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Configuring the Game Center
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Learn about each of the games in more details below: 


Crossword Puzzle

  • Objective: Complete the crossword using the clues provided for each word. 

  • Points: A user earns points by speed of completing the crossword, accuracy, difficulty and number of hints used.

  • Settings: There are 2 difficulty levels. Easy Mode automatically highlights incorrect letters in red.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • Users may access a crossword puzzle generator in the Game Center.

  • This game uses the course's flashcards to generate a unique crossword puzzle using the back of the flashcards as clues and the front of the flashcards as the words in the puzzle.

The Game Center section must be in use. 


The course must have at least 20 flashcards that have a front side (i.e. the term defined) with two words or less - a minimum of 4 or more alphanumeric characters.


At the current time, crossword puzzles cannot be turned on via your tenant. 


Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard at tenant and course levels. To toggle setting on/off, follow instructions found here.


Sudden Death

  • Objective: Answer as many consecutive practice questions correctly as possible. The game ends when the user answers a question incorrectly. 
  • Points: Points are earned based on their win streak length.
  • Settings: A user chooses both the category and subcategory of practice questions, depending on how narrowly they want to focus. A user cannot determine the difficulty level of questions, but if the course offers such, the difficulty level of each practice question will appear next to the right of any question.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • Learners can access "Sudden Death” in the Game Center. 

  • The game ends when the learner answers a question incorrectly.

  • A user has one life; hence the name Sudden Death. After a user answers a question incorrectly, the “Confirm” button becomes “See Score” and will direct the end user to a summary page.

The course must have at least one practice question, and we recommend not turning it on via feature access unless there are 20 or more practice questions. 


Sudden Death may not be suitable for courses with free response questions because questions need to be in a multiple choice format.



Configurable at Tenant & Course levels:


Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. More info here.




Card Picker

  • Objective: Correctly match Side 1 of the flashcard with Side 2. Each round, a different term from Side 1 appears with 6 possible matches below. The user chooses a Side 2 from these 6 possible matches. 

  • Points: They will earn points for successful pairings and speed of answering. 

  • Settings: A user does not set a level of difficulty for this game, just a category of flashcards.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • Users may access the game “Card Picker” in the Game Center.

  • This game shows users the front of one flashcard - they must identify the back of that flashcard from a pool of options.

The course must have at least 20 flashcards.


Configurable at the Course level.  


Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. More info here.


Card Hunter I

  • Objective: Match one pair of related cards each round.

  • Points: A user earns points for successful pairings and speed of answering. 

  • Settings: A user does not set a level of difficulty for this game, just a category of flashcards. The system tracks the total time it takes to complete a game.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • Users may access the game “Card Hunter I” in the Game Center.

  • In round 1, the game presents 4 cards: 2 definitions and 2 terms.

  • Only 1 pair will match; the other 2 are random. To score and move on to the next round, the user must match the proper cards.

  • If they fail, they will lose a life and restart the round with 4 cards.

  • Two additional cards are added after each round a user completes successfully with a maximum of 14 total cards per game.

The course must have at least 20 flashcards.


Configurable at the Course level.  


Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. More info here.


Card Hunter II

  • Objective: Like Card Hunter I, you must match one pair of related terms. 

  • Points: A user scores based on accuracy, speed of answering and level of difficulty. If the user fails to match the cards, they will lose a life. 

  • Settings: A user sets both the difficulty level as well as flashcard category at the start. The system tracks the total time it takes to complete a game.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • The number of cards in every round depends on the level of difficulty set by the user; whereas in Card Hunter I, the number of cards increases after each round you answer correctly.

  • Easy has 4 cards while Medium has 8 and Hard has 16. Among all the cards, only two can be matched correctly. The other cards are random.

  • The users must choose the 2 cards that match to score. 

The course must have at least 20 flashcards.


Configurable at the Course level.  


Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. More info here.


Card Coupler

  • Objective: Match 8 pairs of cards (16 cards total). 

  • Points: Points are earned based on speed of answering and number of attempts. For each time a user peeks, they will lose points in his final score.

  • Settings: A user cannot set the difficulty for this game.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • Users may access the game “Card Coupler” in the Game Center.

  • This is a simple memory game where learners must find and match flashcards’ front and back sides from a slate of face-down cards.

  • At the start of the game, a user sees side 1 and side 2 of each flashcard. After they click play, the cards turn over and shuffle amongst themselves.

  • The user must remember side 1 and side 2 of each flashcard as well as their locations on the board. If he successfully pairs 2 cards, the cards will disappear from the board.

  • If they fail to pair 2 cards, both cards will turn back over, face-down. The game is over when all eight pairs are matched.

  • A user can take a peek at the cards by clicking on the “Peek” link, which will turn over and show all cards for 10 seconds. 

The course must have at least 20 flashcards.


Configurable at the Course level.  


Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. More info here.


Card Sweeper

  • Objective: Match all the cards on the board.
  • Points: Points are earned based on speed of answering and number of attempts.

  • Settings: A user cannot set the difficulty level of this game.

Learner Experience


How To Configure

  • Users may access the game “Card Sweeper” in the Game Center.

  • At the start of the game, the board appears with 16 cards, 8 of which are blank. Among the other 8 is 1 successful match.

  • If a user pairs side 1 and side 2 correctly, those cards will disappear, 1 side will be added, and the remaining cards will shuffle. Of those 7 cards (6 existing, 1 new), there is a new successful match.

  • If you pair the new match, this process will repeat. Once you match all the cards successfully, there will be no cards left to match and you will win!

  • When you pair a set incorrectly, the game will add two cards and re-shuffle. If you start with 8 and match incorrectly, 10 cards will appear in a new order (8 existing, 2 new). At this point, there are two successful matches on the board but the learner will only be expected to match one correctly.

  • If you continue to match cards incorrectly, the board will fill up, at which point the game ends and you will lose. 

The course must have at least 20 flashcards.


Configurable at the Course level.  


Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. More info here.


Timers in the Games

Games that award points based on the speed of a user's answer will have two timers in the game:


  1. Round Timer - This timer keeps track of how quickly a user answers and points are earned based on this time. If the game is paused for review, the timer will also pause. This timer is not visible to users during the game.
  2. Total Timer - This timer shows the user how much time they've spent in total including answering and reviewing their answers. This timer is visible to users during the game and is also presented at the end of the game.

Snake Game (Hidden!)

The snake game is 'hidden' and only appears when the Game Center Leaderboards feature access is turned on. To access the game learners must click on the “loading” icon next to any games LeaderBoard.

  • Objective: Collect orbs to increase score and the snake's body length.
  • Points: Points are earned based on the number of orbs collected on a single attempt.  (scores are not stored for this game)
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