Search for hotels on Google

Hotel search on Google helps you discover, compare, and book accommodations for your trip. You can:

  • Find hotels that match your needs and preferences. You can filter by parameters like price, location, user ratings, and hotel class.
  • Learn about a hotel and the surrounding area through photos, user reviews, amenity details, and location info.
  • Compare prices for your stay or reserve a room with one of our booking partners.

Start your hotel search on Google

There are 2 ways to start your hotel search on Google: 

  • Go to and enter your search terms and travel dates. If you’re just exploring, you can also choose among popular destinations.
  • Start on Search for “hotels in” the city or region you want to visit and add requirements, like “pet-friendly” or “near downtown.” Within the search results, you may find the hotel search unit, usually a list of 4 hotels with a map. Click the unit if you want to continue your search on Google.

How Google ranks hotels

Important: Hotels don’t pay Google to appear in hotel search results and can’t pay to influence their ranking. 

After you enter your search terms, you find a list of hotel results and a map that shows the same results. On mobile, you may find one or the other. By default, these results are sorted by relevance. Dozens of factors are considered in ranking by relevance, including your search terms and various hotel aspects, like:

  • Location
  • Price
  • User ratings and reviews

Your results may be personalized based on your browsing activity and recent searches on Google. If you’re signed in to your Google Account, personalization may also be based on your previous bookings. Your results may include messages to indicate personalization, for example “You searched for this hotel recently.” To control what you find, learn how to adjust your:

You might find one or more paid ads at the top of the results, indicated by an “Ad” badge and the name of the advertiser. These ads are selected and ranked by an auction in which Google considers bids and the quality of the ad. These ads only appear when they’re relevant to your search query and they have no impact on the search results. Learn more about hotel ads.

Narrow your hotel search

Each hotel result gives you a snapshot of that hotel. You can find info like the average user rating, key amenities, and the lowest price from our partners that can be booked for your dates. We tell you if the price is a good value compared to similar hotels in the area by showing a “Deal” or “Great deal” badge. Learn more about how we identify deals

You can also identify hotels whose sustainability practices meet the standards of accredited organizations by the green “eco-certified” badge. Learn more about Sustainability in hotels.

To help you find exactly what you’re searching for, you can adjust results with the filters and sort options at the top of the page. You can: 

  • Adjust your dates or the number of people in your group.
  • Sort your results by lowest price or highest user rating.
  • Filter your results by parameters like price, user rating, hotel class, and amenities.
  • Use the map to find where hotels are located, or adjust your search results based on a specific location.

Tip: Where available, you can also search for vacation rentals instead.

Learn more about a specific hotel

To learn more about a specific hotel, click anywhere on the listing to go to the hotel’s “placesheet” or detail page. Where available, you can also click View prices to get a list of the prices for your dates from Google partners.

On the “Overview” tab of the placesheet, you can find the hotel’s contact info, a link to its website, and driving directions. You can also find snapshots about the hotel’s location, user reviews, photos, and amenities. For more info, go to the relevant tab at the top of the page, or click the links provided. You may also find links to book hotel rooms through Google’s hotel, online travel agency, and metasearch partners.

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