Vintage Clav color controls in Logic Pro for iPad
Central to the D6 sound are the color switches. The four tone controls of the D6 are switchable high or low pass filters that change the preamplifier EQ response in the original instrument.
Color parameters
Filter switches: The four filter switches emulate the original tone control switches of the D6. Brilliant and Treble are different high pass filters that create an edgy and punchy tone. The Medium and Soft switches act as a low pass filter for mellower, darker tones. Experiment with different switch combinations.
Brilliant switch: Make the sound nasal with a strong bass cut.
Medium switch: Make the sound thinner with a slight bass reduction.
Treble switch: Make the sound sharper with a gentle bass cut.
Soft switch: Make the sound softer or more muted.
Brilliance knob and field: Set the level of the harmonic content caused by string excitation. Positive values—to the right—result in a sharper sound. Negative values result in a more muted sound.
Decay knob and field: Set the decay time of the strings, following the attack phase of a played note. Positive values increase the decay time. Negative values reduce the decay time.
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