Movie & show refunds on YouTube

Learn more about refund policies and request a refund for movies and shows that you purchased from your account.

Request a refund for a movie or TV show on YouTube

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Movie & show refund policies

If videos or features related to your YouTube purchase don’t work, you may be eligible for a refund. If a refund request is granted, we'll remove access to the content and your money will be returned within the refund timelines listed here.

  • If you haven't watched your show or movie, you can request a refund within 7 business days of the purchase.
  • Movies and TV show purchases and rentals made on the YouTube Android app will be billed via Google Play. Go to to learn about new charges and understand how you’re billed. Purchases made via Google Play are subject to its refund policies.

Request a refund for movies & shows on YouTube

If you purchased a movie or show via Google Play, you must request a refund through the Play Store. Go to to learn about new charges and understand how you’re billed.

If you have an active paid membership, sign in to request a refund.

YouTube purchases made through the App Store require authorization from Apple and are subject to their refund policies.

YouTube can’t grant refunds for purchases made on an Apple device or through Apple billing. Get in touch with Apple support to request a refund.

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