Show store visit conversions

If your account is eligible for store visit conversions and you're interested in measuring how Google Ads interactions impact visits to your business’s physical locations, you can set up your reports to show store visit conversions data.

In this article, we’ll help you to understand store visit data in your reports. Learn About store visit conversions

Store visits reporting basics

An animated GIF demonstrating how to add store visits predefined custom columns.

Store visit conversions can appear in different columns in your Google Ads reports. It’s important to set up the right columns for store visits in your reports so that your conversions are displayed (as the columns aren’t included by default). Here are the columns you can add for store visits:

Column Definition
Store visits Store visits is the number of visits to your physical stores after ad interactions, such as text ad clicks or video ad views. “Store Visits” includes all store visits, including those in your “conversions”.
Cost / Store visits

Cost per store visit (Cost / store visits) shows the average cost of a store visit to your business. It's your cost divided by your store visits.

This metric only includes ad interactions that could lead to store visits.

Store visit rate (Store visits / Interactions)

Store visit rate shows how often on average an ad interaction leads to a store visit. It's store visits divided by the interactions with your ad.

Ad interactions include clicks for text ads and views for video ads. This metric only includes interactions that could lead to store visits.

Store visit value Store visit value is the sum of store visit values for your physical store visits.
Store visit value / cost

Store visit value per cost (Store visit value / cost) measures your return on investment. It's the store visit value divided by the total cost of all ad interactions.

The cost in this metric excludes interactions that can't lead to store visits, such as those that happen when you aren't using conversion tracking or through search partners.

Store visit value / interactions

Store visit value per interaction (Store visit value / interactions) is the average store visit value of your ad interactions. It's your store visit value divided by the number of interactions.

This metric doesn't include interactions that couldn't lead to store visits, such as those that happen when you aren't using conversion tracking or through search partners.

Store visit value / store visits Store visit value per store visit (store visit value / store visit) is the average value of your store visits.
View through store visits View-through store visits is the number of visits to your physical stores after users view but don't interact with your ad.
  • Some of the columns for store visits are not compatible with YouTube or Video campaigns.
  • These columns are only available in campaigns, ad group, and keywords reports.

To include store visit conversions in the “Conversions” reporting column, set your store visits goal as an account-default goal.

Differences between the “Conversions” column and “All conversions” column

By default, store visits are reported under the “All Conversions” column, which gives you a view of all the conversions that your Google Ads campaigns drive (including conversions that you’re not specifically bidding towards). The “Conversions” column allows you to customize the data in your reports and to control how you bid for conversions.

Advanced instructions

You can customize your store visits reports in Google Ads to do things like segment your conversions data or add the “All conversions” and “View-through conversions” columns to view store visits with other conversion actions.

Show store visits as part of “All conversions”

To show store visits together with other conversion actions, use the “All conversions” and “View-through conversions” columns.

Note: The “All conv.” column includes all conversions including conversion goals that aren’t account-defaults and secondary conversion actions.

Store visit conversions will be added to the "All conversions" column in your campaign, ad group, keyword, and product group (for Shopping ads) reports. To add the “All conversions” column to your reports:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Depending on the data you’d like to show in your report, select the following:
    • Click the Campaigns drop down select Campaigns, Ad groups, or Ads.
    • Click the Assets drop down in the section menu and click Assets.
    • Click the Audiences, keywords, and content drop down in the section menu, click Search keywords.
  3. Click the columns icon A picture of the Google Ads columns icon above the statistics table.
  4. Select Modify columns from the drop-down.
  5. Click the Conversions section, and check the box next to "All conv.".
  6. Click Apply. The "All conversions" column will now appear in your reports.

If you have YouTube or Display Network campaigns, store visit conversions will also be added to the “View-through conversions” column in your campaign and ad group reports. To add the “View-through conversions” column to your reports:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down, and depending on the data you’d like to show in your report, select Campaigns or Ad groups.
  3. Click the columns icon A picture of the Google Ads columns iconabove the statistics table.
  4. Select Modify columns from the drop-down.
  5. Click the Conversions section, and check the box next to "View-through conv.".
  6. Click Apply. The “View-through conv.” column will now appear in your reports.

Segment your conversions data to show store visits

To show store visits at the campaign, ad group, and keyword level, you can also segment the “All conversions” and “View-through conversions” columns by the conversion source. Conversion source indicates where your customers completed the conversions you’re measuring. Before you begin, make sure you've already added the "All conversions" column to your reports.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Depending on the data you’d like to show in your report:
    • Click the Campaigns drop down, select Campaigns or Ad groups.
    • Click the Audiences, keywords, and content drop down in the section menu, click Search keywords.
  3. Depending on the data you’d like to show in your report, click Campaigns, Ad groups, or Keywords in the left page 
  4. Click the segment icon Segment, then choose from the following options:
    • Select Conversions > Conversion source. Your conversions will be segmented by source, with store visit conversions appearing in the segment “Store visits.”
    • Select Conversions > Conversion action. Rows listing data by each conversion action will display. Find the conversion actions that you use to keep track of store visit conversions.

Create a report for your store visits

Follow the steps below to create a report that focuses on displaying your store visit conversions.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Report editor.
  4. Select Store visit.

Learn more about how to Create custom reports in Report Editor

Tips for understanding store visits reporting

Because we use modeling to report store visits, there are some nuances which make store visits different from online conversions.

  • Our model runs often, constantly updating to provide accurate reporting for your store visits. This means that you will find store visit values for recent days change as the model collects updated information.
  • Visits are attributed to ad clicks or ad impressions. This means that visits are reported by ad click or impression date, not the eventual visit date.
  • We always recommend that you look at the store visits data after the conversion window has passed, as the recent data within the conversion window can still change over time while more conversions continue to be recorded.
  • There is a standard reporting delay for store visits, which means that you may find 0 conversions for the past 5 days. Store visits are reported based on the day of the interaction, but it may take some time for the actual visits to occur and for the model to report your visits accurately.
  • If you have a Google Ads manager account, store visits can always be viewed at the manager or client account level. However, if conversion tracking is set up at the manager account level, store visits will be deduped across client accounts.
  • If conversion tracking is set up at the manager account level, the count of store visits at the manager account level should always be equal to the sum of store visits for all the client accounts that are tracking store visit conversions under the manager account.

Learn more about Store visits reporting FAQs.

Understand changes in your store visits reporting

If the store visits in your account change drastically or stop reporting completely for an extended period of time, there are 2 possible causes.

  • Changes in customer behavior: Customer behavior can change throughout the year. Changes like seasonality or current events may affect traffic to your store.
  • Changes in account setup: Changes in your Business Profile, location assets, affiliate location assets, conversion settings (for example, conversion window or conversion status), location targeting, and more can directly affect your store visit conversions. If you’re concerned that store visits have fluctuated, make sure the account setup for store visits is correct and hasn’t changed.

Use this troubleshooter if you still have questions.

Using the "Diagnostics" page for store visits

If you have questions about store visits reporting in your account, use the "Diagnostics" page to get the overall status of store visits reporting. On this page, you can view detailed information about specific issues in your account that can affect store visits reporting.

How to access the "Diagnostics" page

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon.
  2. To check the store visits, scroll the “Summary” page under “Conversions”.
  3. Click on the active store visits conversion action name to open the “Store visits” page, then click Diagnostics.
Note: You need to have the store visits conversion action in your account to access the "Diagnostics" page. If you don’t have store visits in your account, learn more about store visits conversions and eligibility.

How to review the "Diagnostics" page

The "Diagnostics" page for store visits conversion action provides the following details to help advertisers better understand the current status of their store visits reporting:
  • Current status: Indicates the store visits reporting status.
  • Locations: Indicates whether the account has locations linked (affiliate location assets or location assets).
  • Campaigns running location assets: Indicates how many of the account’s campaigns are running location assets. Store visits data is only reported for campaigns that are actively running location assets.
  • Location verification: Indicates the percentage of the account’s locations which are verified in the Business Profile, as locations must be verified to report store visits. If Location Assets or affiliate location assets are enabled through linking to Google chains, these locations are already verified.
  • Data thresholds: Indicates whether the account has enough data to meet the privacy thresholds and report store visit conversions.
  • Conversion tracking set-up: Indicates that the conversion tracking for the account is set at the manager account level. This will only show if conversion tracking is set up at the manager account level.
  • Conversion value: Indicates whether the account has added a custom conversion value for store visits (for example, to be used with Smart Bidding).

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