Set up reminders for your notes

You can be reminded of your notes on a particular time or when you reach a specific place.

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Click a note.
  3. At the bottom left, click Remind me Remind me
  4. You can set reminders to go off at a certain time or place:
    • Time reminder: Click one of the default times, or click Pick date & time Pick a date and time. You can also set the reminder to repeat.
    • Location reminder: Click Pick place Pick a place. Then enter the name or address. You'll need to let Keep access your location.
  5. To close your note, click Done or click outside the note.

To change your reminder, click the reminder time or place at the bottom of the note.

Tip: To delete a reminder, in the bottom right, click Delete reminder Delete reminder.

View upcoming reminders

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. At the top left of Keep, click Menu Menu and then Reminders.
  3. You'll see all notes with upcoming reminders.

View reminders that aren't attached to notes

Some reminders may not be attached to notes anymore. You'll be able to see and manage these unattached reminders.

  1. Go to
  2. At the top left of Keep, click Menu Menu and then Reminders.
  3. At the top, you'll see a notification 
  4. Click Review to see the unattached reminders.
  5. You can dismiss the notification or delete any of the unattached reminders.

Change default reminder times

You can change the pre-set reminder times for morning, afternoon, and evening. Learn how to change your default reminder times.

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