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u bacu nu patalaway

標示, 記號, 徽章, 圖騰, 圖案/ izaw ku bacu nina kilang.

bacu sa, napatuzu' ku zuma a kawaw masaheciay saca canacanan a tuutuud. bacu sa kapah tu ku nu sulit kulit suni saca kawih nu lima, pasubana' tu tawan, u canan ku

u sulit sa u bacu tu

pakatineng nu tademaw. u bacu nu lacul hakay yadah ku patinengay. u ayzaay a subal nu binawlan, yadah ku bacu, caykalecad ku kuma, malecad ku bacu, sisa izaw ku bacu matahkal i kitakitakit. kya matineng ku caykalecad kamuay a tademaw, u canan ku pasubana'ay. u bacu a bana'-kakuziza , u tatengaay a bana' tuway. katuuday ku minanamay.

mapabacu 已做記號/ mipabacu tu ku luma' nu tumuk.

mipabacu 做記號/ mipabacu kaku tu laed nu umah.

pabacuan 被標示記號的地方/ pabacuan tu ku luma' ni Kacaw.

sibacuay 有記號的/ katinengan ku sibacuay ku badahung a luma'.

記號(sign)是指一個用來代表其他事物的實體或物體。記號可以表示其他事物確定發生或是出現,也可能只是有一定的可能性。自然的記號是指記號和所代表的事物有因果的關係。慣用記號(conventional sign)則是約定俗成的,有其特定的語意。例如句號表示一句的結束。記號也可以是語言文字、聲音、表達方式或是手勢。若是用實體來作為記號(例如道路交通標誌之類的,通稱為標示),一般上面會有文字、符號、圖畫或是這些的組合,以說明所要表示的內容。符號學是有關記號及符號的哲學研究,其中包括指號過程的研究,就是符號學概念下的符號運作的方式。

sign is an object, quality, event, or entity whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else. A natural sign bears a causal relation to its object—for instance, thunder is a sign of storm, or medical symptoms signify a disease. A conventional sign signifies by agreement, as a full stop signifies the end of a sentence; similarly the words and expressions of a language, as well as bodily gestures, can be regarded as signs, expressing particular meanings. The physical objects most commonly referred to as signs (notices, road signs, etc., collectively known as signage) generally inform or instruct using written text, symbols, pictures or a combination of these.

The philosophical study of signs and symbols is called semiotics; this includes the study of semiosis, which is the way in which signs (in the semiotic sense) operate.

namakayniay a nasulitan nasakamuan atu natinengan

[mikawaway-kalumyiti | mikawaway tu kalumyiti sakatizeng bangu]

