Welcome to the Last.fm Support Forums

Here you can find answers to your questions and get help with common problems with the website and scrobbling apps.

Getting started

If you're new to Last.fm, or don't know where to start, we recommend checking out our new users guide, Frequently Asked Questions, or browse the forum Categories.

If you're looking for help connecting Spotify or your favourite music player / streaming service, please check out our Track Your Music page and More ways to scrobble article.

Login and Payment issues

This is a public forum, so please don't post sensitive information such as your email address, phone number, or credit card details.

If you're having problems logging into your Last.fm account you can get help for this here. If you are having problems with your Last.fm Pro membership, please click here.

Site incidents (don't panic!)

Sometimes things break. :slight_smile: Perhaps more often than we'd like to admit, but in most cases hardware outages are disruptive but rarely serious.

If you're having problems loading the website, viewing your recent tracks, or your scrobbles aren't showing up right away, then please first check our Service Status alerts and #incident tag before starting a new post, as our team may already be aware of the problem. :wrench:

Reporting abuse and inappropriate content

Please do not use the Last.fm support forums for reporting abuse. Most forms of abuse on the website (such as inappropriate shouts and images) can be reported on the page directly. Furthermore, you can block users by adding them to your ignore list and change your privacy settings to control which users can and can't contact you on the website. You can also report abuse using this form, or by contacting a member of the moderation team privately.