A második ötéves tervben a Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt továbbra is az iparfejlesztést tekintet... more A második ötéves tervben a Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt továbbra is az iparfejlesztést tekintette elsődleges feladatnak. A gyorsabb növekedést és a gazdaságosság javulását a politika a termelés műszaki színvonalának az emelésétől várta, ami az építészet esetében a típustervezés, a tipizálás és az előregyártás követelményét jelentette. A tanulmány a hazai ipari építészet és a típustervezés viszonyát vizsgálja az 1961–1965 közötti időszakban, az Ipari Épülettervező Vállalatot, a hazai ipari építészet kiemelkedő műhelyét állítva a középpontba. A határokat az ötéves terv mellett az időszak két meghatározó, az ipari építészet témájával foglalkozó konferenciája jelöli ki: az 1961-es I. Ipari Építési Konferencia, illetve az UIA 1964-ben hazánkban tartott III. Ipari Építészeti Szemináriuma. A tanulmány bemutatja az ipari épületek tervezésében résztvevő építészek és konstruktőrök véleményét a típustervezés különböző szinteken történő hasznosíthatóságáról, a méretegységesítés, az egységesített szerkezeti elemek, az ipari típuselemek, illetve a tipizált szekciók kidolgozása mellett és ellen szóló érveket, valamint a gyakorlatot, a mintaként állított épületeket. Bár a gyakorlat felszínre hozta az erőltetett üzemi előregyártás ellentmondásait, és így azokat igazolta, akik a fejlesztést a méretegységesítésben és a feladatokhoz igazított részleges előregyártásban, nem pedig az előregyártáshoz igazított tervezésben látták, a párt egyre erősödő nyomásától az ipari épületek tervezői sem térhettek ki teljesen. Igaz, ez sohasem jelentette ugyanazt a kötöttséget, mint a középületek vagy a lakóépületek esetében. | In the second five-year plan the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party still stressed the primary importance of industrial development. The politics expected the rapid growth and the economy improvement from the raising of technical level in production. For architecture this meant the demand for standard design, standardization and prefabrication. The study surveys the relationship of Hungarian industrial architecture to standardization during the period 1961–1965, focusing on the leading firm on this field, the Ipari Épülettervező Vállalat (Industrial Architecture Design Firm). The limits of investigated period are defined by the five-year plan and by the two conferences on industrial architecture held in 1961 (I. Industrial Building Conference) and in 1964 (UIA III. Industrial Architecture Seminar). The study presents how the architects and constructors active in industrial architecture were thinking about standard design, their opinion on the different levels of standard design such as: size standardization, standard structural elements and standard elements of building sections. Parallel with their arguments for and against the different methods in standardization the survey also presents architectural practice, the realized buildings, which became examples for the arguments. The practice exposed the contradictions inherent in the forced factory prefabrication, and verified those who preferred development through size standardization and partial factory prefabrication adapted to the tasks, not in design adapted to prefabrication. However neither the designers of industrial buildings could escape from the political expectations for standard design, though it never reached the same rate as it did in the design of public buildings or housing
European Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning
Community gardens have a long history worldwide. They offer an opportunity to reconnect the urban... more Community gardens have a long history worldwide. They offer an opportunity to reconnect the urban fabric ruptured by vacant plots, foster social connections, build community spirit, and promote sustainability. However, they have to face several challenges and obstacles like legal procedures, financial support and the changing engagements of the local communities. This trend appeared in Hungary relatively lately, about a decade ago. The paper focuses on vacant inner-city plots in Budapest. We analyse the situation and follow the story of four existing community gardens. We decipher the challenges they go through, especially their temporary status, the changing political circumstances and the accepting or rejecting attitude of the local population. On the other hand, we present the crucial role of NGOs and local communities in keeping these projects alive and raising awareness to improve their impact, improving city life.
Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning, 2021
Arts are the main human expression encouraging man to expose his practices, ideas, and fears. Thi... more Arts are the main human expression encouraging man to expose his practices, ideas, and fears. This in turn affects and shapes his environment, an environment which keeps evolving into cities. Nowadays, human expression through art is playing a major role in the development of the urban landscape by shifting the old-fashioned paradigms of the rigid and static urban structuring and development, especially with the new urban trends floating on the surface. The case study of the Medina of Tunis is a paradigmatic example that illustrates the bottom- up approach of social participation in urban life through art. The research question asked here is to what extent has the artistic practices been influencing the urban development of the city's user experience? Can this be regarded as a necessary tool for the regeneration of the historical urban landscape? First, a general overview of urban development and the influence of the artistic practices have been presented. Issues such as urban t...
The general impression of Hungarian architecture in the seventies seems rather boring. However so... more The general impression of Hungarian architecture in the seventies seems rather boring. However some tendencies emerged searching for alternatives and creating a characteristic Hungarian architecture within modernism. The folk architectural tradition was only obvious authentic source of especially Hungarian architecture in the seventies both for experts and laymen. Imre Makovecz and Gyorgy Csete followed this way. But their analysis of traditional forms and patterns turned into searching for general signs and symbols, authenticity of folk art was proved by its connection to the organic world, to eancestral primitivei. National patterns became cosmic signs. Some other architects turned to foreign lands for renewing national architecture; they concentrated on England, Finland, Denmark and Japan. Following of northern romantic modernism resulted in buildings made of local materials, adjusted to local scale and landscape. The other current tendency was the architectural structuralism who...
Due to their authentic urban and architectural character, the Medinas of Tunis and Marrakesh beca... more Due to their authentic urban and architectural character, the Medinas of Tunis and Marrakesh became listed among the United Nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization (UNESCO) heritage sites in 1979 and 1985, respectively. Nowadays, the urbanization of the surrounding green areas and the climate change impacts on cities are degrading the Medinas’ livability and their characteristic heritage. On the other hand, scientific knowledge and data about the green system in the dense urban cores of Medinas in the Maghreb region is still not a widely apprehended theme in the scientific domain. This research objective is to initiate nature-based and sustainable solutions in these cities by demonstrating the application of the urban green infrastructure (UGI) approach. As a research methodology, an analysis of the historical green system development in the Medinas is given to highlight their tangible and intangible values. The analysis goes over three periods: first, the medieva...
A kutatas az epiteszetelmelet legfrissebb tendenciainak a feldolgozasara vallalkozott. Megallapit... more A kutatas az epiteszetelmelet legfrissebb tendenciainak a feldolgozasara vallalkozott. Megallapitottuk, hogy az epiteszetelmelet szerepenek es jellegenek (elvek vagy manifesztumok) valtozasa korunk szemleletvaltasait koveti. A posztmodern gyenge igazsagain es a dekonstruktivizmuson at a piac kihivasaira adott innovativ megoldasok nyujtotta onigazolasaig vezet az ut, amelyen a teoria most megis visszafordulni latszik. Az elmelet valtozasaban szerepet jatszik a gazdasag is, a kilencvenes evekben kiteljesedő globalizacio, majd az evtized vegi valsag. Az elmelet alakulasara nagy hatassal volt a digitalis technika elterjedese is, amely nem csak az epiteszeti formak es anyagok előtt nyitott uj lehetősegeket, hanem halozatos szervezete a gondolkodast is befolyasolta. Megallapitottuk, hogy az elmult evtized jellemző epiteszetelmeleti munkai a szoszedet semlegessegevel osszeallitott kulcsszavakra epulnek. Az egyes fogalmak ugyanakkor jellemzően hozzarendelhetőek valamely problemakorhoz, bar sohasem csak egyhez. Az elmelet ma meghatarozoi temai es kerdesei: az epiteszet hatasa, az epulet letrehozasanak a modja, illetve az epiteszet es az epitesz felelőssege. Eredmenyeinket 27 publikacioban tettuk kozze, valamint egy doktori disszertacio is keszult a temaban. A kutatas soran egy nemzetkozi es egy hazai konferenciat szerveztunk, a feltart es rendszerezett ismereteket ket egyetemi kurzus anyagaba is beepitettuk. | The aim of the research project was to discover the recent tendencies in architectural theory. We found that the role and (principles or manifesto like) nature of theory follows the changes of the general world view. Theory followed the way from the post-modern weak truth through deconstructivism up to the praise of innovation as a reaction to the challenges of the market. However theory now seems to turn back on the road. Economy also played a role in the change: globalization in the nineties, and the recent crisis. The third determinant of theory was the spread of digital technology. It offered new architectural forms and materials for the praxis, but its networked organization also influenced our way of thinking. We found that in the last decade the characteristic theoretical works of architecture were compiled neutrally, based on keywords. However the separate concepts typically can be assigned to a problem, but never just to one. We found that the defining themes and problems of architectural theory are as follows: effects and affects of architecture, way of creating architecture and the responsibility of architecture and the architect. We published our findings in the form of reviews (9ps.), conference proceedings (8ps.) and journal studies (10ps.). A doctoral dissertation was also submitted in the theme. We organized one international and one home conference, and the results of the research were built into the curriculum of two university courses.
Zalotay Elemer 1958-ban mutatta be az Epitesugyi Miniszteriumban azt a koncepciojat, melyre ugyan... more Zalotay Elemer 1958-ban mutatta be az Epitesugyi Miniszteriumban azt a koncepciojat, melyre ugyan nem kapott hivatalos megbizast, de amelyet a tervező a lakasepitessel kapcsolatos gondok atfogo megoldasi lehetősegenek tekintett. Az ekkor palyakezdő epitesz ugy gondolta, hogy a rutinmegoldasoktol elterő otlet szamot tarthat az epitesugyi szervek figyelmere. A terv olyan monumentalis „techno-utopia” volt, amely hosszu időre zavarba ejtette az epitesz szakma es a szakpolitika szeles koreit.Bar Zalotay terve szamos megastruktura-viziora emlekeztető modon egy innovativ szerkezet gigantikus meretűre nagyitott verziojat igyekezett lakhatova tenni es az elet teljesseget felolelő egyetemes rendszerre alkalmazni, nem jutott el olyan komplexitashoz, amely koncepciojat igazi megastrukturava tenne. Ugyanakkor a radikalis elgondolas — nem kis mertekben Zalotay aktivitasanak a kovetkezmenyekent — egyre szelesebb korben keltette fel a szakman kivuli tarsadalom figyelmet. A szalaghazrol szolo irasok, de kulonosen az 1965-...
A második ötéves tervben a Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt továbbra is az iparfejlesztést tekintet... more A második ötéves tervben a Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt továbbra is az iparfejlesztést tekintette elsődleges feladatnak. A gyorsabb növekedést és a gazdaságosság javulását a politika a termelés műszaki színvonalának az emelésétől várta, ami az építészet esetében a típustervezés, a tipizálás és az előregyártás követelményét jelentette. A tanulmány a hazai ipari építészet és a típustervezés viszonyát vizsgálja az 1961–1965 közötti időszakban, az Ipari Épülettervező Vállalatot, a hazai ipari építészet kiemelkedő műhelyét állítva a középpontba. A határokat az ötéves terv mellett az időszak két meghatározó, az ipari építészet témájával foglalkozó konferenciája jelöli ki: az 1961-es I. Ipari Építési Konferencia, illetve az UIA 1964-ben hazánkban tartott III. Ipari Építészeti Szemináriuma. A tanulmány bemutatja az ipari épületek tervezésében résztvevő építészek és konstruktőrök véleményét a típustervezés különböző szinteken történő hasznosíthatóságáról, a méretegységesítés, az egységesített szerkezeti elemek, az ipari típuselemek, illetve a tipizált szekciók kidolgozása mellett és ellen szóló érveket, valamint a gyakorlatot, a mintaként állított épületeket. Bár a gyakorlat felszínre hozta az erőltetett üzemi előregyártás ellentmondásait, és így azokat igazolta, akik a fejlesztést a méretegységesítésben és a feladatokhoz igazított részleges előregyártásban, nem pedig az előregyártáshoz igazított tervezésben látták, a párt egyre erősödő nyomásától az ipari épületek tervezői sem térhettek ki teljesen. Igaz, ez sohasem jelentette ugyanazt a kötöttséget, mint a középületek vagy a lakóépületek esetében. | In the second five-year plan the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party still stressed the primary importance of industrial development. The politics expected the rapid growth and the economy improvement from the raising of technical level in production. For architecture this meant the demand for standard design, standardization and prefabrication. The study surveys the relationship of Hungarian industrial architecture to standardization during the period 1961–1965, focusing on the leading firm on this field, the Ipari Épülettervező Vállalat (Industrial Architecture Design Firm). The limits of investigated period are defined by the five-year plan and by the two conferences on industrial architecture held in 1961 (I. Industrial Building Conference) and in 1964 (UIA III. Industrial Architecture Seminar). The study presents how the architects and constructors active in industrial architecture were thinking about standard design, their opinion on the different levels of standard design such as: size standardization, standard structural elements and standard elements of building sections. Parallel with their arguments for and against the different methods in standardization the survey also presents architectural practice, the realized buildings, which became examples for the arguments. The practice exposed the contradictions inherent in the forced factory prefabrication, and verified those who preferred development through size standardization and partial factory prefabrication adapted to the tasks, not in design adapted to prefabrication. However neither the designers of industrial buildings could escape from the political expectations for standard design, though it never reached the same rate as it did in the design of public buildings or housing
European Journal of Architecture and Urban Planning
Community gardens have a long history worldwide. They offer an opportunity to reconnect the urban... more Community gardens have a long history worldwide. They offer an opportunity to reconnect the urban fabric ruptured by vacant plots, foster social connections, build community spirit, and promote sustainability. However, they have to face several challenges and obstacles like legal procedures, financial support and the changing engagements of the local communities. This trend appeared in Hungary relatively lately, about a decade ago. The paper focuses on vacant inner-city plots in Budapest. We analyse the situation and follow the story of four existing community gardens. We decipher the challenges they go through, especially their temporary status, the changing political circumstances and the accepting or rejecting attitude of the local population. On the other hand, we present the crucial role of NGOs and local communities in keeping these projects alive and raising awareness to improve their impact, improving city life.
Journal of Research in Architecture and Planning, 2021
Arts are the main human expression encouraging man to expose his practices, ideas, and fears. Thi... more Arts are the main human expression encouraging man to expose his practices, ideas, and fears. This in turn affects and shapes his environment, an environment which keeps evolving into cities. Nowadays, human expression through art is playing a major role in the development of the urban landscape by shifting the old-fashioned paradigms of the rigid and static urban structuring and development, especially with the new urban trends floating on the surface. The case study of the Medina of Tunis is a paradigmatic example that illustrates the bottom- up approach of social participation in urban life through art. The research question asked here is to what extent has the artistic practices been influencing the urban development of the city's user experience? Can this be regarded as a necessary tool for the regeneration of the historical urban landscape? First, a general overview of urban development and the influence of the artistic practices have been presented. Issues such as urban t...
The general impression of Hungarian architecture in the seventies seems rather boring. However so... more The general impression of Hungarian architecture in the seventies seems rather boring. However some tendencies emerged searching for alternatives and creating a characteristic Hungarian architecture within modernism. The folk architectural tradition was only obvious authentic source of especially Hungarian architecture in the seventies both for experts and laymen. Imre Makovecz and Gyorgy Csete followed this way. But their analysis of traditional forms and patterns turned into searching for general signs and symbols, authenticity of folk art was proved by its connection to the organic world, to eancestral primitivei. National patterns became cosmic signs. Some other architects turned to foreign lands for renewing national architecture; they concentrated on England, Finland, Denmark and Japan. Following of northern romantic modernism resulted in buildings made of local materials, adjusted to local scale and landscape. The other current tendency was the architectural structuralism who...
Due to their authentic urban and architectural character, the Medinas of Tunis and Marrakesh beca... more Due to their authentic urban and architectural character, the Medinas of Tunis and Marrakesh became listed among the United Nations educational, scientific, and cultural organization (UNESCO) heritage sites in 1979 and 1985, respectively. Nowadays, the urbanization of the surrounding green areas and the climate change impacts on cities are degrading the Medinas’ livability and their characteristic heritage. On the other hand, scientific knowledge and data about the green system in the dense urban cores of Medinas in the Maghreb region is still not a widely apprehended theme in the scientific domain. This research objective is to initiate nature-based and sustainable solutions in these cities by demonstrating the application of the urban green infrastructure (UGI) approach. As a research methodology, an analysis of the historical green system development in the Medinas is given to highlight their tangible and intangible values. The analysis goes over three periods: first, the medieva...
A kutatas az epiteszetelmelet legfrissebb tendenciainak a feldolgozasara vallalkozott. Megallapit... more A kutatas az epiteszetelmelet legfrissebb tendenciainak a feldolgozasara vallalkozott. Megallapitottuk, hogy az epiteszetelmelet szerepenek es jellegenek (elvek vagy manifesztumok) valtozasa korunk szemleletvaltasait koveti. A posztmodern gyenge igazsagain es a dekonstruktivizmuson at a piac kihivasaira adott innovativ megoldasok nyujtotta onigazolasaig vezet az ut, amelyen a teoria most megis visszafordulni latszik. Az elmelet valtozasaban szerepet jatszik a gazdasag is, a kilencvenes evekben kiteljesedő globalizacio, majd az evtized vegi valsag. Az elmelet alakulasara nagy hatassal volt a digitalis technika elterjedese is, amely nem csak az epiteszeti formak es anyagok előtt nyitott uj lehetősegeket, hanem halozatos szervezete a gondolkodast is befolyasolta. Megallapitottuk, hogy az elmult evtized jellemző epiteszetelmeleti munkai a szoszedet semlegessegevel osszeallitott kulcsszavakra epulnek. Az egyes fogalmak ugyanakkor jellemzően hozzarendelhetőek valamely problemakorhoz, bar sohasem csak egyhez. Az elmelet ma meghatarozoi temai es kerdesei: az epiteszet hatasa, az epulet letrehozasanak a modja, illetve az epiteszet es az epitesz felelőssege. Eredmenyeinket 27 publikacioban tettuk kozze, valamint egy doktori disszertacio is keszult a temaban. A kutatas soran egy nemzetkozi es egy hazai konferenciat szerveztunk, a feltart es rendszerezett ismereteket ket egyetemi kurzus anyagaba is beepitettuk. | The aim of the research project was to discover the recent tendencies in architectural theory. We found that the role and (principles or manifesto like) nature of theory follows the changes of the general world view. Theory followed the way from the post-modern weak truth through deconstructivism up to the praise of innovation as a reaction to the challenges of the market. However theory now seems to turn back on the road. Economy also played a role in the change: globalization in the nineties, and the recent crisis. The third determinant of theory was the spread of digital technology. It offered new architectural forms and materials for the praxis, but its networked organization also influenced our way of thinking. We found that in the last decade the characteristic theoretical works of architecture were compiled neutrally, based on keywords. However the separate concepts typically can be assigned to a problem, but never just to one. We found that the defining themes and problems of architectural theory are as follows: effects and affects of architecture, way of creating architecture and the responsibility of architecture and the architect. We published our findings in the form of reviews (9ps.), conference proceedings (8ps.) and journal studies (10ps.). A doctoral dissertation was also submitted in the theme. We organized one international and one home conference, and the results of the research were built into the curriculum of two university courses.
Zalotay Elemer 1958-ban mutatta be az Epitesugyi Miniszteriumban azt a koncepciojat, melyre ugyan... more Zalotay Elemer 1958-ban mutatta be az Epitesugyi Miniszteriumban azt a koncepciojat, melyre ugyan nem kapott hivatalos megbizast, de amelyet a tervező a lakasepitessel kapcsolatos gondok atfogo megoldasi lehetősegenek tekintett. Az ekkor palyakezdő epitesz ugy gondolta, hogy a rutinmegoldasoktol elterő otlet szamot tarthat az epitesugyi szervek figyelmere. A terv olyan monumentalis „techno-utopia” volt, amely hosszu időre zavarba ejtette az epitesz szakma es a szakpolitika szeles koreit.Bar Zalotay terve szamos megastruktura-viziora emlekeztető modon egy innovativ szerkezet gigantikus meretűre nagyitott verziojat igyekezett lakhatova tenni es az elet teljesseget felolelő egyetemes rendszerre alkalmazni, nem jutott el olyan komplexitashoz, amely koncepciojat igazi megastrukturava tenne. Ugyanakkor a radikalis elgondolas — nem kis mertekben Zalotay aktivitasanak a kovetkezmenyekent — egyre szelesebb korben keltette fel a szakman kivuli tarsadalom figyelmet. A szalaghazrol szolo irasok, de kulonosen az 1965-...
Papers by Mariann Simon