Mass deletion of photos

I remember a while back I noticed some artists had photos deleted. I didn't notice it that much until today. I particularly noticed many missing photos with Cannibal Corpse today. They just vanished without a trace. Why? What happened? Are people reporting these photos and then they get taken down that way? Or were these photos requested to be deleted. I remember there was a good amount of photos for Cannibal Corpse and now many are gone.

It could just be the image server getting tired. Try again later.
It's also possible they were taken down if they violated Last-fm rules, but all of them? That sounds strange.
They could also be taken down on the request of the artist or label. Then the upload of new images would usually be blocked.

Oh okay. I remember many Cannibal Corpse photos were around and I had one set as my preferred image and sadly that one got deleted for no reason. It's possible that one of the users who uploaded it decided to delete it.

Ah, yes. If I recall correctly if a user deletes his/her account the uploaded images are gone too. But I still sometimes see photos uploaded by "[deleted user]"

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