Change the original tempo of audio regions in Logic Pro for iPad
The Original Tempo field in the Region inspector shows the tempo the audio file was recorded in. This is a read-only value that can’t be changed for audio Apple Loops. For a standard audio file, you can set the parameter to a different value to change the playback speed of the audio file. However, the change is only applied when the audio file has Flex & Follow turned on in the Region inspector, and Flex is turned on in the Track inspector.
For example, if the project tempo is set to 120 bpm and you record an audio file, it shows 120 as the Original Tempo value. Changing the project tempo to 60 bpm causes the audio file to play back at half the speed (if the Flex parameter in the Track inspector and the Flex & Follow parameter in the Region inspector are turned on). Now, when you change the Original Tempo parameter from 120 to 60, the audio file plays at its original speed.
Set the Original Tempo value for audio regions
Select one or multiple audio regions in the Tracks area or the Audio Editor.
Tap the Inspector button on the left side of the view control bar (or press I on your external keyboard) to open the Region inspector.
Tap the General disclosure arrow to show the General parameters.
Tap the Original Tempo field to open the numeric input dialog and enter a numeric value.
Note: The edited tempo change is only applied when the audio file has Flex & Follow turned on in the Region inspector, and Flex is turned on in the Track inspector.
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