Overview of keyboard shortcuts in Logic Pro for iPad
You can perform various functions in Logic Pro for iPad using an external computer keyboard with your iPad. Keyboard shortcuts may consist of either a single alphanumeric key or an alphanumeric key and one or more modifier keys (Fn, Shift, Control, Option, and Command). The keyboard shortcuts show the symbols for the corresponding modifier keys.
Tip: With the Universal Control feature in macOS, you can use the keyboard and trackpad on your desktop or laptop computer to control Logic Pro on your iPad. Move your mouse pointer against the edge of your computer screen, and it appears on your iPad screen.
Modifier key
Fn ()
A gray frame around an area or view in Logic Pro indicates that the area has key focus. This is the target of the keyboard shortcut.
Press and hold the Command key ⌘ on your external keyboard until the page appears.
Only keyboard shortcuts that are relevant to the area that has focus are displayed.
Swipe left or right on the iPad to browse through the list.
Press the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate the list, then press Return to execute the selected command.
To close the keyboard shortcuts, do one of the following:
Press the Command key ⌘ on your external keyboard.
Press the Esc key on your external keyboard.
Tap outside the list.
Press and hold the Command key ⌘ on your external keyboard until the keyboard shortcuts appear.
Press Shift-Command-/.
You can also tap the Search button .
Start typing the first few letters of the shortcut’s name. As you type, the matching keyboard shortcuts are listed.
To proceed, do any of the following:
Press the Esc key to close the search field and return to the keyboard shortcuts. You can also tap Cancel next to the search field.
Tap outside the search field or press Esc twice to close the keyboard shortcuts.