Record and edit takes in cells in Logic Pro for iPad
When you set the Recording parameter to Takes, each new recording in a cell creates a new take. If a cell contains takes, a take symbol is displayed in the lower-left corner of the cell. You can choose and preview each take individually, even while the cell is playing. You can also rename, delete, flatten, move, and copy takes.
In Logic Pro, tap the Cell Edit button , tap a cell containing takes to select it, tap it again, then tap Takes in the menu.
In Logic Pro, open the Takes menu, then tap the take you want to hear.
Touch and hold the Cell Trigger button in the Live Loops menu bar to momentarily switch to Cell Trigger mode, then tap the cell to hear the take.
Let go of the Cell Trigger button to return to Cell Edit mode.
In Logic Pro, open the Takes menu, then choose the take you want to rename.
Open the Takes menu again, then tap Rename Take.
Enter the new name in the dialog that appears, then tap Rename.
In Logic Pro, open the Takes menu, then choose the take you want to delete.
Open the Takes menu again, then tap Delete Take.
You can copy or move takes to other cells, scenes, or tracks.
In Logic Pro, open the Takes menu, then choose the take you want to copy or move.
To copy a take, open the Takes menu again, then choose any of the following from the “Copy Take to” submenu:
New Scene: Copies the currently selected take to a new scene.
Next Empty Cell Right: Copies the take to the next empty cell to the right.
New Track: Copies the take to a new track below the current track.
Next Matching Empty Cell Below: Copies the take to the next empty cell on the same kind of track below.
To move a take, open the Takes menu again, then choose any of the following from the “Move Take to” submenu:
New Scene: Moves the currently selected take to a new scene.
Next Empty Cell Right: Moves the take to the next empty cell to the right.
New Track: Moves the take to a new track below the current track.
Next Matching Empty Cell Below: Moves the take to the next empty cell on the same kind of track below.
You can unpack a cell take folder to other cells, scenes, or tracks.
In Logic Pro, open the Takes menu, then choose one of the following from the “Unpack Take Cell to” submenu:
New Scenes: Unpacks each take to a new scene.
Next Empty Cells Right: Unpacks each take to the next empty cells to the right.
New Tracks: Unpacks each take to a new track below the current track.
Next Matching Empty Cells Below: Unpacks each take to the next empty cell on the same kind of track below.