Naked City by Naked City missing tracklist and being incorrectly labeled under John Zorn

The album Naked City by Naked city is missing a tracklist:

The album is additionally included under John Zorn:

Actually no, it is pretty much correct as it is now: the album was really released by John Zorn: Release group “Naked City” by John Zorn - MusicBrainz
And besides, after this project, those musicians that helped this release, had their name Naked City, and continued their work with this name ! Not to mention that Zorn was a founding member of this band - at least while working on this album.
As you can see on Musicbrainz page for the band Naked City, there is no release with this name.

Maybe you can view this album as being a release of this band, and scrobble it like this, but since sources like Musicbrainz have it from John Zorn, it's very unlikely the one under the band would ever have a playlist.