CMS: About Datasets

4 min read
Datasets serve as the crucial link between the elements on your page and the content in your CMS (Content Management System) collections. They are purely functional and do not appear on your live site. With datasets, you can create a two-way connection for displaying collection content, storing user inputs, or both. In your dataset settings, you can specify which items load, in what order, and how many display at a time. 

Connect and display collection content on your pages

Datasets allow you to control which parts of your page elements connect to which fields in your collection. Each dataset connects to a collection and each element connected to the dataset connects to a field in the collection. This unlocks a new way of managing which content appears and where.

Connect datasets to repeaters to streamline your design process. Repeaters allow you to design one item, consisting of multiple elements, that repeats the same layout. In your dataset, you choose which collection fields connect to the item elements. Each item in your repeater then shows a different item from your collection while maintaining a consistent layout. 
A screenshot of the connections in a dataset.

Control what visitors can do with your collection

Adjust the dataset mode to determine what actions can be done between the connected elements and your collection. 

Set the dataset mode to Write or Read & Write if you are using input elements to allow visitors to submit content directly to your collections. Create custom forms using input elements such as text boxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, upload buttons and more. You can restrict submissions to site members only or create custom permissions in each collection. 

Set the dataset mode to 'Read & Write' or 'Read' if you want visitors to use input elements to filter the collection content they interact with on your site. 
A screenshot of the dataset mode in the dataset settings.

Control how many items display and load

Use the "Maximum items displayed" field in your dataset to choose how many items load at a time. Keep in mind that a large number of items loading at the same time can slow down your page's loading time. Instead, add "Load More" buttons, "Next/Previous Page" buttons, or a pagination bar. These allow visitors to view more items when they choose to, keeping a balance between content accessibility and loading speed.

Add sort conditions to the dataset to choose the order in which items display. Use filters in your dataset to exclude specific items that you don't want to appear on your site. You can apply filters based on dataset values to show related items from other collections. For example, showcase primary items from one collection and their associated secondary items from another collection, such as albums and their corresponding songs. 
A screenshot of the maximum items displayed field, filters, and sorts in a dataset.

Create custom navigation elements

Enhance the navigation experience on your site with custom navigation elements tailored to your needs. Create custom navigation buttons by connecting regular buttons to a dataset. Then choose a "Click action connects to" option in the dataset to choose what happens when the button is clicked (e.g. "Load more", "Next dynamic page" or "Next item"). 

Use pagination elements if you have large amounts of content within a repeater or gallery. Pagination allows you to break down the contents of a list into distinct "pages" that visitors can navigate through with ease. Connect the pagination bar to a dataset to automate the process, ensuring visitors can easily move from one page to another to browse extensive content. 
A screenshot showing a button linked to the next dynamic page.

Manage dynamic page content

Datasets are essential to both dynamic list pages and dynamic item pages. They serve as a bridge between the content stored in collections and the elements on the page.

In dynamic list pages, datasets retrieve content from the connected collection and make it available to the elements within a repeater. This allows for the dynamic display of multiple items in a structured and repeating format. By connecting the repeater to the dataset, the number of items displayed automatically adjusts based on the collection's content.

Similarly, in dynamic item pages, datasets establish the connection between the individual item's content and the page elements. The dataset retrieves the specific item from the collection, allowing you to present detailed information using regular page elements.
Learn more about working with dynamic pages.
A screenshot of a dynamic page dataset.

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