In pad settings for empty pads, you can edit any of the following for each pad:
Input Note: Choose an input note number for the pad. You can assign multiple pads to the same input note, allowing you to create layered sounds consisting of multiple channel strips with different instruments.
Output Note: Choose an output note number for the pad. For more information, see How Drum Machine Designer handles notes.
Learn Input Note: Activate MIDI learn for the pad’s input note. For more information, see Use MIDI learn with an external MIDI controller.
Create DMD Subtrack: Creates a new channel strip and subtrack for the pad with no instrument loaded.
In pad settings for assigned pads, you can also edit any of the following for each pad:
Kit Piece Name: Choose a new name for the kit piece.
Kit Name: Choose a new kit name for the kit piece.
Note: If the kit name for a kit piece is different to the overall name of the kit, tapping Update Kit Name for Kit Piece undoes changes made here.
Icon: Open a window where you can choose a kit piece icon from several categories. Select a category from the list and tap an icon to assign it to the kit piece.
Color: Chose a color for the pad icon.
Update Kit Name for Kit Piece: Choose to apply the current kit name to the selected kit piece.
Exclusive Group: Choose a choke group for the pad. You can assign multiple pads to the same group. As soon as one drum sound in the group is triggered, all other sounds in that same group are stopped. For example, you could group three pads with open, semi-closed, and closed hi-hat sounds. Only one of these sounds can be played at a time, mirroring the behavior of real hi-hats.
Resample Pad: Choose to initiate a resampling process. This sends the input note of the selected pad to Drum Machine Designer, which plays the assigned instrument(s), inclusive of all channel strip and main track plug-ins. The resulting Drum Machine Designer output is resampled, and loaded into a new Quick Sampler instance on a new channel strip and subtrack, which is automatically assigned to the first available (lowest numbered) unassigned pad.
Clear Pad: Remove the kit piece assigned to the pad. This clears the channel strip of the pad subtrack but doesn’t delete the subtrack.