Third-party in-stream audio tags

If you host your in-stream audio ads on an ad server other than Display & Video 360 or Campaign Manager 360, you can add them to Display & Video 360.

Before you get started, you'll need VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) tags. While it's called a Video Ad Serving Template, it works for audio too. Display & Video 360 supports VAST 2.0, VAST 3.0, and VAST 4.0. You can check the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s specifications (2.0, 3.0, 4.0) to find which features are available in each version. The Digital Audio Ad Serving Template (DAAST) is not supported.

Add a new third-party audio creative and paste in the VAST tag URL.

After you add tags to Display & Video 360, they’re automatically wrapped with an impression tracking macro and a click tracking macro. With these macros, you can view the number of impressions, clicks, and conversions associated with the creative in Display & Video 360.

Verified providers

Display & Video 360 supports all third-party audio providers, but tags from the following providers are verified to work:

  • A Million Ads
  • Audion
  • Innovid

Add a third-party in-stream audio tag

If you want to add one tag, follow these steps. If you need to upload more than one tag, save time with bulk upload.

  1. Open an advertiser, then click Creatives in the left menu.

  2. On the page that loads, click New and then Third party and then Third-party audio.

  3. Enter a name for the creative.

  4. Enter the VAST tag URL.

  5. (Optional) Click Additional details to add an integration code or notes.

  6. Save your creative.

After you save, it’ll take a few minutes for Display & Video 360 to process the audio and detect the duration, whether it has a skip button, supported audio technologies, and whether it has companions. When processing is complete, you can preview your audio creative.

Display & Video 360 manually and automatically reviews your creatives to make sure they work. Creatives are also checked to make sure they comply with Google's ad policies and the policies of exchanges they can serve on. You can check the status of your creatives in the Creative status tab.

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