Space Designer main parameters in Logic Pro for iPad
Space Designer can use either recorded impulse response files or synthesized impulse responses. The Sampled IR and Synthesized IR buttons switch the impulse response mode.
Important: To convolve audio in real time, Space Designer must first calculate any parameter adjustments to the impulse response. This requires a moment or two following parameter edits.
Main parameters
These parameters globally affect the impulse response.
Predelay knob and field: Set the reverb predelay time, or time between the original signal and the first reflections from the reverb.
Predelay Sync button: Turn on to restrict Predelay knob values to divisions synchronized with the project tempo.
Length knob and field: Adjust the length of the impulse response. This control works in conjunction with the Size knob.
Size knob and field: Adjust the sample rate of the loaded impulse response file, thereby changing the perceived size of the reverb by widening or narrowing the room. Size can also be used to preserve the original length of the impulse response when changing the sample rate with the Quality pop-up menu found in the Details section.
The Size knob value has an impact on the decay because it is multiplied with the Length knob value. To explain, when you rotate the Length knob to its maximum value and use a Size knob value of 100%, this results in a decay that is the full length of the loaded impulse response.
X-Over Freq slider and field: The X-Over Freq slider sets the crossover frequency. Any impulse response frequency that falls below this value is affected by the Lo Spread knob. Frequencies above are affected by the Hi Spread knob.
Lo and Hi Spread knobs and fields: The spread controls set the perceived width of the stereo field.
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