees (or you can transfer to Main Campus if you have the grades in pre-reqs and they don’t offer the degree you want).

Is there a particular reason why a branch campus instead of main?

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Can’t find the thread but if I remember correct (I can’t look up under OPs name), he asked on a different thread about chances of admission and it was a reach (IMHO) if this is the person I think.

found it

Chance UPITT - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums

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Go to CCAC for 60 credits. Maintain a 3.0 GPA and transfer to Pitt main business as a junior. Look at the articulation agreement. It’s an option.

If you’re looking for accounting, I would choose Johnstown rather than Greensburg. According to the site below, these were the CPA passage rates for the UPitt schools:

Greensburg: 21.7%
Johnstown: 64.3%
Main Campus: 61%

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@AustenNut you are a wealth of information! Considering sending D to Pitt regional campus and transferring to main as soon as she has enough credits. Undecided major but likely something in healthcare. Thinking Greensburg location (over Johnston) since it is more suburban, closer to main (she can attend Pitt games etc,) and they recently opened a new healthcare building. Seems to me Greensburg is more healthcare focused whereas Johnston leans towards Engineering. Any additional thoughts??

Unfortunately, I don’t, but perhaps @MYOS1634 does?

That would be my assessment too, relatively speaking … However there’s been talk of cutting branches and Greensburg may be on the bubble.
If your student is a solid B/B+ student I would hesitate in sending her there.

What would the “something in healthcare” mean -nursing, OPT, med/do, public health/policy, health management…?

Where else has she been admitted?

(Just in case: Juniata may still be taking apps and is a topnotch choice for B/B+ students who are serious about the sciences&health.)


Is this realistic? My understanding is that the Pitt branch campuses stand on their own and are not to be considered a backdoor way into the main campus. I don’t think it’s a normal path to go a branch campus and transfer to main. I know PSU does this, but Pitt is different. Note I am parent to two Pitt grads who both attended main campus and my understanding comes from them but could be wrong.

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Thanks. She has been admitted to a number of schools but my husband is at Pitt so she can get a tuition waiver there. She also received tuition exchange at John Carroll in Cleveland so those are the two schools we are leanings towards. I’d say next on her list would likely be Ohio University but it’s hard for me to justify the additional cost with 2 other kids to get through the process. Interesting comment on Junita - I haven’t looked at that school.

As far as studies, at one point she was considering nursing but she has moved away from that now. Her favorite classes are anatomy and psychology so I thought maybe OT but based on my suggestion she’s not going for it. She’ll likely have to take some more classes to see what really suits her. When she was young I thought she’d be a great art teacher bc she has a creative side. And for a few years she wanted to be a vet. Lol - based on all that I’ll take any ideas you may have as far as a major too!

Yes, verified with admissions. She’ll need 45 credits and decent grades for A&S. It is the case that regionals do stand on their own for many majors so I don’t think they are considered big feeders like Penn State’s 2+2 but it is still possible to transfer.

I’d definitely pick John Carroll over Pitt Greensburg. The freshman experience won’t be comparable and the academic expectations will be a better preparation for Pitt.
(I’m assuming she didn’t get into Pitt Main for psychology :sleepy:.)

Exploring as a freshman is perfectly normal -even kids who think they know exactly what they’re going to major in …change their minds!

Her 1st semester will likely be broad anyway: Intro to Psych, Freshman English, Foreign Language, General Bio or Chem or gen ed Science, and Statistics. From this she would be able to pivot to any major. The key to choosing any major is to add a Stats or Data science minor. :+1: So really anything is open :slightly_smiling_face:


Great advise! She’s currently on Pitt’s WL. Had figured transferring from a regional may be preferred since it would be nearly guaranteed she good get over and I wasn’t sure if she’d have a hard time transferring in from another school (if needed). Thank you!

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I mentioned earlier but go to CCAC and transfer to Pitt. It used to be pretty much guaranteed assuming decent grades. Rent/share an apartment and be in the city. I would think this beats Johnstown or other regional campuses.

Lots of kids go this route. Saves money considering the cost of PA colleges.

What other schools are on her list? Did she look at Chatham since you have the tuition exchange?


Applied to a lot of schools since it was really hard to know what might work out with TE and what non-sticker price would be. She was accepted to all the these.

TE schools outstanding:
Chatham - waiting, no DI
Carlow - waiting, tour
Dayton - waiting, no in person visit slim chance

TE schools waitlist (no in person visits):
Loyola Chicago
Ohio Wesleyan
Baldwin Wallace
Robert Morris

TE denied:

State schools:
Penn state (2+2)
Ohio University
Miami U. (My alma matter but not enough merit :sob:)

And of course, Admit WL:

Kind of embarrassed to list all these! Also, she is at a very competitive HS taking some AP/honors classes so even though CCAC would be affordable I think she needs more of a challenge.

That’s a good list.
:crossed_fingers: for Chatham and Dayton, and of course Pitt.
Xavier and Ohio Wesleyan aren’t far and really good choices.
At Penn State, what major did she apply for? DUS ? Did she check summer? What branch did she get? (Altoona/Harrisburg/Behrend are real colleges and can be good for students in the 3.2-3.5 GPA range.)

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Not positive on the major for Penn State - either a healthcare track or undecided. Admitted to Altoona. She said she’d be willing to start in the summer but I guess still didn’t get that offer.

Good list and still some options up in the air. All it takes is one to work out. Chatham would be a nice option. Dayton as well.

I wouldn’t completely dismiss the CCAC route. Especially compared to the 2+2 at PSU. Lots of good students because of the cost. S20 just graduated from Georgia Tech but took some classes at CCAC. He had no complaints.

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